QuarterBukkit | (PluginManager) | MinecartRevolution
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There are stable versions of MinecartRevolution available! Get them from here
Basic Description
What is MinecartRevolution? It's a modern Minecart-Plugin for Bukkit which features simple functions for beginners and professional ones like an own english-like natural scripting language (RevoScript).
You can use it simple with control signs and control blocks, define the expression scripts and create new controls in configuration files. You can also write plugins for more complicated controls and new RevoScript elements.
- Create Boosters, Brakes, Elevators & Reverses with only placing a block below a rail!
- Create Announcements, Farming, Stations, Holds, Intersections, Sensors, Chest-Transfers, Collectors, Effects & more with high-customizable control signs!
- You can customize your plans even more with a whole human-like expression language!
- Everybody can write auto-updating plugins for MinecartRevolution which can modify most of the properties and add new expressions & controls. Such plugins are written in Java!
- MinecartRevolution requires QuarterBukkit-Plugin which is automatically downloaded by MinecartRevolution after the user agreed to the download (restart of the server, see the QuarterBukkit page).
- MinecartRevolution and all MinecartRevolution plugins feature auto updating (disabled by default) and new version availability notification (enabled by default). You can enabled or disable both behaviors in the main config file under "plugins/MinecartRevolution/config.yml".
- MinecartRevolution features metrics integration. Metrics collects your server settings (like auth mode) and system properties (like architecture), as well as game stats (like the amount of online players). You can disable that by setting "opt-out" to "true" in the metrics config file under "plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml".
Could you add the config option to stop players from stopping/blocking a minecart when the player walks on the rail.
Currently, it is not possible to create custom control blocks with revo expressions. Right now, the only way to implement custom blocks is to create a MinecartRevolution plugin (if you want to do that, take a look at the MinecartRevolutionTags source code for some information on how to write plugins).
Here's some technical information on RevoScript:
Here're some sample expressions (note that both the long and short forms of the commands are provided):
Some more information can be found in this comment.
The latest development build (go here and click on the big red button on the right) fixes some minor bugs. However, it has not yet been checked by the bukkit staff.
Hi, I want to move from Minecart Mania to this plugin. I have issues finding out how to create custom control blocks and other items. Are there some samples? Where can I learn more about revoscript? The term seems to be overused for other items so google is not helpful.
I have found the german wiki and found it alreadu helpful.
Concrete question: Is it possible to assign a set of actions that are possible at signs such as "spawn", "grab" etc to a control block? Or do I always need a sign for this?
Tomorrow the article will be finished
We're currently setting up the wiki pages. There will be some documentation on the control sign part soon :)
How do you use the control signs? I can't find any documentation on it.
Thank you, thats great news. I would help you to create the wiki if I'm back in Berlin (now I'm on holidy) probably next week. Have a nice evening!
It's great that you try to create a documentation for MR! Sadly, I don't have enough time to create a wiki or any kind of documentation by myself, so it's good news that you want to do that :)
The effect command can be used for playing effects (particles, some sounds, lighting strikes, explosion particles etc.). The expression command is "effect <effect here>", the sign syntax is:
The second line also applies to the third and fourth line, the "+" or "-" in front of the effect just means "add or remove the effect from the minecart" and is equal to a + or - in front of an expression. Have fun playing around! (you can get the available effects from the "com.quartercode.minecartrevolution.basicexpressions.util.EffectUtil" class in "basicexpressions")
The sensor command can be used for detecting different states of a minecart ("terms"), like if there's a player in it or if the passenger is holding a specific item. It outputs signals to levers which are attached to a block that is located near the sign. The system is too deep for a quick rundown, my solution for that is put after this list.
Yes, the file sign can be used for executing scripts. You can put text files which have the ending ".revo" into the "plugins/MinecartRevolution/scripts" folder and write a file control sign like:
Such script files are simple sequences of expression commands like:
The script above would set the speed of the minecart to 0.1 every tick. It will also spawn flames and smpke every tick and lock the minecart once.
You can see that a "+" in front of a command lets the minecart execute the command every tick, it "adds" the command to the minecart. You can also remove added commands by using a "-" and the command:
Note that you don't need the command parameter when using "-", it is optional. If you don't provide a parameter, every added command with the provided command name will be removed. If the "- effect flames" would be replaced with just "- effect", the smoke effect would be removed as well.
You can also use the "[Revo]" sign to implement small scripts. You will use this sign most of the times you want to use the RevoScript expressions.
You can put script lines on the second, third and fourth line, but they could also be empty. In order to use up less space (the character amount of a sign is somewhat limited), you can use shortcuts for all of the available expression commands. The script from above would look like this on a sign (without the second effect command):
Hope you understood that :)
My Test World
You can download by test world here in order to check out most of the implemented features:
Link Removed: http://www.mediafire.com/download/xevg22zgeyl7bxv/MinecartRevolutionTest.zip
Since you already try to create a documentation for MinecartRevolution, would you like to write the official wiki for MR (or at least some parts of it, if you don't feel to motivated)? As mentioned in the beginning, I sadly don't have enough time for writing docs, so would you like to do that?
- LoadingByte/QuarterCode
Thanks a lot! I have begun to write some documentation for my community. I have found out a lot of things while trying and reading your code but there are thrre features where I don't exactly know what they do.
What does [Effect],[Sensor],[File] probably load a script? do? What is the syntax for Signs?
That's a great idea, I totally forgot about that.
It'll be fun to play around with different algorithms in order to achieve a nice routing. Thank you for the tip!
And of course, thank you for the testing! I forgot to check the whole container logic before releasing.
At first I have to say Great Work!
Have you planned to include a pathfinding system like in the olderversions? This was a great feature to use only /st and intersections
Tank you very much!
Awesome! A new version. I'll start testing now
hello pour quand la mise a jours 1.6.2 je suis bloquer a cause de sa sur mon serveur les minecart bug a mort il ne suive pas les rail quand il spawn 2 minecart tout beug en gros
svp on na besoin de la mise a jour merci pour le travail que vous avez fait avec se plugin il et top mais si pas de mise a jours je vais devoir changer et jais pas envie de changer de plugin
merci à vous cordialement Spartiat3s
schon schlimm das hier gar nix mehr passieren tut bin shcon echt entäuscht hab jetzte auf minecart mania reborn um gezwitscht ist zwar wieder alles neuland aber das gehts wenigstens vorwärts
Hallo bei mir klappen nicht alle befehle wie Spawn und Grab was muss ich machen
ich habe ein problem wenn ich den elevator baue und ich im minecart sitze dann überfahre ich einfach den diamant block und wenn ich nur das minecart fahren lasse dann funktionirt der elevator was könnte das problem sein
i just updated minecraft and minecart revolution after a long time and wanted to use my old minecart system, but some of the old functions dont work anymore.
Is the [MaxSpeed] function disabled?
my Sign looks like this: Line 1 Line 2 [MaxSpeed] Line 3 500 Line 4
hast du in befehl für alle items vllt????
So, zwischen den ganzen Anfragen mal wieder ein Lob, super Arbeit bisher :) Bin grad dabei unser Gemeinschaftslagerhaus umzubauen, fehlen nurnoch ein paar letzte Befehle von euch Freue mich schon, wenn ich das fertig habt :)
Please create a permissions and commands pages!! D: