MineConomy is a simple, easy to use, multi-feature Economy API Plugin for Bukkit. It provides Multiple Currencies, Banks, and a Server-Side GUI; features which you won't find in any other economy plugins! MineConomy has support for Multiple Languages, Vault, and Databases. This plugin was created as an alternative to iConomy and other complex Economy API Plugins. It is ready to use out-of-the-box right after download! Current version is 1.6 BETA for Minecraft 1.5.2.
Have Questions, Comments, Suggestions, or Need Support?
We answer common support questions in the comments, but for reporting errors, please use our ticket system.
NOTICE: The updated v1.6 database configuration requires a port number and a slash! E.g. "localhost:3306/" instead of just "localhost".
Thanks to the 14,000+ users who downloaded for supporting this plugin! It gives the MineConomy team pride and drive to make this plugin the best plugin possible!
- Multiple Accounts
- Balances
- Taxes and Interest
- Easy Configuration
- Permissions
- In-Game Commands
- In-Game Help
- Exterior Plugin Support
- Multiple Currencies
- Banks
- Languages (Don't want English? Find more here.)
- Server-Side GUI
- Update Checks
- Automated Backups
- Database Support
- Vault Support
If you have suggestions for this mod, please file a ticket with the type "Enhancement".
When a suggestion is read by the main developers, they will be posted below.
- Groups - For Taxes & Interest, Banking Permissions within MineConomy, etc.
- Conversion from Essentials
- Conversion from iMoney
Known Bugs
If you find a bug, please file a ticket (with type "Defect") and include the steps leading to the error and the stack trace from the console.
Any bugs that are a problem will be posted below. Please do not file bug reports if we are already working on it.
None yet!
Planned Features
- Groups (Specific Taxes, Taxes given to Account, etc.)
- SQLite Database Compatibility
- Item Damage Values
- MySQL Transaction logging
- Essentials Economy conversion
- iMoney conversion
Features That Will Be In Next Version
Please feel free to suggest features in the comments section!
Change Log
To read the complete change log visit the Change Log page.
Version 1.6
- Updated to Bukkit 1.5.2-R1.0
- Fixed MySQL Migration Bug
- Fixed Change Log (MineConomy Loads Normally)
- REMOVED "/mc top" Command
- Update checking is optional
- Currency File Created with Default Currency
- Physical Currencies allow Damage Values
- Accounts are now case insensitive and can be aliased
- Option for Ops to be told when MineConomy is out of date
- Console Support for commands
Yea I Tried that just after posting here. But as you said in the bugs I ran into issues. I also could not see the string for the welcome message.
Yea I know But its a pain.
I do have a permissions plugin as a long time server owner ( since before bukkit and Hmod ) I am well aware of how to run my server. I currently use Pex. However Due to how Pex reads its file removing plugin granted permissions becomes tricky when you have a complex inheritance tree and some "modifier groups." I also Don;t think I should have to Undo a plugin developers handy work and take up even more lines in my config. when I was talking about an override I was thinking a simple true/false in bukkit.yml
Just for the record I had already edited the plugin.yml before putting it on my server :p when you have been around as long as me you learn things like that.
Not a problem I am a firm believer of speaking up when I see some thing wrong or that could be better. Over my time as a server owner I have learned how Speaking up and sharing thoughts can lead to some epic results. I think the best result iv had yet is buycraft. Before i started using it the dev was coding all sorts of bits and pieces to allow things to be added to the online shop. I said to him what about just making it run a console command and letting other plugins do the real work. ( hes still doing it that way today.) Its saved him many many hours and allowed him to work more on the website side of the plugin :D
I posted a question on the forum.
Sorry about the un-clarity. I want whole numbers, but if decimal points can't be disabled I guess I could work around it and disable percent interest and tax, and set it to 1.0. Thanks for the reply :)
This is already an available feature. If you go into your "plugins" folder, then the "MineConomy" folder, then the "lang.yml", you are able to change the wording and format of every string used in MineConomy (including color coding).
You can turn messages off by removing the body of the node in the language file.
I have outlined the default permissions. This is to allows MineConomy to be easily used "out of the box", without any set-up configuration.
If you have a permissions plugin, you can deny or override the default permissions I have set. I would suggest bPermissions or PermissionsEx. OR, if you don't have a permissions plugin, you can edit my "plugin.yml" using WinRAR, 7zip or ArchiveUtility (Just like modding a client jar).
I am sorry. I did not think about that. I will definitely update the page! Thank you for the suggestion!
I am very thankful for this!
I am sorry if your experience was not the best it could have been. I actually have two bugs I think I should confess to. I fixed the bug in the video (I recorded the video before v1.4 release) so all currencies migrate correctly in the current version. The second bug is with the language files. It only occurs if you edit them after loading the server for the first time. It saves incorrectly. Language files are still in ALPHA. They were originally meant to allow the changing of languages (Hence, one of ToddVee's positions). I have fixed this in the next version of MineConomy, though.
I truly appreciate all your feedback, as it helps make me a better developer and MineConomy a better plugin.
This by far looks like the best replacement for iconomy 6 I have seen yet.
The commands and permissions are well explained the video guides are well made and clear.
I do however have one question Is there any plan to allow messages to be changed. I have a bit of a theme going on in my chatbox and would like the ability to recolor or reword some messages. the rewording is not all that important.
If you could at the very least expose some settings for the colors ( clearly you have a style in place) and just a color setting for each part of that style would be a very good start.
