
This plugin add private settings for PvP for Bukkit/Spigot minecraft servers! Plugin works on version 1.8+ !!!.

Source code is available on: https://github.com/xgh69/PvpToggle
Contact: xgh69 @ openmailbox.org

Current release version is: 2.1
Current snapshot version is: null

- If player's pvp protection is enabled player cannot hurt any players, and players cannot hurt him.
- Admins can change players settings with command /pvpadmin
- Anty-logout
- Block /pvp command if region's pvp flag is allowed.
- Block any commands in fight.
- Block ender pearls in fight.
- Block gamemode creative in fight.
- Block fly in fight.
- WorldGuard flags supported.
- /pvp enable - enable your pvp protection
- /pvp disable - disable your pvp protection
- /pvp status - get your status of pvp protection
- /pvpadmin info - get informations of plugin
- /pvpadmin reload - reload configuration
- /pvpadmin enable <player> - enable player's pvp protection
- /pvpadmin disable <player> - disable player's pvp protection
- /pvpadmin status <player> - get player's status of pvp protection
- pvptoggle.admin - for /pvpadmin
- '$player' will be replace to player name

- 1.0:

- Added UUID support.

- 1.1:

- Removed API class. Please use PvpToggle class to use API.
- Repaired translations/
- Added subcommands to /pvptoggle.

- 1.2:

- Removed PvPManager class.
- Repaired bugs.

- 1.3:

- Added 'settings' category to config.yml
- Repaired bugs.

- 1.4:

- Added join messages with pvp status (idea from private message from @seema23)
- Added subcommands 'help' for /pvpadmin and /pvp. (idea from private message from @seema23)
- Added subcommand 'version' to /pvpadmin.
- Added arguments aliases 'on' to /pvp enable and /pvpadmin enable.
- Added arguments aliases 'off' to /pvp disable and /pvpadmin disable.
- Removed subcommand 'info' from /pvpadmin and /pvp.
- Repaired bug with getting unknown message from config.yml.
- Created new checking dependency system.
- Added blocking ender pearls on fight.
- Added blocking gamemode creative on fight.
- Added blocking fly on fight.
- Repaired bugs.
- Other.

- 1.5:

- Repaired critical bug.

- 1.6:

- Added new options to config.yml.
- Repaired bugs.

- 1.7:

- Added debugging mode (/pvpadmin debug enable).
- Repaired bugs.

- 1.8:

- Added messages on action bar (how to enable it, please set 'use_packets' to true in config).
- Repaired bugs.

- 1.9:

- Removed packets from code.
- Changed time format to unix time.

- 2.0:

- Repaired bug with bows.

- 2.1 (NEW, needs approval!):

- Added event PvpToggleDebugEvent.
- Default config is only English.
- Command /pvpadmin reload restart PvpToggle plugin, not configuration.
- Removed tag on chat, if player is in fight.

Please report bugs on https://github.com/xgh69/PvpToggle/issues !
Please donate for project to bitcoin address 1G3KuKjzsdc4FDsRSzVj6dnk6QmrpLJ4WL


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 8, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Dec 29, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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