Mining Machine v0.7.5
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UploadedFeb 8, 2013
Size34.06 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R1.0
- initial release
- Added blocklogger/protection support
- Fixed /mm give bug not working
- Added additional command /machine for other plugins conflicting with the /mm command
- Added plugin metrics
- Organized data files into a folder
- Make sure to delete old plugin folder and reload server
- Fixed priority bug with setting up and destroying machines in protected areas
- Added piston to list of blocks machine can't mine to fix "infinite pistons" loophole
- Can now click machines while holding a bucket filled with liquid
- Hopefully fixed nullpointer exception. Lost place in code and I may have have to release a subsequent update to fix this
- Fixed potential memory leak
- Crafting recipe now works with all types of wood planks
- Fixed null pointer exception when clicking a lever not part of a machine
- Machines now stop if the lever or piston is broken off of the machine
- Machines now stop automatically if mining down into the void
- Blocklogger plugins now accurately display what blocks were mined