A Brief Description
Movecraft is a plugin that has been designed to give purpose to those extremely large (and awesome) oceans as well as to simply give the option to Sail, Drive, or Pilot amazing Ships, Creations, or Zeppelins. It allows the player and/or players to craft Vessels out of blocks that can be piloted and thus moved. Hence the name MoveCraft.
Movecraft was first created by Yogoda for hMod.
Movecraft 3 is a complete recode. It's only similarity to the Movecraft of Yogada is it's name.
Documentation, Tutorials, Quick Start Guide, and Demo Videos
For documentation and information, use this link:
Also the builds on that site are more up to date than the builds on this site, so download the latest version there. Please be aware the builds on that site have not been checked by the staff, so use at your own risk.
Here is a brief summary of Movecraft features covered on that site:
Control Method Options
- Sign and Pilot Tool
- Sign only
- Direct Control (the players movements control the craft)
- Misc Commands - /manoverboard, /release, etc
- Remote Signs to remotely activate command signs from other parts of the ship (Turn turrets, launch torpedoes, etc)
Craft Options
- Basic craft configuration options including size, speed, allowed block types, required blocks, etc
- Customizable Cruise Control to keep the craft moving forward
- Customizable Fuel Burning behavior
- Customizable sinking/crashing behavior including smoke, explosion on impact, and uncontrollable dives
- Restricting motion to horizontal or vertical planes
- Customizable "Hover" land contour following behavior for cars and surface vehicles
- Optional craft teleportation
- Require water contact for sailing ships and water craft
- Crafts that explode when they collide with things for ramming or torpedoes
- Repair signs to repair your ship, requires mats, and can require a fee
Server Options
- Customizable Pilot Tool for craft control (or you can disable it to force sign only movement)
- Man Overboard timeout to allow anyone who falls out of a craft to get back in it
- Configurable WorldGuard protection against moving into forbidden areas or sinking over protected areas
Movecraft uses the following permissions:
movecraft.<craft name>.pilot
movecraft.<craft name>.move
movecraft.<craft name>.rotate
movecraft.<craft name>.repair
For example, if you have a craft named "Airship", you would need movecraft.Airship.pilot, movecraft.Airship.move, and movecraft.Airship.rotate in order to completely use it.
There is also:
movecraft.<craft name>.create - only required if RequireCreatePerm is set to true in config.yml
movecraft.cruisesign - only required if RequireCreatePerm is set to true in config.yml
movecraft.commands - grants access to /pilot, /cruise, /release, /rotateleft, /rotateright, /craftreport
You can also control these granularly with:
Movecraft does not require any other plugin to function, however certain features require additional plugins:
WorldEdit (>6.0) - For repair system
Vault - For payment system
In addition, the following plugins are supported for compatibility:
Cannons - Cannons will move with a piloted craft
WorldGuard - Region protection
Most common permission plugins - Assign permissions to various craft features
MadRealms is the home server of Movecraft, and we welcome any player looking for a good movecraft experience to our main server : MadRealms : The Skyland Pirates.
Join today at
Statistics <> This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
A unique identifier
The server's version of Java
Whether the server is in offline or online mode
The plugin's version
The server's version
The OS version/name and architecture
The core count for the CPU
The number of players online
The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true. <>
Donations go towards funding movecraft's development.
Source Code
Source Code is hosted on GitHub and commits are built by Jenkins CI. The Jenkins is not currently publicly accessible.
Builds are regularly posted to BukkitDev from our CI System.
Localisation is fully integrated into Movecraft 3. Locale can be set inside the config.yml.
Due to a bug in GetLocalisations software, language packs are not currently available for download. We apologise for the delay and are working to get them uploaded to BukkitDev ASAP.
Submit a translation to your language at:
Troubleshooting, Error Reporting
Please use this site to report errors and for troubleshooting assistance:
Turn on compatibilityMode in your config file or wait for new release.
Im trialing moving to 1.10.2 PaperSpigot, and I get an insane amount of errors in the console, Litearlly millions of them, please can you fix this asap.
But you could always just make armor stand ships have a very limited size, and toggleable, etc.
Just look at all of those one command things. They have armor stand airships and cars and stuff.
I can't imagine 10k armor stand entities on one place.
yes, you must set lower maxHeightLimit
I had an idea - you could try using armor stands instead of actual blocks for smooth movement, and NoAI invisible shulkers for collision. That should be pretty easy, and I think it'd be less laggy than block changes, plus it'd be freaking awesome to have smooth moving ships. One problem would be water, but there is a ships mod that replaces water that the ship is in with air, you could do something like that. I was thinking of making something like this, but I thought the movecraft professionals might do better :P
Can you update the info on the plugin plox with the new features?
Will you update to 1.10?
I've been experimenting on my server with trying to create a torpedo that will descend down to just above water level and cruise there until it hits something, but whenever the torpedo is about to hit any target I set up for it, unless the target is simply massive in size, the torpedo just ascends over it and descends again to continue cruising on the other side. I've tried numerous different configurations using useGravity, canHover, canHoverOverWater, hoverLimit, min/maxHeightLimit, and maxHeightAboveGround, but I can't get the torpedoes to actually hit any reasonable sized target, even if that target is a large vertical wall. I believe that canHover is handling the (unwanted) ascending, but without it the torpedo will not descend as I need it to. Is there a way to prevent such a torpedo from ascending at all, while still allowing it to descend to a cruising altitude? Thanks in advance for any insights into this.
Sorry, I'm feeling kind of dumb, but would that fix people not spawning in their bunks? I need it so that in battle, if someone dies they respawn at their "Crew: <name>" bunk on the ship, even if it's moved
I found another bug with the new version. It's another big one, corrupting ships and cargo. *Sigh*. I'll keep working on it.
You can set: SetHomeToCrewSign: false to true in your config.yml. On many servers they don't like it setting the essentials home spawn, because it stays there even if the ship is sunk and has disappeared, conceivably setting the users home several hundred blocks in the air. If your server is combat orientated, that may be a problem. A better solution may be to not use the essentials home system, and use regular minecraft beds instead. But it's up to you. Try it both ways, see which your users like better.
I'll be honest, I don't use the harvest system, it was contributed by one of our excellent code contributors, but I don't understand it very well. I think it may be looking for a string or integer describing the materials to harvest. I hate trying to guess the correct string for minecraft blocks, so I would suggest using the integer. IE: 31 for grass.
Hey! I'm using the 1.7 version of the plugin, and crew bunks aren't working. When a player dies, they spawn in the usual Essentials-assigned location and not at their bunk. Is this because Essentials is screwing with it? Is there a fix? Thank you.
When it says harvestBlocks: and it tells me to add the string, idk what it means by that, and the example is broken, it says 404 error. please help someone.
There is a new beta version with the new features, the link is in the youtube video showing the features off:
I *think* I have all the bugs fixed now. Give it a few more days for testing on our server, and I will upload the new build here.
Not a tutorial per se, the best bet is to edit existing .craft files until you get the hang of it. Also, the documentation on planetminecraft's movecraft page for .craft files is fairly comprehensive.
is there a tutorial on how to make custom ship types?
is move craft in 1.9.4?
As an update, problems were found in The Big Summer release, people are falling through ships again during high lag. So there will be a delay before it's public release while I figure out a way to fix it.
I believe to do that, you'd set
blockedByWater: false
in the .craft file. However, I also believe you'd have to make the elevator have at least a roof, as only air vertically between blocks that are part of a craft is preserved when the craft moves underwater.
Hi, I'm wondering if there was a way that you could make Elevators go into and underwater in the .craft file. Thanks!