Promote via password

With the Application system, your new players can promote themselves if they type in the correct password. You can hide this password on your website for example. To use the Apply system, you have to enable it in the config:

  Enabled: true

You have to give the permission '' to all your groups except your default-group(the group which contains new players). Now, if a new player joins your server, he will see a message, which you can set in the messages.yml. When he types /apply [PW] and the password is correct, he will be promotet to the group you set in the config.

  Enabled: true  // You have to set this to true, if you want to use the Application system
  Password: test  //this is the password
  Defaultgroup: default  //here you have to set your default group
  Group: Member  //here you have to set the group, which the players will get promoted to
  Freeze: false  //if you set this to true, new players won't be able to move
  Mute: false  //if you set this to true, new players won't be able to chat
  KickWrongPW: true  //if you set this to true, it kicks at wrong password
  BlockPWinChat: false  //if you set this to true, nobody without the permission "MasterPromote.canwritepassword" is able to write the password to chat