
Name Permission Usage Description Further information
kbreloadkb.reload/kbreloadReloads the KrimBuy Configuration. Does also update the rulesets from the database. Click me!
autoclearlotskb.autoclearlots/autoclearlotsTransfers ownership of lots which exceed the auto-clear regulations (as defined by their respective rulesets) back to the public. Please note that this will also delete any buildings on the lot, if its ruleset sets an autoclear-mode other than none. Click me!
givelotkb.givelot/givelot to free it /givelot name to gift it to a player. Assigns the selected lot to a player. This is an Admin-Command and will ignore every single restriction including but not limited to permissions, ownership and the maximal number of lots defined by the ruleset. Click me!
freelotskb.freelots/freelots [Ruleset-Name]Tells you how many lots of a given ruleset are still free. Click me!
lotpasswordkb.lotpassword/lotpassword [Password]Uses the given password. Using this command will grant you access to all lots which have the password as their password. Click me!
listlotskb.listlots/listlots Lots at your position. /listlots [Name] Lots which the player "Name" owns. Provides you with information about lots. You can use this command to either display all lots a given player owns or to display all lots at your current position. Click me!
findlotkb.findlot/findlot [Ruleset-Name]Makes your compass point to the nearest lot (of the given type) you own. Click me!
findfreelotkb.findfreelot/findfreelot [Ruleset-Name]Makes your compass point to the next free lot with the given ruleset. Click me! [Ruleset-Name]Teleports you to the next lot with the given ruleset. Click me!
tplotkb.teleport/tplot [ID]Teleports you to the given lot. Click me!
destroylotkb.destroylot/destroylotDestroys the currently selected lot. Click me!
delalllotskb.delalllots/delalllotsDeletes all lots of the selected ruleset. Click me!
buylotkb.buylot/buylotBuy the selected lot. Click me!
selllotkb.selllot/selllotSells the selected lot. Click me!
ruleseteditorkb.ruleseteditor/ruleseteditorAn ingame ruleset editor which allows you to add, delete, and modify rulesets. Click me!
noloselotkb.noloselot/noloselotUntil his next login the player will not lose the selected due to autoclear, even if he overstays the time. This protection will be removed as soon as he logs in again. Click me!
neverloselotkb.neverloselot/neverloselotThe selected lot will forever be protected from autoclear. Note that this protection will be overwritten by noloselot! Click me!
upgradelotkb.upgradelot/upgradelotUpgrades the selected lot. All upgrades are defined through rulesets. Click me!
setlotpasswordkb.setlotpassword/setlotpassword [password]Sets the selected lots password. Click me!
makesellkb.makesell/makesell [Price]Creates a lot. Click me!
selectrulesetkb.selectruleset/selectruleset [Ruleset-Name] [Level]Select a ruleset Click me!
selectlotkb.selectlot/selectlot [ID]Select a lot by its ID Click me!
rulesetaddkb.ruleseteditor.add/rulesetadd [Name] [Level] Click me!


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