QuarterBukkit | (PluginManager) | MinecartRevolution
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Recode Progress: ==================== (100 %)
There are stable versions of MinecartRevolution available! Get them from here
Basic Description
What is MinecartRevolution? It's a modern Minecart-Plugin for Bukkit which features simple functions for beginners and professional ones like an own english-like natural scripting language (RevoScript).
You can use it simple with control signs and control blocks, define the expression scripts and create new controls in configuration files. You can also write plugins for more complicated controls and new RevoScript elements.
- Create Boosters, Brakes, Elevators & Reverses with only placing a block below a rail!
- Create Announcements, Farming, Stations, Holds, Intersections, Sensors, Chest-Transfers, Collectors, Effects & more with high-customizable control signs!
- You can customize your plans even more with a whole human-like expression language!
- Everybody can write auto-updating plugins for MinecartRevolution which can modify most of the properties and add new expressions & controls. Such plugins are written in Java!
- MinecartRevolution requires QuarterBukkit-Plugin which is automatically downloaded by MinecartRevolution after the user agreed to the download (restart of the server, see the QuarterBukkit page).
- MinecartRevolution and all MinecartRevolution plugins feature auto updating (disabled by default) and new version availability notification (enabled by default). You can enabled or disable both behaviors in the main config file under "plugins/MinecartRevolution/config.yml".
- MinecartRevolution features metrics integration. Metrics collects your server settings (like auth mode) and system properties (like architecture), as well as game stats (like the amount of online players). You can disable that by setting "opt-out" to "true" in the metrics config file under "plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml".
@ Quatercode
When i give the command on the shild for allitems is wrong
my command is
[chest] - allitems
and after i read the 1 post i have try with this command
[chest] -
but it does nothing
what are the right command ????
sorry for my bad english
When I get a" [Grab] 1 "Singn, i have errors in bukkit 1.5 java.lang.NumberFormatExeption For Input String: 1
OK, you must have a space in Sign between : [Grab] <SPACE> 1
How's it going with the wiki?
Simply write "-" :)
Habe gerade mal rumprobiert Minecart/Storage/Powered funktioniert.
Other question, its currently possible to get all items from, for example, one chest? -allitems seems to be wrong
Brauche mal dringend Hilfe...
Vor dem Update konnte ich die
normalen Loren mit
Leere Zeile
Leere Zeile
spawnen lassen.
Jetzt ist mir aufgefallen das dies nicht mehr
so funktioniert.
Rausgefunden habe ich bisher das [Spawn]
nun in die erste Zeile muss, doch wie
kann ich nun die Loren spawnen?
Mit Minecart, Standard und Standart gehts nicht.
No, simply start the server one time with MinecartRevolution, then restart it and QuarterBukkit will get installed automatically.
do we have to download the MinecartRevolution.jar and the Quaterbukkit.jar now separatly?
@QuarterCode Ah. Alright. Thanks for the infos. And thanks for the plugin so far, great work. ;)
After those two alpha versions there has been about a month of silence
Great :D any idea when you'll have it like... even halfway ready. The website still displays <insert documentation links here>
Good News: We're back and only waiting for the wiki right now! (and of course, some bug reports)
But why locked Bukkit the project? Well, that's easy: Our API QuarterBukkit which installs itself is used in this plugin. Every Bukkit-Mod passed the Self-Installation-Feature as advantage for the users, but one locked the project immediately. We contacted other mods who unlocked the project after a few days, but of of course, we're pissed off.
@WhiteNightFury When I first checked the recode was on 90%. Next day it was on 95%. The day after that, the page wasnt reachable because bukkit locked it. And that for a few days. The project is back online again but it does not seem as progress is made. I can understand quite well, why the devs of this plugin could be pissed off right now. But giving us an update on whats going on and why the plugin-page was locked down would be kinda great.
Edit: Sorry, I overlooked those two "new" alpha-versions. I only paid attention to the 95%. My bad. But I am still interested in bukkits reason to lock down the site. ;)
Is it me or is there an awefull little happening on this project?
Chill out dude, I want to know that intersection shit just as badly. And I too, wish they would get the wiki up a little faster. But they're working on it, and if you push to hard you'll only get em pissed off :P So be patient and try to let em do their work.
Can you make an tutorial for the trainstations?
because i want that carts can use one railway, but Switches between two ways like storage cart way to North and standartcar to west for example.
please make an tutorial or give me a link, for a tutorial.
PS: please reup the wiki it is very important for me.
Happy Birthday MinecartRevolution
Good to know ... but it would be even better to know how to enable all the things you guys have already implemented. I am not asking for the wiki. The wiki would take a lot more time to create. I am asking for a few config examples.
If we don't know how to setup all the stuff, we can't test it ;-)
It's already implemented for every item data in the recode!
Maybe some of the long term users know this: Is is possible to set up a chest-cart transfer that consider the additional item data?
For example to store only black wool in a chest
This is not working with a colon. But maybe with a different punctuation mark or a completely different syntax.
When the new wiki guide comes to MCR?
Wann kommt die neue Wiki Anleitung zu MCR?