Optional Features

Optional Features:

An important note: to enable these features, you MUST set their enablers to 'true' in the main config file (config.yml).


There are only two signs: Get and Quit. To make a [Get A Job] sign, make a new sign and write the top line as "[getajob]" (no quotes), and the third line as the name of the job. The same system goes for [Quit A Job] signs; only instead of line one being "[getajob]" it needs to be "[quitajob]". (You saw that coming didn't you.) Right clicking on these signs will give you the same output as if you were typing the command. Left click won't do anything.

Custom Jobs:

This, as I said above in the introduction, is a feature that allows players to create their own jobs for other players to work on.It currently doesn't define work regions, but that could be in a future update; and combining this plugin to work with WorldGuard manually is always an option for you servermasters. Players will be able to create and modify their own jobs (and other people's jobs if you want), and players working on a custom job will be payed at the job owner's expense. Relatively simple.


A very simple addition to the plugin, basically making it so that players can lose money when they die depending on the setting of this enabler. The amount of money they lose is defined in config.yml under "loss:". The enabler for this has three options, "always", "job", and "never"; and though the first is obvious in what it does, "job" and "always" need some explanation. "job" tells the plugin to go looking for the 'pkl' setting of a job, and for every job the player has that 'pkl' is enabled on, the player will lose however many dollars. That's your amount from "loss" multiplied by x amount of jobs. The same goes for "always", players will be charged "loss" times the number of jobs they have, no check here.


A basic system that charges players for using certain commands upon their success. The amount charged is set in config.yml.


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