
The following table provides the commands and permissions for King of the Hill v1.3

Admin permissions are denoted with the beginning koth.admin.
Setup permissions are denoted with the beginning koth.setup.
User permissions are denoted with the beginning koth.user.

By default, all players are given user permissions, and must be given negated permissions to cancel them. All ops are given setup and admin permissions. Alternatively, any player with koth.admin can use all commands, while players with koth.setup can use both setup and user commands.

An argument marked with <> are mandatory, while arguments marked with [] tags are optional.

Admin Commands

/koth enable [arena|all]You can enable all arenas or individual arenas. If no arguments are specified, all arenas will be enabled.koth.admin.enable
/koth disable[arena|all]You can disable all arenas or individual arenas. If no arguments are specified, all arenas will be disabled.koth.admin.disable
/koth forcestart <arena>Force an arena to start without waiting for the start timer to finish.koth.admin.forcestart
/koth forceend <arena>Force a running arena to end.koth.admin.forceend
/koth updateCheck for updates.koth.admin.update

Setup Commands

/koth addarena <arena>Add a new arena.koth.setup.addarena
/koth removearena <arena>Delete an existing arena.koth.setup.removearena
/koth cfg <save|reload>Save or reload the config file. If reloading, this will end all arenas.koth.setup.config
/koth setwarp <arena> <red|blue|lobby|spec>Set an important arena warp location at your current location.koth.setup.setwarp
/koth sethill <arena> (<hill id>)Set the location of a new hill at your location. If specified, you can override an existing hill.koth.setup.sethill
/koth addclass <class> [-o]Add a new class based upon your inventory. If the class exists, and -o is specified, you will override it.koth.setup.addclass
/koth removeclass <class>Remove an existing class.koth.setup.removeclass
/koth locations <arena> [<locations|hills>]View all the locations for an arena or view a specific onekoth.setup.location
/koth settings <arena> [<setting> [<value>]]View all the settings for an arena, view an individual setting, or change the value of a setting.koth.setup.setting

User Commands

/koth join <arena>Join an arena that is not running.koth.user.join
/koth leaveLeave an arena.koth.user.leave
/koth info <arena>View some important and miscellaneous information regarding a specific
/koth stats <arena>View your per-player stats for a specified arena.koth.user.stats
/koth spec <arena>Join an arena as a spectator.koth.user.spectate
/koth players <arena>If any, view the players in an arena.koth.user.listplayers
/koth listarenasList all arenas. Green arenas are available to play.koth.user.listarenas
/koth class <class>Pick a class.koth.user.pickclass
/koth chooseteam <red|blue>Pick a team.koth.user.pickteam
/koth checkmmrCheck your MMR, and all arenas that you are not allowed to join.koth.user.checkmmr

Permissions unattached to commands

There are some renegade permissions which do not have associated commands to perform their functions.

koth.admin.updateReceive information about future plugin updates, if enabled via config.
koth.admin.placeblocksPlayers with this permission can place blocks in the arena.
koth.admin.breakblocksPlayers with this permission can break blocks in the arena.
koth.admin.signsPlace a KotH sign.
koth.admin.dropitemsCan drop items in the arena.
koth.user.signsUse king of the hill signs.
koth.arenasAllow the use of all arenas, and by default is given to all players. To give access to individual arenas, remove access to this permission and add koth.arenas.<arenaName in all lowercase>
koth.classesAllow the use of all classes, and by default is given to all players. To give access to individual classes, remove access to this permission and koth.classes.<className in all lowercase>
koth.admin.mmrbypassPlayers with this permission can bypass all MMR restrictions.