Ability Configuration Files


Each Ability listed below will need to be edited after initial installation. The files are located in " /plugins/Mcmmorankup/skills " folder.

Please note that as of 0.6.3, if you disable any ability from it's file loading/players having the option to use as rank line, the file will not be removed from the skills folder unless you remove it.

If for some reason any of the ability files is deleted or become corrupt, it will automatically regenerate on a server restart or a forced reload while in-game.

To verify the files were loaded, you have several options to help you enable or find out why an ability is not available.

  1. Check your server log in which case you will see a comment indicating " ABILITYNAME - Rank is Enabled ".
  2. Check your server log in which case you will see a comment indicating " ABILITYNAME - Is Disabled ". This is controlled via your config.yml
  3. View a complete list of Abilities, in-game using the command /mru hab . If the ability was loaded correctly, you should see " Available For Base Rank " otherwise you will see " Not Available For Base Rank ".
  4. In-game, use command " /mru set ability ". After pressing enter, you will see a list of all ability/files that are enabled/disabled. You can enable or disable them from in-game as well and the list will reflect if an ability has been altered and pending changes upon restart or reload.

That's It!! It's that flexible and simple.

RankUp Abilities and Files

Please note that the below Ability Example Configuration File is just that, an example. Merely a means to give you a visual on how the files should be configured.

  • PowerLevel (powerlevel.yml) - default rank base ability - change in config.yml
  • Axes (axes.yml)
  • Swords (swords.yml)
  • Archery (archery.yml)
  • Excavation (excavation.yml)
  • Herbalism (herbalism.yml)
  • Taming (taming.yml)
  • UnArmed (unarmed.yml)
  • Acrobatics (acrobatics.yml)
  • Repair (repair.yml)
  • Mining (mining.yml)
  • Fishing (fishing.yml)
  • Woodcutting (woodcutting.yml)
  • Smelting (smelting.yml)

NOTE: Each ability/skill file is pre-loaded into the "skills" folder upon initial installation or server restart. If the files exist already in this folder they will not be over-written. If you are upgrading from v0.6.1 or lower, just copy your files from " /plugins/Mcmmorankup " to the skills folder and over write them. The skills/ability files have not changed in format or logic.

Ability Configuration Explained

Using a Permissions System

  • Group Names in your Ability File need to match your Group Names from your Permission System. Please note that group names are case-senstive, always!
  • Design your Permission System Groups and Permissions
  • Each Group created in your Permissions System needs to be added to your Ability File, for each Ability, for each gender. If the genders are not a factor, meaning permissions will be equal, just copy the first gender groups to the male or female genders in the file and they will mimic each other (you will see this in example below).
  • Make sure you give each group the "mcmmo.skills.skillname" permission node for the skills you want the group to have the ability of using to rank up. Example. For you new players to your server, you restrict them to 2 abilities (swords and unarmed). Give them "mcmmo.skills.swords" and "mcmmo.skills.unarmed". etc, etc.. etc... <<color green>>This is extremely important!! If you do not give groups the mcmmo.skills.skillname permission nodes, the /mru hab listing will be empty. If you are restricting player groups based on rank then you should restrict yourself from using the "mcmmo.skill.*" wildcard permission node. This will give the group you give it to, all the abilities and they can select any of them in the /mru hab listing.
  • When a player Ranks in McmmoRankUp, they will either be demoted or promoted, based on direct Skill Levels in Mcmmo. During the Ranking process, McmmoRankUP looks at the players Current Skill Level for the Players Selected Ability (/mru hab <ability>). If the players skill level is 1 higher than the level you set in your Ability File, the player will be promoted. Anything else and the player could be demoted if Mcmmo skill level falls below the players current McmmoRankUp ability level/group;- Demotions are rare unless you strictly have Mcmmo setup to reduce skill levels for lack of activity in a skill, etc... Or abusing Bleeding....
  • Upon a Promotion in McmmoRankUp the player will advance to the next Level/Group in your Ability File. Thus his Permission Group will change with his promotion. An example would be this. A new player joins your server and has "default" permissions (basically nothing). You have "axes.yml" level 5 set up for Semi-Builder Permissions. Once this new player reaches a Skill Level of 6 in Mcmmo Axes Skill and the player has chosen the McmmoRankUp ability of Axes (/mru hab <ability>), the player will be promoted to Semi-Builder. Therefore assuming you have your Semi-Builder Permission Group to allow building but other strict commands, the player will now be able to build and do a few more things than he would at the "default" level. This was merely an example of how to integrate permissions with McmmoRankUP.

Using McmmoRankUP Group Tag Only

  • Set this option in your "config.yml" (UseTagOnlySystem) file to true.
  • When you using this option, a player upon promotion or demotion will never change groups in your permission system, just internally to Mcmmo and McmmoRankUp, using the same logic describe above.

Ability Config Example

  • Now binding the above to an ability configuration file. Extremely Important: Case Sensitive


Filename: axes.yml

Location: /plugins/Mcmmorankup/skills/

Examples below are just that, examples.

   #Level : GroupName
    42: Settler
    200: L1_Worker
    500: L2_Worker
    800: Resident
    1000: Dweller
    10000: Asst_Mayor
    25000: Mayor
    180000: Admin
    42: Settler
    200: L1_Worker
    500: L2_Worker
    800: Resident
    1000: Dweller
    10000: Asst_Mayor
    25000: Mayor
    180000: Admin
  # Buying ranks has just gotten easier for you and your players.  Ranks configured below can be for both XP and/or Currency
  # If you do not want a rank to be purchased for Xp or Currency just make the cost of that rank a value of zero (0). Doing so
  # will eliminate it from any of the purchasing lists and the player will not be able to purchase it
  enabled: true
  usepermissions: true  
    # XP value for each group may be in experience points (1333) or in Experience Levels (100L) and > 0
    Settler: 110L
    L1_Worker: 220L
    L2_Worker: 250L
    Resident: 300L
    Dweller: 400L
    Asst_Mayor: 1000L
    Mayor: 20000L
    Admin: 60000L
    # Curreny value can be any value > 0
    Settler: 1000
    L1_Worker: 2000
    L2_Worker: 4000
    Resident: 5000
    Dweller: 8000
    Asst_Mayor: 30000
    Mayor: 100000
    Admin: 800000
  enabled: false
  usepermissions: true
  cmds: give %player% diamond 64
    #GroupName : Broadcast Name
    Settler: Axes Settler
    L1_Worker: Axes Worker Level I
    L2_Worker: Axes Worker Level II
    Resident: Axes Resident
    Dweller: Axes Dweller
    Asst_Mayor: Level 1 Axes Moderator (Mayor)
    Mayor: Axes Moderator (Mayor)
    Admin: Axes Administrator
  • The Male and Female Rankup Level/Groups here and in the permissions group config to show you that you can be a sexist and give males or females more/less power over each other, depending on how you set up the permissions of each of those groups. Optionally, you can disable the use of Genders altogether in the config and all players will default to the male gender settings.
  • As mentioned in the explanation part above, you don't need to create both male and female groups in your permissions system if you are going to give both genders the same permissions. Just copy the male rankup groups to the female rankup groups and they will both rankup and permission up accordingly.
  • The Broadcast section of your ability file needs to mimic your rankup group names, just like they did from your permissions system. The description to the right of the colon (:) in the Broadcast GroupName is there for you to customize for displaying when a player is promoted to that specific group (both permission and McmmoRankUp wise). If you delete the Broadcast section of any of the ability files you may cause issues with player ranking/promoting up. leave the section alone and disable AlternativeBroadcasting in the config.