
Here is the lang_EN.yml

language: English
version: 1.2
desc: English default messages
author: CactusKipic

# To place color/format use "&x" | x is the color/format code
# Don't miss space before and after the variables
# The logs messages can't be modified

# Error
# ".@arg1" = Variable associated with the error message
Invalid_number: "&4\"&c.@arg1&4\" &cis not a valid number."
Invalid_boolean: "&4\"&c.@arg1&4\" &cis not a boolean value."
Invalid_position: "&4\"&c.@arg1&4\" &cis not a valid position."
Failled_check_logs: "&4Failed! Check logs for more infos..."
Lang_loaded: "&7Language .@arg1 succesfully loaded ([email protected])"
Lang_failed: "&4Failed to load language file ([email protected])."

No_note_file_created: "&6.@arg1&7, has no note file. Type &5/Notes Check .@arg1 &7to create one for him/her."
No_permission: "&4You don't have permission to access this command."
Note_not_found: "&4404: Note not found; verify note's name."
Note_contains_dot: "&4Note's name should not contains '.'!"
No_sign_here: "&cThere is no sign where you're looking or too far."

Page_limit: "&7There is only &6.@arg1&7 page(s) of notes."

# Commands
# ".@arg1" = Player name
# ".@arg2" = Note name
# ".@arg3" = Text
Add_note_added: "&7Note \"&3.@arg2&7\"&7 has been added to &6.@arg1&7's notes file with value \"&3.@arg3&7\"."
Add_note_exist: "&cThe note \"&3.@arg2&c\" already exist in the note file of &6.@arg1&c."
Wrong_note_type: "&cWrong note type:"
Wrong_note_type2: "&4/notes add .@arg1 .@arg2 &4<Number/Toggle/String/List> <...>"

Check_incorrect_default_note: "&4The &c\"Default.yml\"&4's note(s) wasn't correct, set default for correcting. Verify permissions, definitions and data of &c\"Default.yml\"&4's notes."
Check_default: "&7The &6\"&3Default.yml&6\"&7's note(s) was check, no errors found."
Check_wrong_file: "&cA wrong file are in the Users Folder (&7.@arg1&c)"
Check_all_player_checked: "&7All Player notes has been Checked."
Check_incorrect_note: "&6.@arg1&4's note(s) wasn't correct, set default for correcting. Verify permissions and definitions."
Check_incorrect_data_note: "&6.@arg1&4's note(s) data wasn't correct, set empty String for correcting. To change type data, make it manually."
Check_missing_note: "&6.@arg1&c's notes wasn't complete, add missing default notes."
Check_incomplete_dnote: "&6.@arg1&c's default note(s) wasn't complete, set default for correcting."
Check_no_error_found: "&7No error found in Notes File of &6.@arg1&7."
Check_has_never_played: "&6.@arg1 &chas never played on this server before or doesn't exist."
Check_note_file_created: "&6.@arg1 &7's note file created."

Delete_deleted: "&7The note \"&3.@arg2&7\" of player &6.@arg1&7 has been successfully deleted!"
Delete_cant_delete: "&cYou can't delete note \"&3.@arg2&c\", this is a Default note."

# ".@arg2" = Actual page
# ".@arg3" = Total page
List_list: "&7[&6Notes<.@arg2|.@arg3>&7] List notes of &6.@arg1&7:\n"
List_no_note: "&6.@arg1&7 has no note(s)."

Listw_listw: "&7[&6Notes<.@arg2|.@arg3>&7] List notes of &6.@arg1&7, you can edit:"
Listw_no_note: "&6.@arg1&7 has no note(s) you can edit."

# ".@arg2" = Note name
# ".@arg3" = Note definition
# ".@arg4" = Note data
# ".@arg5" = Actual page
# ".@arg6" = Total page
Read_me_note: "&7Notes on you:"
Read_note: "&7Notes on &6.@arg1&7:"
Read_note_name: "&7[&6.@arg2&7]&f .@arg3\n"
Read_list_note_name: "&7[&6.@arg2<.@arg5|.@arg6>&7]&f .@arg3\n"
Read_format: "&3 .@arg4"
Read_format_list: "&7- &3.@arg4"

Reload_reloaded: "&3Notes&7's config has been reloaded!"
Reload_activated: "&7The plugin &7&lNotes&r&7 has been succesfuly loaded!"
Reload_updlang: "&7The language has been succesfully updated, you can now use it (don't miss to retranslate new entries)"
Reload_updlang_failed: "&cFailed to update language, does the language file exist?"

Resume_note: "&7Resume of &6.@arg1&7:\n"
Resume_no_resume: "&6.@arg1 &7don't have resume."

# ".@arg3" = Permission/Definition
Set_invalid_read_permission: "&4\"&c.@arg3&4\" is not a valid permisssion. (private. +/ resume. / 0-9)"
Set_invalid_write_permission: "&4\"&c.@arg3&4\" is not a valid permisssion. (personal. / 0-9)"
Set_read_permission_settled: "&7Read permission of note \"&3.@arg2&7\" of &6.@arg1&7 has been settled to \"&3.@arg3&7\"."
Set_write_permission_settled: "&7Write permission of note \"&3.@arg2&7\" of &6.@arg1&7 has been settled to \"&3.@arg3&7\"."
Set_definition_settled: "&7Definition of note \"&3.@arg2&7\" of &6.@arg1&7 has been settled to \"&3.@arg3&7\"."

