

QuarterBukkit | (PluginManager) | MinecartRevolution

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Basic Description

What is MinecartRevolution? It's a modern Minecart-Plugin for Bukkit which features simple functions for beginners and professional ones like an own english-like natural scripting language (RevoScript).

You can use it simple with control signs and control blocks, define the expression scripts and create new controls in configuration files. You can also write plugins for more complicated controls and new RevoScript elements.


  • Create Boosters, Brakes, Elevators & Reverses with only placing a block below a rail!
  • Create Announcements, Farming, Stations, Holds, Intersections, Sensors, Chest-Transfers, Collectors, Effects & more with high-customizable control signs!
  • You can customize your plans even more with a whole human-like expression language!
  • Everybody can write auto-updating plugins for MinecartRevolution which can modify most of the properties and add new expressions & controls. Such plugins are written in Java!


  • MinecartRevolution requires QuarterBukkit-Plugin which is automatically downloaded by MinecartRevolution after the user agreed to the download (restart of the server, see the QuarterBukkit page).
  • MinecartRevolution and all MinecartRevolution plugins feature auto updating (disabled by default) and new version availability notification (enabled by default). You can enabled or disable both behaviors in the main config file under "plugins/MinecartRevolution/config.yml".
  • MinecartRevolution features metrics integration. Metrics collects your server settings (like auth mode) and system properties (like architecture), as well as game stats (like the amount of online players). You can disable that by setting "opt-out" to "true" in the metrics config file under "plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml".

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Unverified Builds

MinecartRevolution Plugins




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