OBOLE works like a charm under Bukkit/Spigot 1.7.10 ! \o/
Obole is a donation plugin based on Donator made by chaseoes, and works with Paypal IPN.
Donators receive their perks immediatly after donation OR when they execute a command.
Config what you want.
- Setup multiple packages and define a list of commands for each.
- Ability to define an amount of time in which the package will "expire".
- Obole check database everytime you want ( configuration ) if you receive a donation ( IPN )
- Players do not have to be online when donating, commands could be execute immediatly after donation
- OR you could waiting that the player execute command /ob get to receive perks ( ideal for full inventory )
- open source - you have full control over the plugin.
- Secure.
- Define a wall of donator with a wand
- A switchable sandbox mode to test your configuration ( ipn.php and config.yml )
- Debug mode
- Translate in English and French
- mysql database
- a premium or business paypal account
- webserver or webhosting that support PHP
- a minecraft server \o/
Permissions & commands
When a player make a donation, Paypal send immediatly a notification to the ipn.php that you define in your Paypal account ( premium or business ) Obole check
- To get perks just type /ob get
You can also directly type /ob get accepted, (the first command is just a prevention to ensure that you have free space in your inventory)
Command | description | Permission |
/ob get | to get your rewards | obole.get |
/ob get accept | get the rewards | obole.get.accept |
/ob recent | see the recent donations | obole.recent |
/ob check <id> | View the details of a donation | obole.check |
/ob checkplayer <player> | view details of a player | obole.check |
/ob setwall | Get the wand (golden axe) to define the donator wall | obole.setwall |
/ob reload | reload plugin | obole.reload |
Usefull Links
- Source on GitHub
- Paypal IPN IPN
- HowTo use Paypal sandbox
- Find your currency
Our other plugins
- Deposite - save custom inventories or chests in a MySQL database, and restore it.
- CmdToRedstone - activate button and lever with command.
- Salary - pay salaries to your player's group via a permission, by day of week or day of month.
I am afraid I can't.
I am not a PHP Progammer. I don't know about PHP.
I hope you will help me by making it for me.
I am 13 years old that's why I don't know about PHP.
Oh great, thanks a lot!
EDIT: No access :(
@pimsserver You can download now :) We just waiting for an approve from bukkit team. o/
I use this plugin made by monnierant since few weeks, it work like a charm.
I can't wait for a download! :)
You could suport everything you want as a payement method if it could be used with a instent Payement Notification. In that case you juste have to custom the ipn.php. You have just to feed the database with the information
we working on it ! In few time we could provide a good documentation. :)
oops,... :3
Is this support ipaymu? https://ipaymu.com/
Don't worry ipaymu also support paypal so I think it will not so hard to create a gateway for ipaymu, please.
In Indonesia mostly they don't want to use paypal, they choose ipaymu because it not only support paypal but it also support every bank in Indonesia.
A tutorial on this would be awesome as your development furthers :D
The version you linked as actually 1.5 :(