OBOLE works like a charm under Bukkit/Spigot 1.7.10 ! \o/
Obole is a donation plugin based on Donator made by chaseoes, and works with Paypal IPN.
Donators receive their perks immediatly after donation OR when they execute a command.
Config what you want.
- Setup multiple packages and define a list of commands for each.
- Ability to define an amount of time in which the package will "expire".
- Obole check database everytime you want ( configuration ) if you receive a donation ( IPN )
- Players do not have to be online when donating, commands could be execute immediatly after donation
- OR you could waiting that the player execute command /ob get to receive perks ( ideal for full inventory )
- open source - you have full control over the plugin.
- Secure.
- Define a wall of donator with a wand
- A switchable sandbox mode to test your configuration ( ipn.php and config.yml )
- Debug mode
- Translate in English and French
- mysql database
- a premium or business paypal account
- webserver or webhosting that support PHP
- a minecraft server \o/
Permissions & commands
When a player make a donation, Paypal send immediatly a notification to the ipn.php that you define in your Paypal account ( premium or business ) Obole check
- To get perks just type /ob get
You can also directly type /ob get accepted, (the first command is just a prevention to ensure that you have free space in your inventory)
Command | description | Permission |
/ob get | to get your rewards | obole.get |
/ob get accept | get the rewards | obole.get.accept |
/ob recent | see the recent donations | obole.recent |
/ob check <id> | View the details of a donation | obole.check |
/ob checkplayer <player> | view details of a player | obole.check |
/ob setwall | Get the wand (golden axe) to define the donator wall | obole.setwall |
/ob reload | reload plugin | obole.reload |
Usefull Links
- Source on GitHub
- Paypal IPN IPN
- HowTo use Paypal sandbox
- Find your currency
Our other plugins
- Deposite - save custom inventories or chests in a MySQL database, and restore it.
- CmdToRedstone - activate button and lever with command.
- Salary - pay salaries to your player's group via a permission, by day of week or day of month.
the IPN should write null to the expires field. The plugin should update the expires field with the expiration date.
But the sql statement at the end is explicitly assigning null to the expires field. Is this the correct behavior?
Can you tell me what format its looking for in expires? I can manually set dates until a solution is found .
i'll try :D
Thanks. The plugin is great other than the expiration dates not setting.
@xrnd I will look at that but i'm a bit comfuse i will test it more efficiently.
More over i will make a better config verification
no souci the ipn works very well the matter is in craftbukkit
I removed the '' and changed it just to 30, It didn't make a difference. I didn't reboot the server, just did /ob reload once I saved the config. All of the commands still ran properly, just no expires. I was looking at the Donator plugin threads and it seems to have the same issue?
I don't know but this may help. Here's a verification my web server sends me on an IPN transaction:
IPN Transaction Data
I see a matter in your config (the number could not be in '' for example '30' must be 30)
The craftbukit must be run in jre 1.6 and it seems that the signwall (from plugin donator sorry i haven't check the code) use special jre 1.6 that is incompatibble with jre 1.7
at least I know i'm not the only one. I'm probably using JRE 1.7 as well. I have no control over java version with my host though
Thanks, disabling the sign wall worked here too. Maybe it needs to be false unless a wall is defined. I'm using JRE 1.7r11
I too am having the expiration date staying null problem.
Nope, no errors. Here is a complete log from the point obole picked it up in the database.
2013-01-30 17:05:15 [INFO] Thank TestUser for his donation of $1.00! 2013-01-30 17:05:15 [INFO] Couldn't retrieve your world. Default world 'world' selected. 2013-01-30 17:05:15 [INFO] You added subgroup 'VIP' to player 'TestUser'. 2013-01-30 17:05:15 [INFO] $10000 added to TestUser account. New balance: $12458.68 2013-01-30 17:05:15 [INFO] Variable prefix:'&b[Donator]&2' added to the user TestUser
Here is my config file, minus the DB info.
settings: checkdelay: 30 checkExpiredDelay: 2 sandbox: false debug: false cumulativepackages: false enablesignwall: false broadcast-message: '&bThank &a%player &afor his donation of &6%amount!' packages: '1': price: '1.00' expires: '30' commands: - manuaddsub %player VIP - eco give %player 10000 - manuaddv %player prefix &b[Donator]&2 onlineCommands: - msg %player Thank for your donation of %amount! expirescommands: - manudelsub %player VIP - manudelv %player prefix
I submit your informations as a ticket and i will study that this weekend
Could you see if there is mysql bug in your console ?
Pretty sure, here is a screenshot of my database after an IPN transaction. http://i.imgur.com/hXpgron.png
If I mirror that information with a different username, when it scans it picks the new info up, runs all the commands, and still leaves expires at "null".
Thanks for the help by the way.
@ Mace
We already have seen this bug what is your jre version ? We recomand the jre 1.6
@xrnd if it have already send comand the expiration date must be set. are you sure you don't misunderstand beetween expired and expires in the bdd (database sory french acronym)
I had the same issue this morning, I disabled the wall and that issue went away. My only issue now is expiration dates not setting :P
bdd? The commands are run, and it thanks the user for the donation, the broadcast runs as well. The date never is calculated though.
My dates come in from IPN like "09:36:18 Jan 30, 2013 PST"
I'm getting the following on donation:
03:59 PM [SEVERE] Could not pass event DonateEvent to Obole v1.6
The donation announcement comes through correctly but none of the commands execute.
What might I be doing wrong?
Have you wait for the obole to check the bdd ? do you have any comande executed by the server for donators ?
I had everything setup, all the commands ran when i was sent a test donation, but the expiration remained null. Any suggestions?