Note Sign creation Tutorial

Note Sign Tutorial and Examples


Creation of a Note Sign

Creation of a Note Sign Create a Note Sign is pretty easy, you just have to place a sign and write in the right format to display the note that you want in the display format that you want:

<Display format>

So '[Notes]' is what which define this is a Note Sign, next '<player>' define of which player the note display will be, then '<Note>' define the name of the Note that will be displayed, finally '&ltDisplay format&gt' define how will display the Note. The display formats are settled in the lang file at 'Sign_note_display' (l.103). The Sign creation will fail if the player's name is wrong or you can't place a Note Sign on other player, or if the Note's name is wrong or you can't read it. If the display formats is wrong or you don't have permission to use it, the default format will be used. Here is an example to create a Note Sign which display the note 'Secret' of 'Notch' in the display format 'Important':


Creation of a fake Player file

But you can do better than that, if you want you can create a new (fake) player, to let staff and you create informationnal notes for players. So, create a fake player in the plugin is pretty easy. You just need to add a file in the '/Users' folder of Notes plugin's folder with the following format:

Name: <Player>
UUID: <Player-UUID>
Notes: <Notes>

The file's name must be like '<Player>.yml'. The string '<Player>' after Name: should be the same as '<Player>' of file's name. Then the UUID: doesn't exist because it's a fake player, so put anything in that case, it will only cause issue if the player named like in Name: log in. So for Notes:, you have two choices, either you want to set up the Notes IG and put '{}' after, don't miss space between, either you want to create Notes manually and you have to follow the Notes Formatting page.

When you finish to create the file and save it, you'll be able to directly use the notes, create new or modify existing for this fake player without reload. So if a player has the correct permissions, he will be able to create Note Sign with these Notes. Then the text on the Signs can be modified with the following command:

/Notes Sign modify <line> <text> So naturally '<line>' is the line of the Sign to modify (1-4), and '<text>' the text to set on this line. The formatting codes are usable if the player have the correct permission (notes.sign.color).

Examples of use

So I present you some image to illustrate what you can do with this:

For these example I create a fake player named Server, here is the yaml file I used.

You can click on image to zoom


A sign at the exit of a TramStation to describe where you are


Counter DeBrut

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Bar Menu

A sign to get the Menu of the Bar


Wanted Poster

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Bar Menu

An other sign to display the same Menu of the Bar


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