--------- EDIT---------After taking a look at the plugin.yml I am very very unimpressed You have given out permission nodes to all players. God I wish plugin devs would stop trying to run my server get ur god dam nose out of it.. Further more you FAILED to list that YOU had done this on the plugins permissions page. Bukkit even giving dev's this power was a design flaw. but the bigger flaw is not allowing me to have some override switch..
I know why you devs do it I really do, You do it because if you don't the 5 yo server owners come back here saying bla bla it don't work. But still you should have the decency to list what is given out by default so the more mature server owners that take the time to read know whats going on and dont end up with unexpected results.
--------- EDIT 2--------- After fully installing the plugin it has become clear that I don't have a grate deal of control. my main issues is the message that shows up on Join. Not every server wants to show what plugins they are using and it should NOT be forced onto server owners. I may also want to change said message But i can't Your message is also screwing with my product placement deal I have with a friend. Do you see how you can really make things hard for others By doing Things YOU THINK are right.Im sick of complaining because I don't like it I really like the plugin but it has just a few things that really piss me. and it all comes back to Plugin devs restricting what I can do with my server. Ya ya ya I know i dont pay for it Bla Bla you should be grateful. I am that's why I have despite my issues and gripes recommend it to some friends already.
I see. I am not sure why MineConomy would do this. Could you send me your iConomy "accounts.mini" file? I could make sure it parses correctly. (I believe errors in the "accounts.mini" file cause MineConomy to reset everyones' balance). Also, now that I am thinking about it, could you send me your "currencies.yml" and "config.yml" files? A misconfiguration in either file will result in an error when migration occurs.
No, decimal numbers can not be disabled.
I am confused to whether you want whole numbers (just because that is your preference), or if you are getting errors with percent interest which allows balances to have an infinite decimal.
I have tried to validate an error (where the decimals pass the hundreths place), with many different possible assignments for a percent interest, without success. MineConomy has built-in checks to make sure balances are always in the proper format.
I need some more clarification on your post, and maybe the copies of your "accounts.yml", "currencies.yml", and "config.yml".
This report has intrigued me, and I would fix any errors that might cause account security problems.
Is there any way to disable decimal numbers on the virtual currency? My physical and virtual currencies are valued at 1.0, but if you earn a percent interest, decimal numbers can form, making some money un-convertable.
<<reply 819007="">>
Hmmm, i actually noticed that mistake too, and i changed it, but it's back again and i'm the only one with access...
However, after fixing the mistake again, it seems to be working.
It does, however, throw a bunch of errors at me because certain players used (blocked now) names such as "Big Bang" etc (spaces).
I hope the other accounts were imported correctly, i'm going to check that now
the accounts have been saved as accounts.yml.convert (renamed to accounts.yml), but i wanted to use MySQL instead of flatfile and everyone's money got reset.
MineConomy has support for Register, but Register does not support MineConomy. If you are making a plugin which requires multiple economy plugin support, I recommend Vault.
Thank you for reporting this.
An updated version of the readme will be released in the next version.
If you need help with the "config.yml" file, take a look at this tutorial.
I would like to thank you in advance for providing your files.
Your "currencies.yml" file is configured incorrectly.
The "currencies.yml" file requires a default currency, and all currencies require a value.
Watch the tutorial mentioned above to help you set up your "currencies.yml" file properly.
CB1.2.5-R4.1 (v2258)
MineConomy v1.4
Full log:
It hasn't imported the accounts from iConomy yet, i guess because of the error.
Do you support Register?
And the following configs are not described in README.txt:
Log Priority: 5
URL: ''
Name: ''
Username: ''
Password: ''
Type: none
Lang: en
Auto-Save Interval: 3600
iConomy Compatibility Mode: false
Migration Mode: none
This is a really good.
Thank you very much! I really appreciate the feedback.
Thank you much for the input about Permissions Bukkit. I will definitely be switching over, as I actually have noticed, now that you mention it, many problems with this system.
Would be a good thing to include support for subtypes, because then it "automagically" supports Spout, which I'm sure a lot of people would like to use to make physical currency that isn't just a vanilla block/item. Plus there are even subtypes in vanilla Minecraft (like charcoal, I believe).
I had set up a new Spout material called Gold Bullion made from gold ingots that I was hoping I could convert into currency. Would be awesome.
At any rate, I hope you figure out an easy way to add support for it. I'd much appreciate it.
Oh! No, sorry. MineConomy can't process item subtypes. Only vanilla whole item numbers (like in a /i or /give command). It might be something I should look into, though.
MineConomy must not support item subtypes then. My item ID line is:
ID: '314@1047'
Pretty sure that's the only way I can reference Spout items.
It appears as if your "currencies.yml" file is configured incorrectly. I believe that instead of an item id you put an item name. That is why MineConomy is yelling that it needs an integer. :)
This tutorial explains proper configuration.
Yes. This bug is confirmed. The Java Class was missing one character. *sigh* It should be fixed by next Dev Version.
I can not validate this. MineConomy allows many permissions to Server Ops (are they your testers?). MineConomy's permissions are also exclusive (You must be given a permission to use a feature). I have tested all of MineConomy's permissions thoroughly. I use MineConomy on my server and would not like unwanted "guests" giving themselves money. I have, however had bad experiences with PermissionsBukkit. It may seem like a pain to move permissions plugins, but I have found PermissionsEx to work very reliably. If you need help setting up permissions, visit our Permission Nodes page. I wish you the best to find a solution, but since it is not a problem with MineConomy, I can not help you any further. I am very sorry.
Trying to deposit physical currency into my bank. Not going well.
When I perform:
/mc deposit Bullion 1
It yells at me in red saying "You must enter an integer!" I'm no genius, but I do know that 1 is an integer. ;)
Bug: can't change Tag, it will backed up to default.