
Need help or having problems: Create a ticket so we can help!

NOTE: If you ever screw something up and your system is not working right, delete config.yml from the Mcmmorankup folder and re-start your server. It will auot-generate with all default settings (below) and allow you to re-tweak to your needs.

# Message Section allows you to alter the in-game messaging system of McmmoRankUp.
# Change ONLY text to the right of the colon(:)

  NotHaveProfile: '%player% ranking profile could not be located!'
  ChooseHability: '%ability% %rankxpinfo% is now your chosen path!'
  RankUp: '%player% was just %promotedemote% to %group%'
  Sucess: You have been promoted to your next level
  Demotion: You have been demoted. WoW - Cmon, Step it up!
  Fail: Promotion not possible... Level is too low!!
  NotAvailable: This rank line is not available for ranking up...
  NoLongerExists: '&4&lYour current rank line is no longer available

    &6Please select a new rank line; &7/mru hab &6<&7ability&6>&7.'
  AbilityEnabled: '&a ◄▬ &3Available...'
  AbilityDisabled: '&7 ◄▬ Not Available...'
  HabListCurRankLine: '&c&l Your Current Rank Line'
  HabListPrefixChar: '&a←☻→&6'
  HabListPrefixCharBuy: '&a←☺→&6'
  HabListLevel: '&8(&o&5lvl&3:&o&5%level%&8)'
  MaxedOutLevel: No further promotions available for this ability
  PromosIgnored: Promotions are ignored for this player and/or group
  setGender: Your Gender has been set to %gender%
  RankInfoTitle: RANK INFO
  PromoteTitle: PROMOTION
  DemoteTitle: DEMOTION
  GlobalBroadcastRankupTitle: RANK UP
  RankInfoLine1: '%rt%Rank Line:%ra% %ability% %rt%@ Level:%ra% %skilllevel% %rt%(%ra%%rankline%%rt%)'
  RankInfoLine2: '%pp%* use&e /mru rank%pp% to promote ability to&e %pRank%'
  RankInfoLine3: '%rt%Next Promotion @ Level:%ra% %nLevel% %rt%(%ra%%nRank%%rt%)'
  RankInfoXp: '%pp%(%rt%&o%cXp%%pp%&o/%rt%&o%rXp%%pp%)%rt%'
  RankInfoWillAchieve: '%ra%Your next promotion will achieve greatness in this ability!'
  RankInfoHighest: '%pp%Ranking Ability (%ht%%ability%%pp%) Achieved! You are top dog!!'
  RankInfoPromoteDemote: '%pp%%promotedemote% to:&e %pRank%'
  BaseRanksListingSubline: '&c*&7abilities not shown are either not available to you
    or disabled'
  McmmoAbilityLevelUp: '&6Ranking ability, &5%ability% &6has leveled up to: &5%skilllevel%'
  McmmoAbilityXpGain: '&3Ability XP: &8(&5%cXp%&8/&5%rXp%&8)'
  DefaultSkillRankListing: '&c**&7default rank line is: %ability%'
  CommandAttempt: Command attempted too soon!
  RankChecking: '&b%player%%colorreset%, checking your rank for promotion/demotion...'
  RankCheckingIgnore: '&b%player%%colorreset%, you are being ignored for promotions!'
  LastQuitStats: 'Last Quit Skill was: %skill% @ Level of: %level%'
  LastQuitStatsFail: Last Quit stats could not be retrieved... Creating...
  HabilitySetFail: '&2%ability% %colorreset%is not an ability you have just yet!'
  Rewarded: ' %action% for your %promotedemote%'
  RewardedActionGive: You were just given
  RewardedActionTake: has been taken from you
  BuyRankCurrencyName: Fallout Buks
  BuyRankPurchaseInfo: '&3Your Purchasing Profile:'
  BuyRankPurchaseBuks: '&3%currencyname%: &6'
  BuyRankPurchaseXp: '&3XP: &6%xp% &3points &3(Level &6%level%&3)'
  PlayerCurrentProfile: '&6%group%&3 ( &6%rankline% &3@ level: &6 %level%&3 )'
  BuyRankMenu: Buy a rank for XP or %currencyname%
  BuyRankPurchaseConfirm: '&3You purchased Rank &6%rank% &3for &6%cost%&3...'
  BuyRankPurchaseReq: '&3Type &f%command% %buyflag% &3<&frankname&3> of the rank you
    wish to buy!'
  BuyRankPurchaseNot: '&cYour a little short on &e%buymethod% &cto buy ranks!'
  BuyRankIgnoreNoPurchase: '&cIgnored Players and/or Groups can not purcahse ranks!!'
  BuyRankDisabled: '&cYour Rank Line does not allow the buying of Ranks'
  BuyRankListEntry: '&f :> &6%cost% &3 to buy  &6%rank% &3 Rank'
  BuyRankInvalidEntry: '&cInvalid Rank. Type exactly how you see it!'
  BuyRankInvalidEntryRedo: '&7Re-enter your purchase command (case sensitive)'
  BuyRankNoPermBuks: '&f&lNo permission to purchase ranks with %currency%'
  BuyRankNoPermXp: '&f&lNo permission to purchase ranks with XP'
  BuyRankLevels: ' levels'
  BuyRankPoints: ' points'
  BuyRankPurchaseCurrent: '&6%group%&3 ( &6%rankline% &3@ level: &6 %level%&3 )'
# Config section allows you to change the options and features in the current release of McmmoRankUp

