Mineral Contest - version 2.3 (19/07/2020)


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  • Uploaded
    Jul 19, 2020
  • Size
    2.39 MB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.15


Hello @everyone, we worked a lot on this update, that's why there hasn't been too much lately :)
Update of the plugin to version 2.3 available on the site or from a / reload if the auto update is activated!

ADD: A shop has been added, you can find bonuses, improvements or items there, they are present in each base and you will have to re-download all the maps in order to have them, all the maps downloaded before 17/07 / 2020 are obsolete
ADD: The "/ mcvar enable_shop 1 or 0" command is used to deactivate or activate the shops
ADD: The redstone can now add points to its team or remove points from other teams, everything is configurable in the config of the plugin.
ADD: Add command mcvar SCORE_REDSTONE
ADD: You can now make other teams lose points with other minerals by adding "-" before the number of points in the config file or with the / mcvar commands
ADD: The map config files are no longer independent, this made the configuration too complicated, now the game configuration is located in the "plugins / MineralContest / config / game / game_settings.yml" directory
ADD: The / mcvar commands are saved in the config file
ADD: A little cleaner hud :)
ADD: Withdrawal of message display before appearance of the arena chest replaced by a shop bonus.
ADD: The house safe can only be opened by one person at a time
ADD: The house trunk can only receive minerals, and it is impossible to recover them once they are in the trunk
ADD: Addition of an mc_stats command which allows to re-open the stats menu at the end of the game
ADD: A delay of 1 minute has been added at the end of a game before the TP at the hub, it can be overridden by a simple / reload
ADD: A stat of the player who placed the most items in his team's trunk
FIX: A new player will automatically be a spectator, an admin will be a referee
FIX: Random teams
FIX: A disconnected player must have PVP 1.15
FIX: A bug was present when voting was enabled and a player was disconnected
FIX: A dead referee was teleported to the hub as a spectator
FIX: Dead referee gets his book
FIX: A referee was not clear at the start of the game
FIX: Downloading maps is much faster (download bar removed)

We are waiting for your feedback on prices and shop balancing!