

  • MobManager's limiter aims to limit the number of mobs that can spawn at one time while still providing the appearance of having lots of mobs (Or less if you really want)
  • MobManager's Abilities allow you to fully customize the difficulty of each mob, per world!
  • MobManager's Bounty component gives you a flexible way to give players rewards when killing mobs
  • MobManager's Spawner gives you total control over where different mobs spawn. Perfect to complete a rpg experience or just add a difficulty to your survival server.

Component Features:


  • Stop mobs from spawning when no players are nearby
  • Stop mobs from spawning when no players are on or near the same height
  • Limit the number of mobs allowed to spawn per world
  • Limit the number of mobs allowed to spawn dynamically depending on the number of loaded chunks in a world
  • Limit the number of mobs allowed to spawn by type (Monsters/Animals/Water Animals/Ambient/Villagers)
  • Automagically despawns mobs which move out of range of players
  • Does not despawn animals which are in farms Read more
  • Does not despawn mobs which have picked up players armor or weapons
  • Has the option to stop mobs from spawning near players in creative mode
  • Can prevent mobs from spawning which you don't want
  • Can allow mobs to spawn without counting towards the mob limits
  • Super efficient!
  • Optional Multi-Threaded despawner


  • Customisable Mob Abilities!!
  • Customisable Mob SpawnRates
  • Have mobs spawn as babies, Creepers spawn Charged and Wolves spawn Angry!
  • Customisable Mob Bonus Health
  • Customisable Mob Damage Multipliers
  • Customisable Mob Potion effects (Last for the life of the mob)
  • Customisable Mob Bonus Spawns (Spawn mobs on certain mob when it spawns/dies)
  • Customisable Mob Armour sets (Per position, with enchantments)
  • Customisable Mob Starting Items/Weapons
  • Customisable Mob Drops (Count Range per item, set data, durability and enchantments!)
  • Customisable Mob Ability Sets (Combine the above abilities together to create rare super mobs! (Or common :P))
  • Show Mob Ability Set names above their heads!! (Mincraft 1.5+ only)
  • Highly configurable!


  • Give players rewards for killing mobs
  • Supports fines (Loss of money or experience)
  • Customizable message upon receiving a reward/fine
  • Rewards can be Money (Requires vault), Item drops or experience
  • Set min/max reward values for each mob
  • Set reward multipliers for worlds, biomes, time, permissions and even for AbilitySets (Requires Abilities component to be enabled)
  • Exploit prevention techniques to prevent players from exploiting your server to earn rewards very fast


  • Spawns custom mobs around players
  • Create specific regions with different sets of mobs which spawn within
  • Control max/min distances for spawning in different regions
  • Extensive mob limit system. Limit per player, region and specific mob type
  • Default config similar to vanilla spawning (To use as a guide/template)
  • Spawn requirements for every mob (Which spawn location must meet. Block Standing on, light levels, height, time, biome, world type
  • Spawn actions performed upon spawns. Send messages to nearby players or run commands when your mob spawns.

What is a component?
A component is simply a part of MobManager. Every component can be enabled/disabled individually from config.yml
To do
  • Add Protection component to MobManager (Protect the world from things like explosions or Endermen picking up blocks)
Note: The above are just ideas, not all of them may happen (If you particularly want one done let me know)
Note: Ordered by importance to me (Higher == More important) (Your needs are important to me :D)


  • /mm help - Prints information about all the available commands
  • /mm count - Prints mob counts and limits for each world which MobManager is active. Also prints totals for the server
  • /mm count <WorldName> - Prints mob counts and limits for the specific world
  • /mm butcher - Removes all mobs (Except villagers) from worlds enabled in MobManager
  • /mm butcher <MobTypes> - Removes the given mob types from all worlds enabled in MobManager
  • /mm spawn <MobType> <count> [world] [x] [y] [z] - Spawn a given mob at the location (Or yours)
  • /mm spawnset <AbilitySetName> <count> [world] [x] [y] [z] - Spawn a given mob at the location (Or yours)
  • /mm pspawn <MobType> <count> <Player> - Spawn a given mob on a player
  • /mm pspawnset <AbilitySetName> <count> <Player> - Spawn a given mob on a player
  • /mm abilitysets - Lists all AbilitySet names (Along with the mobtype) which can be used in /mm spawnset
  • /mm mobtypes - Lists all valid EntityTypes for use in configs
  • /mm reload - Reloads MobManagers configs
  • /mm version - Tells you MobMangers current version + Checks my website for new versions
Note: the count command prints single letters to represent the different categories of mobs.
M = Monster, A = Animal, W = Water Animal (Squid), Am = Ambient Mob (Bats), V = Villagers


  • mobmanager.admin - Gives permission to use all /mm commands (Default: OP)
  • mobmanager.count - Gives permission to use the /mm count command
  • mobmanager.butcher - Gives permission to use the /mm butcher command
  • mobmanager.version - Gives permission to use the /mm version command
  • mobmanager.reload - Gives permission to use the /mm reload command
  • mobmanager.spawn - Gives permission to use the /mm spawn command
  • mobmanager.pspawn - Gives permission to use the /mm pspawn command
  • mobmanager.abilitysetlist - Gives permission to use the /mm abilitysets command
  • mobmanager.mobtypes - Gives permission to use the /mm mobtypes command


As of v2.2 MobManagers configuration files consists of three parts
  • config.yml - Contains settings to enable/disable MobManager components
  • Global configs - Contains global configs for each component, located in MobManager/<component>.yml
  • World Configs - Contains settings for each component for each world located in MobManager/worlds/<worldname>/<component>.yml

Every config file contains a header block explaining every setting.

When you first install MobManager world and global configs are auto-magically generated.
By default only MobManagers Limiter is enabled, configs for abilities are generated if the component is enabled
The defaults for the limiter are pretty conservative. So you may wish to increase the limits.
If you need help with the config feel free to PM me and I can make one for you :)
Auto-Update Checker
Mobmanager includes a update checker/downloader. It uses this project page to check for new approved builds. The /mm version command can be used to check if a new version is available on bukkit dev.
The update checker is enabled by default and can be disabled in config.yml by setting EnableVersionCheck to false
The update downloader is disabled by default can be enabled in config.yml by setting EnableAutoUpdater to true

MobManager utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version
  • MobManager components enabled
All information is publicly available and can be viewed at

Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true
Public Test Server
Public test server has been shut down, will try get a new one in the future
Feel free to join and have a look for yourself what MobManager does. Server has two worlds one with MobManager enabled, the other with it disabled. You are allowed to use /time to set the world to night, so monsters spawn on the surface. This server uses default settings for all configs.
Note: After joining, type /warp dev
Note: The test server only has the limiter component enabled

Please, if you have and questions or feature requests, do not hesitate to ask
Developer Builds
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server.
These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Dev Builds

Configuration | Statistics | Reading


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 20, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Feb 24, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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