  mruStartupSummary: true
  # If false, very limited messaging will be shown in the console and the server log during server starts or /mru reload

  UseTagOnlySystem: false
  # If "true" then you will be telling McmmoRankUp not to use Permissions System Interface and players will promote
  # within a Tag/Group Based Promotion Ladder only. No Groups for the player will be add/removed via your
  # permission system.
  RemoveOnlyPluginGroup: true
  # If "true" then McmmoRankUp will only remove the group you have defined in your ability/powerlevel.yml files
  # from the players permissions group.  Otherwise, all groups upon promotion/demotion will be removed and only
  # the defined group per your ability/powerlevel.yml files will be added back to the player upon
  # the players promotion/demotion.
  PromoteOnJoin: true
  # If "true" when a player joins your server, McmmoRankUp will try to Promote the Player.
  OnJoinDelay: 300
  # Set when McmmoRankUp will attempt to promote the newly joined player.  150 equals about 7.5 seconds
  # after joining the server.

  AllowDemotions: true
  # This setting controls weather players will get demoted if their level falls below your ability levels and/or when they change their rank line ability
  AllowBuyRankDemotions: false
  # If enabled, players that have purchased ranks will be subject to natural means of demotions

  AllowBuyRankSameRankLineDemotions: false
  # if enabled, and AllowBuyRankDemotions is enabled, demotions will be limited to the player last purchased rank that is equal to the players
  # current rank line, only.

  AutoUpdate: false
  # If "true" then depending on the setting you configure below, McmmoRankUp will automatically attempt to
  # promote/demote all players currently on-line at the specified time interval.
  AutoUpdateTime: 1h
  # AutoUpdateTime, as described for Auto-Update is to be set as follows:  h=hours and m=minutes.
  # No other intervals are coded.
  UseAlternativeBroadCast: true
  # If "true" mcmmoRankUp will attempt to Broadcast, including to the Console, all promotions/demotions when a
  # player is promoted/demoted and/or at the time of Auto-Update.
  DefaultSkill: POWERLEVEL
  # This is the DEFAULT ability file (powerlevel.yml) that the player will automatically be based on.  Each player
  # can select how he/she wants to rank-up on using the "/mry hab <ability>" command.  Each of the ability files
  # needs to be edited in order for players to use those abilities and each file needs to be placed in your
  # plugins/Mcmmorankup/skills/ folder.
  GlobalBroadcastFeed: true
  # This option is not yet enabled in v0.6+
  # This option will give the player the option to toggle Global Promotion/Demotion Broadcasting
  # on/off, for that player only.
  PlayerBroadcastFeed: true
  # This option is not yet enabled in v0.6+
  # This option will give the player the option to toggle in-game Player Promotion/Demotion messaging
  # on/off, for that player only.

