Game Modes/Mystery Killer


This is the "signature" Killer Minecraft game mode, and was originally our only game mode.

After the first day's play, one player is assigned as the killer, but no one else knows who. The other players have to attempt to bring a blaze rod or a ghast tear from the nether back to the top of a plinth near the spawn. The killer has to stop them.

When you die, you'll become a spectator until the end of the game.

If there's a lot of players, the killer will be given some items to give them a fighting chance. Their compass will point at the nearest player.

The game is not won when the killer dies, because you can never be completely sure who the killer was.

Even if you did kill the right person, you can never be sure you're safe, because another killer might be assigned later.


Don't assign killer until the second day

Enabled by default

When enabled, the killer won't be assigned until dawn on the second day of play. Until that point, everyone is an ally so this gives you a day of "fully cooperative" play to get set up. When disabled, the killer is allocated 30 seconds after the game starts.

Allocate new killer if old ones die

Enabled by default

When enabled, the game will periodically check to see if there are "enough" killers in the game (usually 1, unless the next option is enabled). If there aren't enough, one of the existing players will secretly be turned into a killer. Like with the initial allocation, other players will be told that a killer was assigned, but will not be told who. When disabled, this check does not occur. After the initial allocation, no new killers will be assigned.

Assign multiple killers if lots of people play

Disabled by default

When enabled, more than one killer will be allocated, if there are enough players in the game to support it. You need at least 6 players for this to have effect. There's no way for killers to recognise each other as such, and so the paranoia should be even worse. When disabled, there will never be more than one killer active in the game at a time.


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