
Here is the default config.yml


# If the comments disapears you can take it on default file in Jar

# Turn it true once you have set your own Default notes to activate
# the plugin.
Active: false

# Define here the default value for the read and write permission
# level and the default definition when you create a new note with
# the command "/notes Add <...>"
  read: '0'
  write: '0'
  def: This is the Default definition.

# Here for name of Message Format for note displayed from signs
  MessageFormat: '0'

# Set here the max distance (in blocks) which the plugin reach to
# find a sign when using 'look'/'watch' in a compatible command
Sign-distance: 6
# If 'true' the sign registered in the plugin should require a
# permission to be destroyed.
Sign-destroy: true
# If 'true' the blocks supporting a sign registered in the plugin
# will require the same permission. Note that, this option may let
# unregistered some sign but don't break it, if on the support
# there is an other sign wich the player can't destroy.
Sign-block-destroy: false
# Check at each boot that the signs registered exist as a sign block
Sign-autocheck: true

# Define here the number of line by page when you read a note List
List-index: 4
# As the "List-index" but with resume
List-index-resume: 3
# As one before but with the signs
List-index-sign: 8

# Define the number of note(s) which would be show by page with
# "/notes List <...>"
Note-List: 7

# Define here the language of the plugin. Set the initials of the
# language. The initials is the last characters of the lang file
# name.
# ex: 
#   if file name = "lang_FR.yml"
#   the initials is "FR"
lang: EN