Frequently Asked Questions


Help! It says I have an error but I can't find anything!

The error also discusses where you can find the error. Try looking in your server.log file rather than your crammed, ugly command prompt or multicraft panel (Use a text editor like Notepad++ (Windows) or TextWrangler (Mac) ). Even after all that, if you still cannot see your error, delete the server.log, start up your server and open the new server.log file. KotH says you have an error for a reason; it's there.

If you can't find it in your server.log, but you have enabled logging, open your KotH.txt to see what it has to say. It logs almost every error that you could get.

The config.yml is very involved. How do I edit it?

There will soon be many resources you can use to aid you in editing the file.

Help! I have an error saying something about 'snakeyaml'

Snakeyaml exceptions means you tried to load a yaml (yml) file which was malformed. Correct any mistakes in indentation or settings (Such as removing all tabs and replacing them with spaces!). You can use an online free yml-parser tool to help you.

How do I specify item data, like colored wool?

You must always write your items in this format: <item-name>:<metadata>:<amount>. Several items must be spliced with a comma. MetaData is exclusive to items that actually have metadata, like potions or wool. For example, to give someone 1 black wool, you need to use:


If you forget the '1', it will give the player 15 white wool!

How do I add enchantments?

To add enchantments, you must leave one character of whitespace after the item name. Each enchantment is separated by only a semi-colon which separates a list of pairs (<enchantment-name>:<level>). Unsafe enchantments are allowed.

<item> <enchantment-name>:<level>;<enchantment-name>:<level>; ... where <item> is any item that follows proper item notation (see above).


Wood_Sword sharpness:3;knockback:2

will yield 1 wood sword with enchantments sharpness 3, knockback 2.

Can I use Item Ids?

No. This is because Item Ids are deprecated magic values and are subject to change.

But I don't know all the material names!

That's okay, I don't either. You can view a list of material names here. I have made the system lenient in being case-insensitive as well as you can substitute underscores for hyphens.

Can I have different arenas in different worlds?

King of the Hill does in fact offer multi-world support. The world for each arena is specified in the config.yml. Make sure it correctly matches the world you wish to have the arena in (CaSe-SeNsItIvE)

Help! My commands don't work!

I assure you, every command works. Make sure you are using /koth as your baseline, followed by one, or more, arguments. If it still doesn't work, you are doing something wrong or you have a conflicting plugin which happens to use /koth (unlikely) and is overriding this plugin.

People can't play in the arena!

By default, everyone can use every class and every arena. Likely, there is another conflicting plugin, or the player has a negated permission. Also, if your arena is in the spawn-region, please make sure that spawn-protection in your is set to 0, and ensure your lobby isn't in the spawn region.

All my items were lost in a reload!

Join the arena and leave it again. If you know your UUID, you can lookup your last saved inventory in the inventories folder. If you still don't have your items, there's nothing I can do.

I think I found a bug! What do I do?

It would be marvelous if you could report the bug to my issue tracker. This will help ensure that the bug will be resolved in a future update, or to address otherwise.
You must also include the steps necessary to reproduce the problem and your server version.

Note that you need a (free) GitHub account.

How can I give rewards to players?

In v1.0.1, you can give rewards to players on the arena end! You can give rewards to winners, losers, and everyone. Items are parsed the same way as you would put them for a class. You can also add price tags ($<amount>).

How do I setup a KotH sign?

Take a gander here.