

Default configuration:

  onDeath: true
  onDisable: false
  onDisconnect: false
  autoEquipWeapon: true
  autoEquipArmor: true
  woolHats: false
  skullHats: false
  renameFireworks: true
  Potion: 16
automaticallyUpdate: true





clearKitsonDeathIf true, players' kits and kit histories will be automatically cleared when they die.true
onDisableIf true, players' kits and kit histories will be automatically cleared when the plugin is disabled, or when the server restarts.false
onDisconnectIf true, a player's kit and kit history will be automatically cleared when they log off.false
inventoryautoEquipWeaponIf true, the most potent weapon in a kit will automatically be put in the player's held item slot when they take a kit. This operation will only consider weapon type and grade, and will not consider enchantments.true
autoEquipArmorIf true, armor in a kit will automatically be placed in the player's armor slots, moving and replacing less powerful armor that may already be equipped.true
woolHatsIf true, wool blocks will be considered helmets for automatically equipping armor.false
skullHatsIf true, skull items will be considered helmets for automatically equipping armor.false
renameFireworksIf true, saved Fireworks being loaded as items will automatically be renamed to their saved name. This can be helpful for distinguishing between fireworks if an assortment of fireworks is provided as part of a kit.true
maxStacksitem namesOverrides the ordinary maximum stack size for an item. IMPORTANT: this will not override the item's in-game behavior. It will only adjust the number of items in each stack when the kit is first given.
automaticallyUpdateKitMaster contains a class that can automatically download updates for itself from BukkitDev to be installed on your server. If you wish to disable this feature, set this option to false.true