[ Français ]
IMPORTANT: Spigot Builds > #1521 currently have a bug which corrupts PortableHorses! Do *NOT* Use this plugin with spigot > build #1521
Portable Horses allows for players to store their steeds in their inventory. By removing the saddle from a horse or donkey, the animal will vanish, safely stored inside the saddle itself. by clicking the saddle on the ground again, the horse will respawn ready to ride exactly as you left it.
You could even store a donkey in a saddle in a donkey in a saddle (donkey-ception?)
NOTE: This plugin requires ProtocolLib
- Pickup/Spawn your horse anytime / anywhere just by saddling it.
- Option to store (or drop) Horses armor, and donkey's inventory.
- Horse details are displayed on the saddle's lore for easy identification.
- NO DATABASE - All data is stored in the saddle. There is no database or flatfile to worry about.
- Can optionally require a special 'portable horse' saddle in order to function. Normal saddles will work as they used to.
Pour les utilisateur Français de ce plugin Voila une Video de "Miodo" (V 1.6.2)
Para los usuarios que hablan Español, aquí hay un tutorial por FeerBreezy.
Для русскоязычных пользователей видео от Rissman
All commands are under the main /portablehorses
or /ph
/portablehorses reloadconfig
- reloads the config file.
- portablehorses.saddle: allows players to save a horse to a saddle.
- portablehorses.unsaddle: allows players to remove a saddle (picking up the horse).
- portablehorses.spawn: allows players to spawn their horses
- portablehorses.admin: allows the 'reloadconfig' command.
A fully commented config.yml can be found here
Source Code & Development Builds
Source code is available on Github
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Portable Horses Development Builds
Auto Updater
This plugin has a built-in auto-updater, which connects to BukkitDev to check for updates. If you, for some reason, wish to disable this process, you can do so by setting 'auto-update' to 'false' or 'notify-only' in the plugins' settings file.
Other Plugins
- ToughAnvils - Anvils that never break
- Scribe - Transfer enchantments from items to books using an anvil
- DigForDollars - Let's players earn money for mining.
- PotatoBombs - Allows players to craft poisonous potatoes into devastating and hillarious magical landmines.
- SalvageSmelter - Allows smelting unwanted tools/armor/anything into raw materials.
- Autocrafter - Turns droppers into redstone powered crafting tables.
Don't have to update to 1.7.5, many many versions: http://www.spigotmc.org/threads/arrayindexoutofboundsexception.14826/
Hello, I use this and would strongly encourage a 1.7.5 update even if a beta build isn't out. A major bug in Spigot was just resolved in the last few Spigot dev builds. Most spigot servers will be forced to update, causing a large portion of servers to be running on a 1.7.5 dev build of bukkit.
Sorry, no plans on adding anything non-horse related.
Sorry, I didn't realize 1.7.5 was released, I've been a little busy. I'll look into it soon, but I generally don't do official bukkit releases until there's at least a beta for the current bukkit version.
1.7.5 Update please! :)
You wouldn't happen to plan on adding a similar functionality to wolves? Something like right-clicking a wolf while sneaking which then saved the wolf including its name, colour and sit/stand status in a named wolf egg? (or maybe something unstackable if that's easier)
it's not possible to track how many horses a player has since they're just saddles, which can be dropped on the ground, thrown into lava, given to other players etc.
It is possible to add this in the config file: limit portablehorses per player = X ? Thank you. ;)
absolutely love this plugin. thank you very much!
Yes, make sure allow-saddle-removal is set to 'true' in your config.yml, then sneak + punch a saddled horse.
any chance to get down the saddle without getting the horse despawned ?
Unfortunately not. Like I said, if PH was doing something wrong it would crash the mojang client. I know this because I've crashed it many times during development of the plugin :) The packets it sends are perfectly valid, the reading and writing of the packets is done entirely by ProtocolLib, they just contain items with unusually large amounts of data. (though, not even really that large unless it's a donkey with a loaded inventory).
I would personally drop Minechat before PortableHorses, but that's just me :)
If yourself, or the Minechat developer can provide any actual evidence of a malformed packet coming from PortableHorses, you can open a ticket and I'll do my best to fix it. But as far as I'm concerned, Minechat is crashing on a packet that the mojang client doesn't.. that's a minechat bug, plain and simple.
From minechat dev
"its not size. minecraft change the chat protocol in 1.7. it uses UTF8 now and uses a varint for the size"
Does this help at all?
i guess ill sadly have to remove portable horses :(
I don't own any iDevices with which to test this, but I can say with a fair amount of certainty, that there's nothing that can be done from my end. The packets are as small as possible while still containing all the data necessary to store the horse stats. (and well within the max packet size allowed by the official client) If minechat chokes on a packet, that's their problem. I don't say this to sound harsh, but the official client has no problems with the packets PH sends, and I would expect minechat to support the protocol just as well as the official client... if it doesn't, it's a Minechat bug.
I recently added this plugin and its amazing for a VIP perk. BUT it doesn't work with minechat, minechat is a iphone app that allows you to log into your server and chat, when i added this plugin minechat wouldnt work on my server and came up with "not enough memory" after using trail and error once i removed portable horses minechat works no problem. so after contacting the minechat owner he has told me to contact you guys for help?
is there anything you can do or do i need to remove this plugin?
Nested saddles means storing a portable horse in a donkey's chest, and then putting a PH Saddle on the donkey, thus leading to a horse-in-a-donkey, and potentially -in-a-donkey-in-a-donkey-in-a-donkey etc. If it's abused it can lead to a server crash.
Even when names with a tag? Ill test again....
And what is allow nested saddles?
They do.
Can you add so horses keep their names?
If a saddle has stored info, it's not allowed to be placed on another horse. if this is happening to you there's some problem. maybe a conflicting plugin? check the console for error messages