PVP Stats
You want to keep track of your users' PVP actions? There you go. Drop the jar into your plugin folder, restart the server, change the config, restart for good measure - done!
API Documentation: Code examples for developers (GitHub)
Latest Builds: Invite to my Discord
This plugin features saving of kills, deaths and killstreaks to a configurable database. If you do not have a database, it will default to YML. We recommend using SQLite, as the servers support it out of the box.
PVP Stats will create the databases for you! You just need to setup the database connection/settings in the config if you want to go for MySQL.
Commands: Detailed example pages (GitHub)
Permission nodes: Detailed table (GitHub)
Q: How do I change the placeholder colors?
A: You can change the formatting of player outputs, including placeholders, in the lang.yml, look for "format:", by default it is red (&c) and gray (&7).
Q: How do I change the numbered output?
A: In the same file, lang.yml, look for "numbers:" it contains only two things, the number area (%0%) and the values (%1%), if you don't like the colon, or want different formatting here, you can change this.
Q: I kill someone and the kill is not counted!
A: Did you just kill the same player earlier? There is an abuse check to prevent this. Set checkAbuse to false if you do not want that.
Q: I died by myself and it reset my kill streak!
A: You can disable this by setting preventRegularDeaths to false
Configuration: Commented config (GitHub)
Database options:
- a MySQL database
OR - SQLite installed
FALLBACK: - YML Files (probably slow)
Recommended Holographic Leaderboard Setup:
I recommend using Holographic Displays and Holographic Scoreboards (I fixed a small startup issue for MC 1.13: download).
With these plugins, you can set up holographic displays for example /pvpstats top kills 10 - if you only want a representation of a top-(or flop-)leaderboard, I suggest you use this setup.
Example for top 6 kills scoreboard:
<span style="color: #008000;">/hgs create YourBoardName 1m console pvpstats top kills 6</span>
Alternative Setup with Placeholders:
You need
- PlaceholderAPI
- Holographic Displays
- Holographic Extension
- Dependencies of the plugins above
Then you can create more detailed holograms with the PAPI placeholders.
Placeholder API Player Placeholders: Detailed examples (GitHub)
- pandapipino for the idea :)
Source: GitHub
Phoning home
To determine popularity and usage of PVP Stats, the server contacts my private server for information purposes. It sends your port, IP (for proper server counting), and the plugin version. That's it! If you want to disable that, set "tracker" to false in the config!
for some reason it doesnt support the PAPI Placeholders on my scoreboard,
any idea? :o
Is there a way to change the rank of the player in the placeholder slipcorpvpstats_top_kills_1 by something else like a symbol * because it don't fit in my scoreboard
I can change the color of the player's rank but that's all I can do...
In reply to NotFirelex:
Well the rank is pasting a number into two language setting nodes:
first it places 1) name and 2) value [kills in your case] into the "info:" node,
then this gets put as 1) number and 2) above text into the "numbers:" node
Note that as this is coding stuff number 1) is %0% and number 2) is %1% :D
In reply to NotFirelex:
you can now change the placeholders to be much shorter, check out the github for more info, and update the plugin to a version above v1.11.18 before trying :D
You might have to wait for my file to be approved. Then: click me
Hi, I just need to add monsters kill counter support as well and it would be perfect for me
Works Perfectly, Can you put a variable like {kills} because i want to use it in Essentials Chat
In reply to Al3rb:
It`s not working for some reason.
When I do /pvpstats it says player not found. No error in console. I don`t know what to do
Great plugin, but I ran into some issues. Whenever players join, the server lags a bit and stutters. As shown in the timings, https://timings.aikar.co/?id=e8e0d73d7d1442f28059e79d2e5c2cc0 . This timings was taken during a stress test where multiple accounts would join then leave. Can we expect a solution or is it not possible?
EDIT: I can't get the plugin to update the ELO score after dying/killing a player. I have made sure the world is not disabled, and that the plugin is updated, any help would be appreciated.
it says
mysql connection failed
mysql disabled, plugin disabled
Well, did you check that the connection details are correct? Without a mysql database, the plugin will not do anything, so it disables.
Do you know if this works with MC 1.11 or do you plan to update for 1.11? Thanks
it should work. if not, please tell me what does not and I will try to check. Sadly I have no server (with database) so I need info about what does not work or what kinds of errors you get
I purge the database once a week as I use this plugin for weekly stats. To purge I run this command every sunday:
pvpstats purge both 0
did you look into purging the database? Maybe you can remove some things, based on time?
Hi, "PSListener::onPlayerDeath(PlayerDeathEvent)" from this plugin seems to be causing quite bad lag on my server. Timings show PCT tick at 470%. I use a locally hosted MySQL setup for this plugin
It did turn out that the database I was using , was sluggish at times . The database isnt a problem no more , as I finally installd a local mysql .
What does it say when the server starts, does it say anythign about pvpstats at all? Check your config setting about your SQL server
Sorry but the plugin doesnt even work it doesn't register any kill or death or anything and no error in the console
1) it should update instantly when stuff happens
2) so the database stays empty? What does the log say?