QuarterBukkit | (PluginManager) | MinecartRevolution
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Recode Progress: ==================== (100 %)
There are stable versions of MinecartRevolution available! Get them from here
Basic Description
What is MinecartRevolution? It's a modern Minecart-Plugin for Bukkit which features simple functions for beginners and professional ones like an own english-like natural scripting language (RevoScript).
You can use it simple with control signs and control blocks, define the expression scripts and create new controls in configuration files. You can also write plugins for more complicated controls and new RevoScript elements.
- Create Boosters, Brakes, Elevators & Reverses with only placing a block below a rail!
- Create Announcements, Farming, Stations, Holds, Intersections, Sensors, Chest-Transfers, Collectors, Effects & more with high-customizable control signs!
- You can customize your plans even more with a whole human-like expression language!
- Everybody can write auto-updating plugins for MinecartRevolution which can modify most of the properties and add new expressions & controls. Such plugins are written in Java!
- MinecartRevolution requires QuarterBukkit-Plugin which is automatically downloaded by MinecartRevolution after the user agreed to the download (restart of the server, see the QuarterBukkit page).
- MinecartRevolution and all MinecartRevolution plugins feature auto updating (disabled by default) and new version availability notification (enabled by default). You can enabled or disable both behaviors in the main config file under "plugins/MinecartRevolution/config.yml".
- MinecartRevolution features metrics integration. Metrics collects your server settings (like auth mode) and system properties (like architecture), as well as game stats (like the amount of online players). You can disable that by setting "opt-out" to "true" in the metrics config file under "plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml".
Succesfully patched 0 controls...
the syntax is the same as before the recode right? ie:[maxspeed]50for 50% speed.I found out that its a little different now, but still, it might come in handy to get the wiki up and running, I still can't get a speedsign to work :P
Use the "/mr patch mi"-command for patching all worlds & all signs. By using "/mr help", you can show the options of the command and with "/mr patch" you can see all avaible patchers. But: Please don't use this on a public server now! This is an alpha version, so it may corrupt your worlds.
Which control signs are working already?
If you want some help for a french wiki (or for the english wiki, too, if you want) I can translate it, I'm french ;)
If you need help, send me a PM ;)
Good work, I have compiled your plugin and it works perfectly for the moment except elevators; but I trust you for further ;D
Oh yay :D recode is almost done! awesome.
keep up the good work guys ^^
As stated above under Wiki: "TutorialMakerHD is also creating a new wiki for MinecartRevolution, so have a little patience!".
If you also did some homework before posting (as in read the earlier comments) you would know that all userguides, wiki and documentation was deleted by the previous web-author when he decided he didn't want to be involved any more. The team therefore has to recreate everything! Instead of using valuable time (wich for a team doing this in their spare time is a sparse comodity) on recreating documentation for the old version of McR, they would focus on getting the rewrite in order, and have all wikis and documentations in order for that.
How can i use the craftsign ? i didn't found a tutorial at youtube, please make a full tutorial for this plugin please
Can't you read? On this page, there is the big title "Recode" and a progress ...
the station block didn't work.....
the cart drives above away but don't stop if i created a sign with [station] under the block
thx for this really great plugin. i hope the new version will come soon
Wiki? Where? Can't find it
@ pulpius I've found the page 1 days ago. It works fine
The [Chest]-Sign works. Look at this thread: Chest-Sign
I wait for this awesome plugin :) Good luck QuarterCode, LoadingByte & TutorialMakerHD!
I follow you on Github ;)
We're recoding the plugin! Please stop asking us questions about the old version!
The [Chest] Sing dont work :(
If you need help to write the wiki. PM me
i think that i can wait, we wait now many month for a positiv message :)
Yeah! I'm currently on holidays and can continue developing on Sunday, the 13th January. Hope you can wait :)
maybe the project get an new start :D