  DisplayNextPromo: true
  # This option sets weather players will see when their next promotion is and what level / group is will be.
  # use command /mru pinfo to toggle this on and off.
  # Warning: When you  toggle this, the config.yml is updated to reflect the toggle therefore if you toggled
  #               it for temporary reason, you will need to toggle it again so it's off / on.

  DisplayRankInfoXp: true
  # if enabled, players ability xp and remaining xp to next level will be show in the rank info

  RankInfoTitles: true
  # If enabled, titles and footers for the players Rank Info, will be shown.

  DisplayDisabledRanks: false
  # This option allows you to control weather players will be able to see any ability that you have
  #  set to a disabled state.  See " Skills " below.

  UseGenderClass: true
  # This option will allow you to ignore the use of the Genders in the plugin.  If set to 'false', all players will default to the 'male' gender.

  AllowBuyingRanks: true
  # This is self explanatory.  Set it to 'false' if you don't want to allow buy ranks at all and the configuration in the skill files will be ignored.

  AllowRankRewards: true
  # This is self explanatory.  Set it to 'false' if you don't want to allow rewards when ranking up and the configuration in the skill files will be ignored.
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: true
      enabled: true
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: true
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
# Formatting is new to version 0.6.1 and higher.  All formats are bound to specific events that are part of the
# McmmoRankup in-game messaging system.  If you change colors, DO NOT remove the single-quotes ('..').
# All colors are formatted exactly as you type them in the chat box of MineCraft, using the ampersand symbol(&).  
# NOTE: TitleHeader and TitleFooter are placeholder elements for Headings. They will be parsed based on a titles
#       character length and that title will be centered replacing only the center characters of the header/footer.

  TitleHeader: .oOo.————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————.oOo.
  TitleFooter: ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
  ReportCatSeparator: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  MessageSeparator: '&f-----------------------------------------------------'
  TitleHeaderLineColor: '&9'
  TitleHeaderTextColor: '&e'
  TitleHeaderTextColorBold: true
  TitleHeaderAltColor: '&f'
  TitleHeaderAltColorBold: true
  TitleFooterLineColor: '&9'
  TitleFooterTextColor: '&e'
  RankInfoTextColor: '&b'
  RankInfoAltColor: '&3'
  PromoteTextColor: '&e'
  RankInfoPurchased: '&e'
  PromoteTextBold: true
  PromotePreTextColor: '&5'
  GeneralMessages: '&6'
  PlayerWarnings: '&c'

NOTE: Any Group that you place in the "GroupToIgnore" setting is there so when you have a player OF the "GroupToIgnore" they will not get promoted. So for example in your skill files you promote to a top group of Admin and you place Admin in your GroupToIgnore Setting, any player under the Admin group can/will still get promoted to this Admin group. Once a player reaches the top level in you skill files is when the promoting stops. In other words, if you don't want players getting promoted to Admin, don't put it in your Skills Files to be able to promote into.

# Player and Group to Ignore section allows you to setup players and/or groups that McmmorRankUp should ignore
# during manual and/or automated promotion/rank-up. Separate each Player and/or group with a comma (,).  If there
# are single-quotes in your config.yml when you first edit, you can remove them for these sections only and then
# just enter your player names/groups.

Rather than having to constantly add/edit/remove players/groups from here, simply give the player and/or the group the new permission node mru.ignore. Any group or player having this node will be ignored 100% from all mcmmoRankup messaging and ranking up.

# Any PLAYER listed in the PlayerToIgnore section will not be promoted.
PlayerToIgnore: Manny,Moe,Jack,Crabboy

# Any GROUP listed in the GroupToIgnore section will not be promoted, __after they have become of this group, not before__.
GroupToIgnore: Admin,Owner,Resident_Evil_Elite

Need help or having problems: Create a ticket so we can help!