Mineral Contest

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Welcome to Mineral Contest !

(The plugin has been completly rewrote in order to support custom maps made by the community)

This gamemode has probably been imagined by the french youtuber Squeezie.
The rules are the following:

The rules are the following:

  • There are teams (3 or 4, can be more too)
  • Each team are composed of players
  • Each team have to mine the most ingot in order to win the most points (Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald)
  • There is an arena in which, at a random moment, a chest will appear and will contains ingots.
  • A game last 1 hour, so 60 minutes. (Maybe more or less, it is configurable)


  • Built-in map downloading system
  • Auto-updater
  • Fetching message from my website
  • Group feature (in order to run a community server, coming really soon)
  • MapBuilder feature (getting rewrote, coming soon aswell)
  • Completly customizable plugin!
  • Many worlds available


The installation process has been simplified. Now, it is simpler. You just have to install the plugin, drop it into your plugins folder and run the server! The plugin will automatically create all needed files.
Open “plugins/MineralContest/config/plugin_config.yml” and change the value for “world_name” to the world you want the plugin to run on, then you can reload the server and you are ready to go!
In order to play a map, you will need to run the following command: /mcdownloader.


The list of commands is coming soon, they need to be translated into english. If you want to read them with any translation service, you can get them here.

/pause - Allows you to pause a game
/resume - Resume a game
/stopgame - Stops a game
/switch - Allows you to change a player's team, /switch <player> <team>
/allow - Allows the connection of a player
/leaveteam - Allows you to leave your team
/t - Allows you to send a message to your team: /t <message>
/team - Send a message to your team: /team <message>
/ready - Used to mark as ready
/arena - Allows you to teleport your team to the arena
/join - Join a team
/referee - Allows you to become an arbitrator
/spawnchest - Used to spawn the arena chest
/mcvar mp_randomize_team - Allows to activate or not the random teams
/mcvar mp_enable_item_drop - Allows to activate or not the drop of item at death. 0 for none, 1 for minerals only, 2 for all
/mcvar SCORE_IRON - Allows to define the score for an iron ingot
/mcvar SCORE_GOLD - Allows to define the score for a gold bar
/mcvar SCORE_DIAMOND - Allows to define the score for a diamond
/mcvar SCORE_EMERALD - Allows to define the score for an emerald
/mcvar mp_team_max_player Used to define the maximum number of players per team
/mcvar mp_set_playzone_radius - Allows to define the radius of the playable area in number of blocks
/mcvar mp_enable_friendly_fire - Allows you to activate or not the damage between allies
/mcvar mp_enable_old_pvp - Allows you to activate or not the old pvp system
/mcvar mp_enable_block_adding - Allows you to activate or not the block laying around the arena
/mcvar game_time - Allows you to define the time of a game
/mcvar pre_game_timer - Allows you to define the waiting time before starting the game
/mcvar chest_opening_cooldown - Allows you to define the waiting time before opening an arena chest
/mcvar max_time_between_chests - Allows you to define the maximum time before the appearance of an arena chest
/mcvar min_time_between_chests - Allows to define the minimum time before the appearance of an arena chest
/mcvar max_teleport_time - Allows you to define the maximum time in order to be able to teleport after the appearance of a safe
/mcvar max_item_in_chest - Allows you to define the maximum number of items in a team chest
/mcvar min_item_in_chest Used to define the minimum number of items in a team chest
/mcvar death_time - Allows you to define the respawn time
/mcvar chicken_spawn_time - Allows you to define the time remaining before the chickens appear in the arena
/mcvar chicken_spawn_interval - Allows to define the time in seconds necessary before being able to make appear a wave of chicken
/mcvar chicken_spawn_min_count - Allows you to define the minimum number of chicken in an appearance wave
/mcvar chicken_spawn_max_count - Allows you to define the minimum number of chicken in an appearance wave
/mcvar chicken_spawn_min_item_count - Allows you to define the minimum number of items that a chicken will drop in an appearance wave
/mcvar chicken_spawn_max_item_count - Allows you to define the maximum number of items that a chicken will drop in a spawn wave
/mcvar protected_zone_area_radius - Allows to define the block radius of the protected area, where the blocks cannot be broken
/mcvar enable_monster_in_protected_zone - Allows you to activate or not the appearance of monsters in the protected area
/mcvar arena_safezone_radius - Allows to modify the radius of safezone of the teleportation zone of the arena

Installing maps manually

Installing a map manually is pretty easy. Just navigate to our “workshop” and click on the download icon of the map you want to download. Once the download is done, just extract the folder (starting with “mc_”) inside plugins/MineralContest/worlds.
And now, you are ready to go! You can start to play on your map.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 14, 2019
  • Last Released File
    Jul 19, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License

