
A short set of notes about syntax before the lists:

  • <> surrounding something means it is required by the command.
  • [] means that the part of the command is optional.
  • Player and World names are CASE-SENSITIVE, unlike JobNames.
  • newMaxPlayers, Value, and newValue and related must be either integers or doubles!
  • For the addObj, delObj, and editObj commands specifically:
    • 'type' can equal any of the following: "break", "place", "mobs", "fish", "craft", "smelt", "brew"; Case insensitive.
    • 'item' must be as written in the CraftBukkit Materials class (or Entities for mobs), you can find that here, and it CAN contain Data Values. For example: "CROPS:7" in the item spot would payout ONLY on the last stage of a wheat crop's growth.

Player Commands:

Displays core configuration info for the plugin.
Permission Node: There is none.
Displays the following list of commands.
Permission Node:
/mj getJob <jobName> [playerName]
When executed, eiher the command sender or the player [playerName] will get the job <jobName>.
Permission Node: MineJobs.player.getJob or MineJobs.player.getJob.other
/mj quitJob <jobName> [player]
When run, as above, either the sender or [player] will lose the job <jobName>.
Permission Node: MineJobs.player.quitJob or MineJobs.player.quitJob.other
/mj listJobs
Lists both your current jobs, and all the jobs available on the server.
Permission Node: MineJobs.player.listJobs
/mj myJobs
Same command as above, but only displays your jobs.
Permission Node: MineJobs.player.listJobs
/mj info <jobName>
Displays in-depth information about a job <jobName>.
Permission Node:

Admin Commands:

Displays the following command list.
Permission Node:
/mja create <jobName>
Creates a new server job titled <jobName>.
Alias: /mja cr
Permission Node: MineJobs.admin.create
/mja upgrade <jobName>
Upgrades the job <jobName> from Custom to Server so payouts no longer come from the job owner and the job owner no longer has control over the job.
Alias: /mja ug
Permission Node: MineJobs.admin.upgrade
/mja delete <jobName>
Deletes the server job <jobName>, and removes all signs connected to it.
Alias: /mja dl
Permission Node: MineJobs.admin.delete
/mja rename <jobName> <newJobName>
Renames <jobName> to <newJobName>.
Alias: /mja rn
Permission Node: MineJobs.admin.rename
/mja setmax <jobName> <newMaxPlayers>
Sets the maximum number of players who can have the job <jobName> at any one time.
Alias: /mja sm
Permission Node: MineJobs.admin.setMax
/mja addObj <jobName> <type-item-value> [...]
Adds 'item' to <jobName> under the 'type' category so <jobName> pays out 'value'.
Alias: /mja ao
Permission Node: MineJobs.admin.addObj
/mja editObj <jobName> <type-item-newValue> [...]
Changes the value of 'item' for payouts on <jobName>.
Alias: /mja eo
Permission Node: MineJobs.admin.editObj
/mja delObj <jobName> <type-item> [...]
Removes the payout item 'item' from 'type' in <jobName>.
Alias: /mja do
Permission Node: MineJobs.admin.delObj
/mja setEnch <jobName> <valuePerLevel>
Changes the amount players are paid per enchantment level used.
Alias: /mja se
Permission Node: MineJobs.admin.setEnch
/mja addWorld <jobName> <worldName> [...]
Adds a world to the job <jobName> so payouts will work there.
Alias: /mja aw
Permission Node: MineJobs.admin.addWorld
/mja rmWorld <jobName> <worldName> [...]
Removes a world from the job <jobName>.
Alias: /mja rw
Permission Node: MineJobs.admin.delWorld
/mja togglePDL <jobName>
Toggles whether or not players lose money when they die. Command doesn't work if DeathLosses is set to 'always' or 'never' in config.yml because the toggle would be pointless.
Alias: /mja tp
Permission Node: MineJobs.admin.togglePDL
/mja reload
Forces the plugin to dump all currently loaded settings and reload them from the config files on the disk. Plugin may also require you to use '/reload' for certain adjustments, like enabling JobSigns.
Alias: /mja rl
Permission Node: MineJobs.admin.reload

Customs Commands:

Displays the following command list.
Permission Node:
/mjc create <jobName>
Creates a new job titled <jobName>.
Alias: /mjc cr
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.create
/mjc delete <jobName>
Deletes the job <jobName>, and removes all signs connected to it.
Alias: /mjc dl
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.delete
/mjc rename <jobName> <newJobName>
Renames <jobName> to <newJobName>.
Alias: /mjc rn
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.rename
/mjc setmax <jobName> <newMaxPlayers>
Sets the maximum number of players who can have the job <jobName> at any one time.
Alias: /mjc sm
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.setMax
/mjc addObj <jobName> <type-item-value> [...]
Adds 'item' to <jobName> under the 'type' category so <jobName> pays out 'value'.
Alias: /mjc ao
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.addObj
/mjc editObj <jobName> <type-item-newValue> [...]
Changes the value of 'item' for payouts on <jobName>.
Alias: /mjc eo
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.editObj
/mjc delObj <jobName> <type-item> [...]
Removes the payout item 'item' from 'type' in <jobName>.
Alias: /mjc do
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.delObj
/mjc setEnch <jobName> <valuePerLevel>
Changes the amount players are paid per enchantment level used.
Alias: /mjc se
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.setEnch
/mjc addWorld <jobName> <worldName> [...]
Adds a world to the job <jobName> so payouts will work there.
Alias: /mjc aw
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.addWorld
/mjc rmWorld <jobName> <worldName> [...]
Removes a world from the job <jobName>.
Alias: /mjc rw
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.delWorld
/mjc togglePDL <jobName>
Toggles whether or not players lose money when they die with this job. Command doesn't work if DeathLosses is set to 'always' or 'never' in config.yml because the toggle would be pointless.
Alias: /mjc tp
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.togglePDL
/mjc setOwner <jobName> <playerName>
Changes the owner of the job. WARNING: The permission node for this command is disabled by default because players could easily start a job, attract workers, and then give the job away to someone else, thereby costing the new owner a lot of money. Use at your own digression..
Alias: /mjc so
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.setOwner
/mjc toggleLock <jobName>
Toggles whether or not the job is locked.
Alias: /mjc tl
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.toggleLock
/mjc kick <jobName> <playerName>
Kicks a player off your job.
Alias: /mjc kk
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.kickPlayer
/mjc invite <jobName> <playerName>
Invites a player to <jobName> if the job is locked.
Alias: /mjc iv
Permission Node: MineJobs.custom.invite


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