OBOLE works like a charm under Bukkit/Spigot 1.7.10 ! \o/
Obole is a donation plugin based on Donator made by chaseoes, and works with Paypal IPN.
Donators receive their perks immediatly after donation OR when they execute a command.
Config what you want.
- Setup multiple packages and define a list of commands for each.
- Ability to define an amount of time in which the package will "expire".
- Obole check database everytime you want ( configuration ) if you receive a donation ( IPN )
- Players do not have to be online when donating, commands could be execute immediatly after donation
- OR you could waiting that the player execute command /ob get to receive perks ( ideal for full inventory )
- open source - you have full control over the plugin.
- Secure.
- Define a wall of donator with a wand
- A switchable sandbox mode to test your configuration ( ipn.php and config.yml )
- Debug mode
- Translate in English and French
- mysql database
- a premium or business paypal account
- webserver or webhosting that support PHP
- a minecraft server \o/
Permissions & commands
When a player make a donation, Paypal send immediatly a notification to the ipn.php that you define in your Paypal account ( premium or business ) Obole check
- To get perks just type /ob get
You can also directly type /ob get accepted, (the first command is just a prevention to ensure that you have free space in your inventory)
Command | description | Permission |
/ob get | to get your rewards | obole.get |
/ob get accept | get the rewards | obole.get.accept |
/ob recent | see the recent donations | obole.recent |
/ob check <id> | View the details of a donation | obole.check |
/ob checkplayer <player> | view details of a player | obole.check |
/ob setwall | Get the wand (golden axe) to define the donator wall | obole.setwall |
/ob reload | reload plugin | obole.reload |
Usefull Links
- Source on GitHub
- Paypal IPN IPN
- HowTo use Paypal sandbox
- Find your currency
Our other plugins
- Deposite - save custom inventories or chests in a MySQL database, and restore it.
- CmdToRedstone - activate button and lever with command.
- Salary - pay salaries to your player's group via a permission, by day of week or day of month.
You have to change the ipn.php beacause ipyamu will send it's own format for validation that it is different from paypal. Ipyamu is only compatible with paypal in the interpayement (you can pay with your acount in paypal to a bill for ipyamu).
PS: good you see you don't nedd my help to dev it
Haha the Markup Type was plain text >.>
Thanks for the page!
huhu, the reply tag
is use for wikicreole, maybe you dont select the same markup type? :)I've made a little page like first Aid, for sandbox use. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/obole/pages/how-to-use-paypal-sandbox/
I'll complete it later. :)
$150(6.25/hr) per a day is nothing for what you want him to do, you should be happy.
Thank You, I have tried many many times but they have all failed. I'm most likely putting the name="custom" in the wrong spot.
So, I just need to dev the ipn.php? Okay thats easy (Not for me) but I have a technician (It's not my dad workers or something it's my dad friends. He is nice, I think he will edit it for me)
Is that mean I don't need to edit the ipn.php? I getting confused again lol, to be honest I don't have paypal (Don't think I am not a premium users, I am but I don't buy it with my paypal. I use my dad friends paypal)
Huh, I am confused here now, lol.
Someone can tell me a little tips how I can use ipaymu with this plugins?
check this ;) http://www.techinasia.com/ipaymu-paypal/
I'm an engenier so i'm expensive (but not so expensive for an engenier). I'm know that you are not rich but i can't accept any dev for free. So ask some friend of yours.
It work only with paypal if you let ipn.php in this state. if you want to use another ipn you must dev it.
What the? Per day? You must be crazy, dude. I am not rich O:
Monnier is this plugins only designed for paypal or it can be used for every payment gateways that have ipn?
There are no english documentation for IPAYMU it will take me a day of work to dev it especially for you. I'm a software dev and have my own business so if you want me to dev something especialy for you it's 160$ per day. The plugin is free and you can dev the ipn and config on your own but we never promise free dev for only one person.
Omg? 160$?! I think PayPal & IPAYMU IPN are not very different because they are a partners so I believe they will have a same system (Not at all but I believe some of the system must be same)
Bytheway this plugins is free, right?
Eh, If we want to use different payment gateways we did not need to edit the plugins, right? Only the ipn & config, right?
Instaling the plugin will create the table for database to register the information of one person who donate.
Your ipn.php will check the amout of donation and register it in the table of database.
Your commande page ask to your user to chose between some amout (the sames as your package's amount)
When paypal recive a good transaction the ipn service inform your ipn.php of the amount and a lot of information that you can register in the BDD.
obole will check this amount and execute the command for the package.
PS: if you want me to develop it it take me a day of work. And it will cost you 160 $
Later, I will make a tutorial for paypal sandbox use. :)
Okay. I will ask Indonesia google vice (A vice in Indonesia not vice of Google, lol)
Bytheway he quite bussy, bytheway it's was a national payment, please. Help me do this.
You don't need to work at Indonesia payment anymore after you implement this payment gateways on this plugins.
@MonnierAnt I am not use this plugins yet so, If I install this plugins is this plugins will create a table so they will only choose a fixed amount when donating? Or we must create it alone?
It's also support IPN
It will not so hard for you to do that.
I will try to donate a couple bucks to you after I get a donation (I don't know If this ipaymu can transfer money from ipaymu to paypal).
Anyone know how you can test this with paypal sandbox?
You must make package that your player can buy. On your website you only set the possibility to afford a fixed amount (one by package).
Actualy if a player pay 7$ (you must forbiden this kind of case with your site) he can't have the package.
If a player donates for example 7$, we will get the 5$ package right? But he can only get it one time right?
Great, thanks! installing it now! :)
I'm sorry i can't dev it for you and for free. I can't dev for each one who aske for a modification. It's my job if you want to dev it found a php dev in your friends who could make it.
héhé, sorry i've just delete version 1.5 to upload version 1.6 We waiting for approval. :)