

Use nbt command:

  • /powernbt ...
  • /pnbt ...
  • /nbt ...

Use nbt command in silent mode (without displaying a messages):

  • /powernbt. ...
  • /pnbt. ...
  • /nbt. ...

(command) (required param) (optional param)

Browse tags

You can browse nbt tree structure using this command:

object - Object that contains NBT tag.
/nbt inventory - show items in your inventory as nbt list
/nbt block - show nbt of target block
/nbt item - show nbt tag of item in hand

query (optional) - Query to view nested tags.
/nbt block . - empty query for block. Command is similar to /nbt block
/nbt me HealF - show your health
/nbt *admin EnderItems[0].id - show id of first item in admin's enderchest

view-mode (optional) - View mode of tag

Edit tags

Set new value for nbt tag:

value - New value of nbt tag
Value can be: number, string, hexadecimal value, color, array of numbers
/nbt me foodLevel = 20 - set your food level to full (20)

type (optional in some cases) - Type of value
Type can be: any of nbt tag type
Type is required for numeric values. In other cases type is optional.
/nbt buffer foo = 12 float - set new value (12 of type float) to tag "foo" in buffer compound

Set new value from other object:

object1 - Object to be changed

query1 (optional) - Value in object be changed (query)

object2 - Object whose value will be read

query2 (optional) - Query to get the specific value of object2

/nbt $playerFile = *playerName - save all tags of playerName to file playerFile.nbt
/nbt me HealF = $playerFile HealF - set value of your health to stored in playerFile.nbt in tag "HealF"

Move value (cut and paste):

Value will be removed from object1 and set to object2

Swap values:

Values of the objects will be swapped
/nbt block Items <> me Inventory - swap your inventory with targeted chest

Add value:

Add value to object1
Behavior is different for the following cases:
Object is number, value is number - increace number
Object is string - concatenate
Object is list or array, value is list or array - add all items from value to object
Object is compound and value is compound - add all entries from value to object
/nbt me HealF += 2 - Increace your hp by 2
/nbt me HealF += -2 - Decreace your hp by 2

Same as above, but value is read from object2

Insert value to special position

Insert value to object to special position Object in left side must be an list or array.

before: item display.Lore = ["Lore1","Lore2","Lore3","Lore4"]
/nbt item display.Lore insert 2 "New Lore" - insert "New lore" to position 2 in list
after: item display.Lore = ["Lore1","Lore2","New Lore","Lore3","Lore4"]

Same as above, but value is read from object2

Bitwise operations v0.8.2+

&= - bitwise AND
|= - bitwise OR
|= - bitwise XOR
inverse, inv - bitwise NOT

/nbt item HideFlags |= b0000100 - hide "Unbreakable" display property in item
/nbt item HideFlags &= b1111110 - show "ench" display property in item
/nbt item HideFlags ^= b0000010 - toggle "AttributeModifiers" display property in item

Multiplication v0.8.2+

Multiply left value to right value.
All values must be a numbers

Rename tags

Rename tag:

Rename tag in compound to newName

/nbt item a.b.c rename d - same as /nbt item a.b.c >> item a.b.d
/nbt item display.Loer rename Lore - example of typo

Remove tags

Remove tag

If query is not present, it will attempt to remove object
Examples: /nbt item display remove - remove all display attributes of item
/nbt $filename remove - remove file filename.nbt


Each player has his buffer (clipboard)

Copy value to buffer

Cut value to buffer

Paste value from buffer

/nbt me Inventory copy - copy your inventory to buffer (clipboard)
/nbt buffer [0].tag.display.Name = "new Name of item" - change value in buffer
/nbt me Inventory paste - paste buffer back to your inventory


Each player has his set of variables (aliases)

After this command you can use a variable as if using the object

%variable - Name of variable

//nbt %b set block - set block as variable %b
//nbt block as %b - set block as variable %b
//nbt %b Items - Now you can use a variable %b as if you using a block

Spawn entities

Spawn entity by NBT tag:

world - World where spawn entity
This parameter is optional for players and command blocks.

Required tags in left side to spawn entity:
id - entity Savegame ID
Pos - position of entity. List of double values

/nbt {id:Pig,Pos:[1d,100d,2d],Riding:{id:MinecartRideable}} spawn world1 - spawn pig in minecart at position 1:100:2 in world world1
/nbt id123(Creeper) copy - copy entity value to buffer
/nbt buffer Pos = me Pos - change position stored in buffer to your position
/nbt buffer spawn - spawn entity at your position

Debug mode

Enable or disable debug mode:

  • /nbt debug on|off


Object is special container that can contains nbt tag.
Plugin can read tags from it, save, and remove container.

