LegendaryMessages v7.0


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    Jul 9, 2016
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.10


7.0 - Reworked deathmessages to work for any mob even for future ones to come made the config dynamic and created a general section for mobs. REMOVED all player tracking and mysql as it will be created as its own plugin, updated for 1.10.2

6.0.3 - Rewrote deathmessages

6.0.2 - Removed BarAPI support due to mc 1.8 boss bar bug, Fixed deathmessages color

6.0.1 - Removed ingame config editor

6.0 - Updated for 1.8.1, Added random deathmessages per type, Fixed database errors

5.4 - Fixed Error on playerjoin with StorageType: file, Fixed UUID conversion it will now convert to UUID from old db records just a warning if all the players don't join before Mojang allows name changes then someone can appear as someone else forever unless the UUIDs are manually swapped the username column will be the original username

5.3 - Added Name Change support for minecraft 1.7.9

5.2 - Add per permission AutoMessages

5.1 - Added new style of AutoMessages (Requires BarAPI plugin) Added LegendaryMessages.AutoMessages.Hide permission node also changed the AutoMessages interval to TICKS instead of minutes

5.0 - Fixed error - "Plugin already initialized!" Updated to 1.7.4 (New update coming soon with new features)

4.6 - Added bold, italic, underline, strike, magic to ALL messages, Added /n to AutoMessages

4.5 - PlayerDeath bug fix with /kill, Changed UpdateNotification to AutoUpdate plugin will now automatically update if needed when the server starts if this feature is enabled

NOTE if you dont want the counter message since it has been combined with New_Join_Message just remove it from the New_Join_Message new line or to add it again put this at the end of New_Join_Message "

/n&d%total_players% Players Have Joined This Server


4.4 - Added %world% to deathmessages, Added new line feature with /n in the config for New_Join_Message, Returning_Join_Message, Quit_Message, MOTD, Combined Counter_Message with New_Join_Message

4.3.3 - Fixed deathmessage null error on /kill, PlayerKick message (Yellow message on player kick)

4.3.2 - Bug Fixes, Updated to 1.6.1

4.3.1 - Fixed deathmessage and nicknames, added /fake join and /fake quit

4.3 - VanishNoPacket Support, Fixed database error on shutdown

4.2.2 - Fixed date database error

4.2.1 - Fixed 2 deathmessage errors

4.2 - Added a bunch of new information for /playerinfo logs, bug fixes, Mysql database changes, Brand new web interface (THIS VERSION IS A BETA SO PLEASE REPORT ANY BUGS THAT YOU FIND MOST BUGS ARE ALREADY WORKED OUT BUT JUST IN CASE)

4.1.2 - Fixed /playerinfo <player>, added playerinfo aliases (/pi /userinfo /us), Shorten Plugin Prefix option

4.1.1 - Changed /info to /playerinfo, Fixed config mysql port to 3306, Fixed StorageType in config (just make it equal file or mysql)

4.1 - Nickname Support

4.0 - MySQL Storage Support for players.yml (Mysql allows logging of Date Joined, Time Joined, Player Number) /info command (mysql only) also added info.php to display the mysql database information (all players and their info, total players, newest player)

3.9.3 - ability to disable AutoMessages in console, custom unknown death message, IronGolem DeathMessage

3.9.1 - Updated to 1.4.7

3.9.1 - Fixed to work with bukkit 1.4.5, TEMP removal of /stop

3.9 - Updated to 1.4.5

3.8.3 - Added WitherBoss, EnderPearl, SplashPotion, WitherSkeleton death messages, Added WitherBoss, EnderPearl, SplashPotion, WitherSkeleton deathmessage commands to edit config, updated to 1.4.2

3.8.2 - Fixed Whitelist Message

3.8.1 - Bug Fixes, Fixed UpdateNotification Causing Lag/Console Errors. IF YOU STILL EXPERIENCE THIS LAG YOU CAN DISABLE IT COMPLETELY IN THE CONFIG

3.8 - Added Commands to edit config ingame, Added option to change the kick message when /stop is typed, /say command formatting changed config (You need to regenerate the config if you are upgrading)

3.7.2 - Fixed The Following Bugs: PigZombie DeathMessage, MagmaCube DeathMessage, Skeleton DeathMessage, Silverfish DeathMessage, Tnt DeathMessage, Fixed Config

3.7.1 - Bug Fixes with DeathMessage FIRE_TICK

3.7 - Added Lava DeathMessage, Added New Version Notification, Bug Fixes

3.6 - Added White-List Messages, Added Death Messages (white-list message has no toggle because it auto detects if the white-list is on in the server.properties and it uses white-list.txt for the white-listed players)

3.5 - moved the joined players and counter to players.yml, added complete custom ability, ect

3.0 - Never Released To Public

2.0 - Added AutoMessages

1.0 - Release