Supported Bukkit Versions
- Addon-system: The following classes were moved in the package "de.MRTeam.MinecartRevolution.Addon": ControlBlock, ControlSign, MrCommandExecuter
- Addon-system: New method: "reset(Minecart minecart)", send if the minecart isn't on a control block/next to a control sign
- New command: /st <STATION> saves STATION.
- New intersection term: st-STATION (see the /st command)
- New sensor term: st-STATION (see the /st command)
- New permission: minecartrevolution.getv
- New permission: minecartrevolution.reload
- New command: /mr patchregion [RADIUS], this command patches all MinecartMania-signs to the new MinecartRevolution-signs
- Auto path finding system
- New control sign for auto path finding system: Descent as the start
- New control sign for auto path finding system: Destination as the goal
- Fixed: When a player leave while his cart is lock, he will die, you can disable this in the config
- Fixed: Hold stays over reload.
- Fixed: Lock message wasn't colored.
- "killNearbyEntities" changed to "pushNearbyEntities"
- New Block/Sign action system
- New addon register system
- New lock save system
- You can see the download counter in /mr info
- If you write "Enter" in the third line of a station sign, it'll drive when a player enters it
- If a minecart with a player is on an intersection block without a sign, you can punch it to choose the drive direction
- New /mr changelog design
- Fixed: A MaxSpeed-Bug
- New intersection direction: EJ for ejecting