# ".@arg3" = Note definition
# ".@arg5" = Number of Signs the player has placed
# ".@arg6" = Max number of Signs the player can place.
Sign_destroy: "&7The sign has been removed."
Sign_cant_destroy: "&cSorry but you can't destroy that sign."
Sign_cant_modify_another: "&cYou can only modify your own signs."
Sign_cant_modify: "&cYou can't modify this sign."
Sign_cant_place: "&cYou reached your maximum sign number placed (Signs settled: &6.@arg5 &c/ Max: &6.@arg6&c)"
Sign_changed: "&7The sign has been modified."
Sign_created: "&7A Note Sign has been placed for note &3.@arg2&7 of &6.@arg1"
Sign_no_create_perm: "&cYou can't create a Note Sign on another player."
Sign_note_not_found: "&cThis note doesn't exist."
Sign_note_wrong_format: "&cFailed. The note's name is wrong."
Sign_note_no_permission: "&cSorry, you can't read that note."
  0: "&7That note say &3.@arg4"
  1: "&7.@arg3\n&f.@arg4"
  2: "&3.@arg4"
  Important: "&4&n.@arg4"
  Old: "&7&m.@arg4"
Sign_no_acces_format: "&cYou don't have permission to use that MessageFormat, default settled."
Sign_wrong_name: "&cThe player '&6.@arg1&c' doesn't have notes file."
Sign_create_note_no_perm: "&cYou can't create a sign on a Note that doesn't exist or that you can't read."

SignAmount: "&6.@arg1 &7has placed &3.@arg5 &7signs for &3.@arg6&7 max."

# ".@arg3" = Number of sign deleted
Sign_start: "&7Sign check has been started..."
Sign_checked: "&7All signs has been checked, &6.@arg3 &7signs has been deleted."

# ".@arg3" = Sign position
# ".@arg4" = Sign world
# ".@arg5" = Sign creator
Sign_no_player: "&cThe player &4.@arg1 &cdoesn't exist."
Sign_no_sign: "&cThere is no Note Sign at '.@arg3' in the world .@arg4."
Sign_no_world: "&cThere is no sign in world &4.@arg4 &cor this world doesn't exist."

Signcopy_copied: "&7Sign has been copied. Use &5/Notes Sign paste &7to paste it on a Sign."

Signpaste_exist: "&7This is already a Note Sign of &6.@arg5&7, add 'True' at the end of the command to overwrite."
Signpaste_pasted: "&7You pasted your Note Sign on this Sign at &6.@arg3"
Signpaste_overwrited: "&7You overwrited the Note Sign of &6.@arg5 &7at &6.@arg3&7 to your copied Note Sign."
Signpaste_cant_overwrite: "&cYou are not allowed to overwrite Note Sign."
Signpaste_no_copy: "&7You don't have copied Note Sign"

# ".@arg6" = Sign message format
Signinfo_info: "&7The sign in world &6.@arg4&7 at &3.@arg3&7 has been created by &6.@arg5&7 and display note &3'.@arg2'&7 of &6.@arg1"

# ".@arg3" = Text added/settled/deleted
# ".@arg4" = Line/Max lines number (list)
Write_add_added: "\"&3.@arg3&f\"&7 has been added to &3.@arg2&7 note of&6 .@arg1&7."
Write_add_wrong_type: "&4\"&c.@arg2&4\"&c is not a String/List/Number note!"
Write_set_settled: "&3.@arg2&7 note of&6 .@arg1&7 has been settled to &f\"&3.@arg3&f\"&7."
Write_set_line_stettled: "&7The &6.@arg4&7 line of &3.@arg2&7 note of&6 .@arg1&7 has been settled to &f\"&3.@arg3&f\"&7."
Write_delete_line_deleted: "&7The line &6.@arg4&7 (&f\"&3.@arg3&f\"&7) has been removed of &3.@arg2 &7note of &6.@arg1&7."
Write_delete_max_char: "&c.@arg2&4 note is only of &c.@arg4&4 length!"
Write_delete_all_char: "&4You can't delete all char.!"
Write_delete_char_begin: "&3.@arg2&7note (&f\"&3.@arg3&f\"&7) of &6.@arg1&7 has been reduced of &6.@arg4&7 char. from the begin."
Write_delete_char_end: "&3.@arg2&7note (&f\"&3.@arg3&f\"&7) of &6.@arg1&7 has been reduced of &6.@arg4&7 char. from the end."
Write_delete_type_number: "&4\"/Notes Write delete\" doesn't work with note type \"Number\"."
Write_delete_type_toggle: "&4\"/Notes Write delete\" doesn't work with note type \"Toggle\"."
Write_no_negative: "&cN° List &4can't be zero or negative!"
Write_line_max: "&3.@arg2&c note is composed only of &6.@arg4&c line(s)."