MineConomy is a simple, easy to use, multi-feature Economy API Plugin for Bukkit. It provides Multiple Currencies, Banks, and a Server-Side GUI; features which you won't find in any other economy plugins! MineConomy has support for Multiple Languages, Vault, and Databases. This plugin was created as an alternative to iConomy and other complex Economy API Plugins. It is ready to use out-of-the-box right after download! Current version is 1.6 BETA for Minecraft 1.5.2.
Have Questions, Comments, Suggestions, or Need Support?
We answer common support questions in the comments, but for reporting errors, please use our ticket system.
NOTICE: The updated v1.6 database configuration requires a port number and a slash! E.g. "localhost:3306/" instead of just "localhost".
Thanks to the 14,000+ users who downloaded for supporting this plugin! It gives the MineConomy team pride and drive to make this plugin the best plugin possible!
- Multiple Accounts
- Balances
- Taxes and Interest
- Easy Configuration
- Permissions
- In-Game Commands
- In-Game Help
- Exterior Plugin Support
- Multiple Currencies
- Banks
- Languages (Don't want English? Find more here.)
- Server-Side GUI
- Update Checks
- Automated Backups
- Database Support
- Vault Support
If you have suggestions for this mod, please file a ticket with the type "Enhancement".
When a suggestion is read by the main developers, they will be posted below.
- Groups - For Taxes & Interest, Banking Permissions within MineConomy, etc.
- Conversion from Essentials
- Conversion from iMoney
Known Bugs
If you find a bug, please file a ticket (with type "Defect") and include the steps leading to the error and the stack trace from the console.
Any bugs that are a problem will be posted below. Please do not file bug reports if we are already working on it.
None yet!
Planned Features
- Groups (Specific Taxes, Taxes given to Account, etc.)
- SQLite Database Compatibility
- Item Damage Values
- MySQL Transaction logging
- Essentials Economy conversion
- iMoney conversion
Features That Will Be In Next Version
Please feel free to suggest features in the comments section!
Change Log
To read the complete change log visit the Change Log page.
Version 1.6
- Updated to Bukkit 1.5.2-R1.0
- Fixed MySQL Migration Bug
- Fixed Change Log (MineConomy Loads Normally)
- REMOVED "/mc top" Command
- Update checking is optional
- Currency File Created with Default Currency
- Physical Currencies allow Damage Values
- Accounts are now case insensitive and can be aliased
- Option for Ops to be told when MineConomy is out of date
- Console Support for commands
does this work with 1.12.2? I have used 1.10 before but I don't know if it will work.
In reply to Villerger_27:
How about an Version for Minecraft 1.11.2 ? o:
and how exactly does recoding a bukkit plugin to remove bukkit compatibility make this work in a bukkit 1.8 server?
this does not work with craftbukkit 1.8
Plugin recode
I have a recoded version of this. Works with latest Spigot. Patched Spigot and any core u want! (1.6 - 1.7.10/1.8)
Ugh, why are no good economy plugins updated nowadays!?
I have the same issue when trying to run the latest jar for 1.5.2 on 1.6.4.
hi. i am running craft bukkit 1.7.5 and seem to be getting an error on enable (also on disable) the error report suggested that perhaps the file is incompatible or out of date. anyway i require a economy for my server and really liked this one. let me know if you have anything to help
The jar that I uploaded is compiled with 1.7.2.
Recommendation: Please update to version 1.7.2! Keep up the good work!Thanks in advance!
(P.S.: What do you mean by "Multiple Currencies"?)
I've fixed the Spigot startup errors. Use this link to get the fixed jar:
** Link Removed **
Tested with Spigot Build 1363
PM me if you have any issues with this jar.
@MjolnirCommando: If you patch this issue officially please let me know and I'll take this down.
Is it possible to have one global currencies and a per world different currencies ?
Bodyash Я знаю, просто если люди пишут плагины, думаю перевести строку в переводчике google им не составит труда.
I would really like to see this plugin being updated to 1.7.4 I really need SQLite feature due to my host not fully supporting SQL. Thanks
Когда на 1.7 обновление? И добавьте помимо mc побольше команд из разных плагинов экономики (так для игроков проще будет, кто на разных экономиках играл), тип: Monies, Moneh, Money, iMon, Bal, Balance, Econ, Economy
Sweet, your version works. May I know what you changed and do u perhaps have an e-mail account so we can keep contact? I really need this plugin to function for many more future versions xd.
I juste made a small corrected version for my serv, it seems to work with the latest spigot build. Here is a link to it :
Instead of linking to dropbox, why not fork the project on github and link to that. maybe setup a pom.xml while you're at it and we can build it on jenkins. Also, take the time to submit a pull request to the git repo you forked.