You can use these objects:

  • me
    you =) as player
  • item, i
    item in hand (only tagged items)
  • block, b
    block at the line of sight
  • chunk v0.8.1+
    chunk in player's position
  • id<?>
    entity with specified id. Example: id102
  • x:y:z:world
    block at position x:y:z in world
  • chunk:x:z:world v0.8.1+
    chunk at position x:z in world. Example: chunk:5:7:MainWorld
  • buffer, c
    your clipboard
  • *name
    online player. Example: *Notch
  • @name
    offline player's .dat file. Example: @Notch
  • %variable
    variable. Example: %skeleton
  • inventory, inv
    your inventory. (alias for "me Inventory")
  • hand, h v0.8.2+
    Selected slot in your inventory. (alias for "me Inventory[n]")
  • $name
    file name.nbt in folder plugins/PowerNBT/nbt/
  • $$name
    compressed file name.nbtz in folder plugins/PowerNBT/nbt/ (inner Data tag)
  • file:filename
    file in minecraft folder.
    Example: file:plugins\myplugin\file.dat
    filename can be enclosed in quotes: file:"file:plugins/myplugin/file.dat"
  • gzip:filename
    compressed file in minecraft folder.
  • sch:schematicName, schematic:schematicName v0.8.2+
    Get schematic file in folder plugins/WorldEdit/schematics/
    /nbt sch:mySchematic TileEntities
  • compound
    create a new compound
  • list
    create a new list
  • self, this
    get object from left fide (or right side in some cases)
    /nbt item display.Lore[2] = this display.Name
    /nbt me Inventory = this EnderItems
  • *
    future object.
    after this command you must select any block or entity or input new value to chat


Query allows you to browse and select special tag in object.
Query is string containing tags, sepatated by "."

Inventory[1].id - id of second item in player inventory
display.Name - item's name.
pages[0] - first page of book
. - root

Tag name can contains spaces and unicode characters.
In this case, enter the tag name in quotes:
forgeData."foo bar"[0]

View mode

View mode of nbt tag

  • limit Limit of display lines or chars
    /nbt me Inventory 10 - show first 10 items in inventory
    /nbt item display.Name 100 - show first 100 characters of item name
  • range Show results from start range to end
    /nbt me Inventory 10-20 - show items in inventory from 10 to 19
  • full Show all lines or full result
    /nbt me . full
  • hex Show number or string in hex mode
    /nbt item display.color hex - show color of item in hex mode

You can combine hex mode with anyone else:
/nbt item display.Name 5-10,hex - show 5-10 characters of item name in hex mode

Default view mode: Show only first 20 values, numbers as decimal


In some commands you can specify new value for tag. But in some cases you also must specify a type.

Value can be

  • "string"
    string must be enclosed in quotes.
    supported java-like escaping by char "\"
    escaping features:
    "\c" - Translate to COLOR_CHAR §
    "&" - Translate to COLOR_CHAR §
    "\&" - Translate to &
    type is not required (type is string by default)
    Example: /nbt item display.Name = "\cbItem name"
  • numeric value
    if the previous object already contains a value - type is optional
    available types: byte, short, int, long, float, double
    /nbt me Health = 100500
    /nbt buffer NewValue = 18 int
  • #hexadecimal
    default type is int, but you can specify other type
    available types: byte, short, int, long, float, double
    Example: /nbt item display.color = #FF0000 (red)
  • binary
    Binary value, starting by "b"
    default type is int, but you can specify other type
    available types: byte, short, int, long, float, double
    Example: /nbt item HideFlags = b101 - hide display properties for "ench" and "Unbreakable"
  • color
    color contains an integer value
    colors: black red green brown blue purple cyan lightgray gray pink lime lightgreen yellow lightblue magenta orange white
    Example: /nbt item display.color = red
  • on, true
    aliases for "1 byte"
  • off, false
    aliases for "0 byte"
  • int[], byte[]
    new empty array
  • [list of values]
    values separated by ","
    if the previous object already contains a value - type is not required
    available types: byte[], int[]
    Example: /nbt buffer myByteArray = [1,2,3,10] byte[]


Available nbt types:
byte, short, int, long, float, double, byte[], int[], string

Future object

Future object - is object that you can specify later

Example, set fire ticks: /nbt * Fire = 1000 - waiting for future object
~ select entity by right-click
~ selected entity begins to burn

Example, set variable: /nbt %var select - waiting for future object
~ select entity or block by right-click
~ selected object is stored in variable %var


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