Configuration Help/Main Config Help

  • The 'locale' variable tells the plugin what language file to read from when the configuration is loading. If the file doesn't exist or is invalid, the plugin will load English by default.
  • 'updateChecks' either enables ("true") or disables ("false") whether or not the plugin should check for updates.
  • 'autoUpdate' either enables or disables whether the plugin should download any detected updates automatically. This setting is irrelevant if updateChecks is false.
  • 'UseSigns' refers to whether or not the plugin should listen for JobSign interactions, creating and breaking.
  • 'UseCustoms' tells the plugin whether or not players (with the right permisisons) can make custom jobs.
  • 'useCmdEconomy', when true, charges players the amount of money selected below in 'CmdEconomy' for running commands, creating signs, or breaking signs.
  • 'deathLosses' decides how often players lose money for dieing. 'enable' has three options: "never", "job", and "always". "job" means it will only charge players with jobs that have PKL enabled; and the others are obvious.
  • 'loss' is the amount that killed players will lose.
  • 'spawnerMobPayout' decides whether or not it's possible to get paid for killing mobs that were spawned with eggs or a spawner.
  • 'maxJobsPerPlayer' is the header for permission defining. 'default' is added by default to every player on the server, but you can add other maximums to players and override the others by adding similar headings alongside 'default', ex. 'mega', and giving the player the permission node "MineJobs.player.JobLimit.YOURHEADING".
  • 'defaultJobs' is a list (like the ones in players.yml) of jobs that will be given to new players to your server.
  • 'forcedJobs' are the same, only you cannot quit a job on this list.
  • 'debugOutput' is not recommended for general use because it can be very spammy, but enabling it will cause players to receive messages about all their cash winnings (including every broken and placed block).
  • The 'CmdEconomy' block is not required so long as 'useCmdEconomy' is false.
locale: EN
updateChecks: true
autoUpdate: true
useSigns: false
useCustoms: false
useCmdEconomy: false
    enable: never
    loss: 50
spawnerMobPayout: false
    default: 3
    mega: 5
defaultJobs: []
forcedJobs: []
debugOutput: false
    getJob: 0
    quitJob: 0
    createJob: 0
    deleteJob: 0
    renameJob: 0
    setJobOwner: 0
    lockJob: 0
    makeSign: 0
    breakSign: 0


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