PVP Stats
You want to keep track of your users' PVP actions? There you go. Drop the jar into your plugin folder, restart the server, change the config, restart for good measure - done!
API Documentation: Code examples for developers (GitHub)
Latest Builds: Invite to my Discord
This plugin features saving of kills, deaths and killstreaks to a configurable database. If you do not have a database, it will default to YML. We recommend using SQLite, as the servers support it out of the box.
PVP Stats will create the databases for you! You just need to setup the database connection/settings in the config if you want to go for MySQL.
Commands: Detailed example pages (GitHub)
Permission nodes: Detailed table (GitHub)
Q: How do I change the placeholder colors?
A: You can change the formatting of player outputs, including placeholders, in the lang.yml, look for "format:", by default it is red (&c) and gray (&7).
Q: How do I change the numbered output?
A: In the same file, lang.yml, look for "numbers:" it contains only two things, the number area (%0%) and the values (%1%), if you don't like the colon, or want different formatting here, you can change this.
Q: I kill someone and the kill is not counted!
A: Did you just kill the same player earlier? There is an abuse check to prevent this. Set checkAbuse to false if you do not want that.
Q: I died by myself and it reset my kill streak!
A: You can disable this by setting preventRegularDeaths to false
Configuration: Commented config (GitHub)
Database options:
- a MySQL database
OR - SQLite installed
FALLBACK: - YML Files (probably slow)
Recommended Holographic Leaderboard Setup:
I recommend using Holographic Displays and Holographic Scoreboards (I fixed a small startup issue for MC 1.13: download).
With these plugins, you can set up holographic displays for example /pvpstats top kills 10 - if you only want a representation of a top-(or flop-)leaderboard, I suggest you use this setup.
Example for top 6 kills scoreboard:
<span style="color: #008000;">/hgs create YourBoardName 1m console pvpstats top kills 6</span>
Alternative Setup with Placeholders:
You need
- PlaceholderAPI
- Holographic Displays
- Holographic Extension
- Dependencies of the plugins above
Then you can create more detailed holograms with the PAPI placeholders.
Placeholder API Player Placeholders: Detailed examples (GitHub)
- pandapipino for the idea :)
Source: GitHub
Phoning home
To determine popularity and usage of PVP Stats, the server contacts my private server for information purposes. It sends your port, IP (for proper server counting), and the plugin version. That's it! If you want to disable that, set "tracker" to false in the config!
It working but can't save any stats of player. all connection are correct
i want to ask. when will it update data to mysql ? can you update command for owner to update for user ?
It seems that PlaceholderAPI changed how it works and I do not understand it.
About the error, no idea what I can do about it, please on your end if the server has issues, because those kinds of errors should not be plugin related but database related :/
In addition to the PVP Stats placeholders I use from PlaceholderAPI not working any more . I have been getting the following error :
I tried this together with the other thing I am about to reply to, and it failed miserably. So I still have to find a way to get a proper MySQL hook that does not break. The pooling seems to be volatile, or I am unable to :P PRs are welcome ;)
I tried this together with the above and removed it because of said reasons. However the SQLite thing should work (as it is sync) - but ... you do realize what this does, right? I expect this to lag real bad. But ... some people have requested it over the years, I might have found an implementation, I will check it out
How did you come to this conclusion? The thread dump does not reference anything close to PVP Stats (it would contain "net.slipcor"), not even anything about SQL ... so...
I have to disagree and hope you find the issue! If you find another stacktrace that actually contains my plugin somewhere, please use www.pastebin.com next time, it is better suited for reading :)
And yeah, I would like to fix it, but I need something that points to my code :/
I believe your server is crashing my ffa server, please fix this!
Hey can you add Sqlite database as well? :( It won't load without mysql
[04:40:27] [Server thread/INFO]: [pvpstats] Enabling pvpstats v0.8.29
[04:40:27] [Server thread/ERROR]: [pvpstats] MySQL disabled, plugin DISABLED!
[04:40:27] [Server thread/INFO]: [pvpstats] Disabling pvpstats v0.8.29
[04:40:27] [Server thread/INFO]: [pvpstats] disabled. (version 0.8.29)
Does the plugin save asynch? Because i'd like to know if it can manage and save without lag lot of data from lot of players!