Mining Machine
Mining Machine adds cool new machines to your server with no annoying commands to type!
- No commands necessary.
- Machines set up automatically. No building any extravagant machines.
- No permissions required. (But are supported)
- No configuration required. (Unless you want to use permissions, then just set config variable to true and add permission nodes)
- Plug and Play.
Download now and try it out for yourself!
Also be sure to check out Stadvert's video review!
Mining Machine Permissions (optional)
miningmachine.use - allows player to use machines
miningmachine.create - allows player to create machines
miningmachine.destroy - allows player to destroy machines
miningmachine.give - allows player to use the command "/mm give"
Mining Machine Commands
/mm give or /machine give - gives a mining machine to the player who types the command
/mm list or /machine list - shows how many machines are set up on the server
Mining Machine is an original plugin that is still in Beta so feel free to give me any suggestions. For any issues with the plugin, please submit a ticket. Enjoy!
I have put many hours of work into this plugin and it is my hope than anyone who enjoys the features it brings to their server will donate.
Any way for use Redstone with MM ?
It would really be great, if the fuel is customizable, it gives every server that uses Mining Machine the flexibility to choose what is needed based on their individual server economy. Looking forward to next update then.
Currently it is not. I may add this option in the next update though.
One more question :) Is the fuel customizable? For example, I don't want to use anything else except Emeralds, how do I do that?
No it will not. As of version 1.7 that is. Download the latest one and you will be fine. :)
Hi, will the Mining Machine mines through Factions and WorldGuard protected regions?
Yes there is a permission for creating the machines and another for giving machines. I may add this option in the next update. (Realistic mining, mined stone turns to cobblestone)
This plugin is great but is missing one thing. Is it possible to make this craft able with permission to craft it or not? I don't exactly like the idea of people either not having access to the command or not able to get it at all without an op's okay. Also is it possible to get cobble from breaking blocks instead?
This is awesome!
A few, mostly obvious suggestions:
Full disclosure, I have no idea what's currently possible/feasible, but these sounded good off the top of my head. :P
Excellent work!
You should be asking this plugin to be added to CompatNoCheatPlus, not the other way around. The NCP plugin is the one that should be making exceptions when plugins make "illegal" actions. The only way plugin developers can make plugins with "illegal" actions and avoid NCP would be just to override it completely, or use a new method, or something else.
Also, is there a (configurable) block-distance-limit on how far the mining machine can mine?
I have installed Mining Machine, NoCheatPlus and CompatNoCheatPlus, all in default installation.
And i got: [NoCheatPlus] (CONSOLE) Kicked kolorafa : Block breaking out of sync!
The ticket system on bukkit is not enabled.
Do you have any idea as to what kind of plugin might cause this issue?
I use PermissionEX and set miningmachine.destroy miningmachine.give miningmachine.use for may default players.
Command /mm give or /machine give dont work for players (only OP)
The plugin CompatNoCheatPlus dont help me from AntiCheat.jar plugin - players kicked!
The blocks not disapear ander machine piston, works if only i OP. Look (wlad_mc my nick)
Thanks for your donation! For the anti-cheat kick problem, try installing this plugin on your server. It disables anticheat but only if caused by another plugin (my mining machine).
As for the mining machine give command not working, you have to either have the permission miningmachine.give (with usePermissions turned on of course), or be an operator with usePermissions turned off. Hope this helps!
Hmm I am not sure. I have tested this multiple times with and without permissions and with and without op. Worked every time. It may be another plugin conflicting with the recipe creation.
AntiCheat kicked me for fast brake block ))) Please do anything )) And blocks not disapear ((
Ou! And permision miningmachine.give not works (( server welcom!
Very nice plugin! I donate!...
It is just not creating the item. I do not know if it has to do with any conflicts with other plugins or what. It does not say in chat that I do not have permission, and when I move a block in the crafting bench after all are placed, they all go back into my inventory. It is quite strange, I am hoping that this bug, glitch, error, will be fixed :D
Just submitted version 0.7.5 that fixes null pointer exception and adds a few more bug fixes
Thanks! And no I use Eclipse because I mainly work in Java. But I have never tried Xcode so I can't fairly have an opinion on which one is better.
Cool mod. And I like you willingness to respond to user's comments and concerns. Plus you're a Mac user! Do you use Xcode to develop you mods?