- Required Dependencies
- None
- Optional Dependencies
LegendaryMessages is a plugin that will display all kinds of messages and is 100% customizable!!! It can handle things from login messages to Messages of the day to Auto Messages and you dont need to use all the features as it is customizable.
- Login Message
- New Player Messages
- Player Counter Message
- Message of The Day
- Logout Message
- AutoMessages
- Ability to disable automessages on console (aka messages wont be seen on console)
- White-List Message
- Death Messages
- Ability to have random rotating death messages
- New Version Notification
Option to change the kick message when you type /stop- /say command formatting
Commands to edit the config in gameMySQL Player Logging Information/playerinfo command to display player informationWeb Interface- Shorten the plugin prefix
- VanishNoPacket Support for join, leave messages
- Download the plugin
- Install it to the /plugins folder
- Then do a quick server restart
- When the server has started everything is already enabled so you will see [AutoMessage] Message 1 it will be set to 1 minute interval
- To disable and customize somethings goto /plugins/LegendaryMessages/config.yml and it will look something like this
Default Config
Plugin Metrics
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
- Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Video Tutorial
(new tutorial coming soon)
Commands & Permissions
The Command /lm does the same thing as /legendarymessages
Command | Description | Permission |
/lm reload | Reload The Config | LegendaryMessages.Reload |
Hide Automessages | LegendaryMessages.AutoMessages.Hide |
- Change automessages bar api to action bar
- Title MOTD (Middle of screen text)
Webpage to display player information (if MySQL is used)More information about players joined (Date time)New Version NotificationDeath Messages- More Messages
Commands- Request Ideas Below
Sorry for not updating I'll update it soon
Contact me on skype for instant replies wwwicyreliccom
yes 1.8 would be nice.
because you have permissions-plugin like PEX. You need to set a permission for getting the messages, but there is no permission. I have the same problem.
If you deacitvate PEX completely, the messages will be shown to all players.
If you add
for the admin-group(the group which has permision '*', you can´t see the messages :(
And if you put in config "permission true" for global-messages & set in permissions:
noone can the the messages, too :(
I don´t know how to get this plugin to work again. With MC 1.5.2 it works fine. With 1.7.2 not :( All other messages, welcom-message etc. are working.
Buen plugin pero no me convence
Need update for 1.8 :)
Is there any way to make random message for each death? Would be great if I could write, for example, five different messages for being killed by a zombie and it chooses one randomly when someone get killed by a zombie.
Even when having disabled death messages plugin is listening on PlayerDeathEvent
Query offline player will happen error ! Please fix it !
Won't allow me to uninstall it, and doesn't let me change the config file. Use at your own risk.
How does it not allow you to use it? (Config)
Could you please add ability to display weapon display name (not only material) in Player Death Message.
Love this plugin and it works great for my server, but I have a question. I also use chat management to give players colored chat names and I can't make it stop doing the "&7" (or whatever color code) before the player name when a player returns. Right now my config for returning users looks like this:
Returning_Join_Message: Enabled: true Message: '&eHello, %player_name%!'
Is there something I can do to make it so colored name players don't have the "&3" code displayed in chat? I hope I explained myself well.
Please fix this http://pastebin.com/5ZwXXp3j error on login... Oh and AutoMessages somehow still don't work. :/
The plugin works great except for a small problem. Any movement while the bossbar message is up causes it to disappear soon after. While standing, it works fine.
Getting this http://pastebin.com/5ZwXXp3j error on login :/
I have a whole list of things to add to auto messages and I'll make an AutoMessages documentation page for them
No it wasn't but I could make it an option
Yes (wasn't it possible once ?) Like : - message3 - message1 - message4 - message1 - message2 - ...
What do you mean by broadcast automeasages randomly
Select a random message?
Ok I'll look into it recreating the VIP group for now just enable permissions on it and no1 will see it not even players with * permissions because they should also have legendarymessages.automessages.hide
Thanks for the quick answer but I have still some troubles :p
If I delete the entire vip group when the server is stopped and then I restart it, the vip group will reappear.. (maybe is this because I have set the permission lm.automessages.vip ?)
I also have some suggestions for the plugin itself :)