Mining Machine
Mining Machine adds cool new machines to your server with no annoying commands to type!
- No commands necessary.
- Machines set up automatically. No building any extravagant machines.
- No permissions required. (But are supported)
- No configuration required. (Unless you want to use permissions, then just set config variable to true and add permission nodes)
- Plug and Play.
Download now and try it out for yourself!
Also be sure to check out Stadvert's video review!
Mining Machine Permissions (optional)
miningmachine.use - allows player to use machines
miningmachine.create - allows player to create machines
miningmachine.destroy - allows player to destroy machines
miningmachine.give - allows player to use the command "/mm give"
Mining Machine Commands
/mm give or /machine give - gives a mining machine to the player who types the command
/mm list or /machine list - shows how many machines are set up on the server
Mining Machine is an original plugin that is still in Beta so feel free to give me any suggestions. For any issues with the plugin, please submit a ticket. Enjoy!
I have put many hours of work into this plugin and it is my hope than anyone who enjoys the features it brings to their server will donate.
Please update this plugin to 1.7.9 / 1.8 ! this plugin is very useful
will this update?
I love this plugin. It would be a lot better with more machines though, such as a machine that farms, or one the places blocks, or maybe a turret (Has a dispenser that turns to mobs and shoots arrows.) Probably this plugins main competitor is machinacraft. They have more machines, but you have to build them. I like that you can craft machines in this plugin, instead of having to build them. It's also less laggy, because there's not as much block movement. This plugin really has a lot of promise.
Awesome plugin! Using it on my server here:
If you pick up the machine after having used a lava bucket as fuel, and not picked the bucket up from the machine prior to breaking the block, the machine will not drop the empty bucket.
Also, the machine does not recognize blocks of coal as a fuel type.
update it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plzz
Where can I download.....?
pleas add hopper support!
Hi I'm a new youtuber and I've made a plugin tutorial video for this plugin. here is the link-Video Link:
Have you thought about making it do more than 1 block at a time, like setting it up to do 2x2 or 3x3, etc...
Hey I am enjoying the idea of this very greatly for my new game mode and was wondering if you could add a configurable feature to switch the items in the Mine Machine from a portal to whatever we want and or configure the name so its not!
Can you please submit a ticket with the errors?
WAS working. As of beta 1.7.2r02 it errors out and eventually crashes the server. Today it finally decided to not load at all. Has this plugin become inactive?
Seems to be working with 1.7.2 build #2941 :)
It would be nice if u could make it to atleast mine 1x2 or maybe 3x3 like the drills in tekkit because people already have a quarry for vanilla
Would be nice if it mined like you mine. Mining coal ore should give you coal, but it just gives you the ore blocks. They still need to be put in furnaces.
can add a Mining mechine addon that would alow it to move after it hits bedrock or some thing simmpler make mineing a area like a Quarry dose layer by layer could requre a Track or something a mining mechine train that sits on the side of the meching to alow it to move and mine in a area difernt lvls of train do difernt ?x? area and go down atthe end on a layer by 1 some thing like that ? i have bin looking for a quarry plugin for some time thoe all the normal 1s i found conflick with Traincarts and i need that plugin so just a idea for u :P
Hello there, would be nice to have the ability to let people break/place them but not create them on a workbench. I thought that ".create" and ".use" would work that way for me, but its not working as intended.
EDIT: To clarify, I intended to sell them to my users to give them something to spend their diamonds on.
eai quero fazer o download vou ter q pagar?