- Required Dependencies
- None
- Optional Dependencies
LegendaryMessages is a plugin that will display all kinds of messages and is 100% customizable!!! It can handle things from login messages to Messages of the day to Auto Messages and you dont need to use all the features as it is customizable.
- Login Message
- New Player Messages
- Player Counter Message
- Message of The Day
- Logout Message
- AutoMessages
- Ability to disable automessages on console (aka messages wont be seen on console)
- White-List Message
- Death Messages
- Ability to have random rotating death messages
- New Version Notification
Option to change the kick message when you type /stop- /say command formatting
Commands to edit the config in gameMySQL Player Logging Information/playerinfo command to display player informationWeb Interface- Shorten the plugin prefix
- VanishNoPacket Support for join, leave messages
- Download the plugin
- Install it to the /plugins folder
- Then do a quick server restart
- When the server has started everything is already enabled so you will see [AutoMessage] Message 1 it will be set to 1 minute interval
- To disable and customize somethings goto /plugins/LegendaryMessages/config.yml and it will look something like this
Default Config
Plugin Metrics
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
- Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Video Tutorial
(new tutorial coming soon)
Commands & Permissions
The Command /lm does the same thing as /legendarymessages
Command | Description | Permission |
/lm reload | Reload The Config | LegendaryMessages.Reload |
Hide Automessages | LegendaryMessages.AutoMessages.Hide |
- Change automessages bar api to action bar
- Title MOTD (Middle of screen text)
Webpage to display player information (if MySQL is used)More information about players joined (Date time)New Version NotificationDeath Messages- More Messages
Commands- Request Ideas Below
I love it when the dev makes the tutorial videos. Makes me feel like I can rely on the plugin and it's creator :)
in version 6.0 deathmessages were modified in the config so please regenerate your config or make it look like the one listed in the dev page
This is default settings. BUG?
Enabled: true
Player: '&c%killed% &7has been slain by &c%killer% &7with their &c%weapon% &7in
the world &c%world%'
Does messages support chat color format?
instead of putting - &6Message 1
put - '&6Message 1'
What does NewLinePrefix: true do?
if your message goes onto a new line using /n do you want the prefix on every line of the one auto message
ok, thanks
Does messages support chat color format?
When I put - &6Message 1 it would reset to -1
What does NewLinePrefix: true do?
Prefix: '&f[&aAutoMessage&f]'
I tried to disabled this and use false and it still shows up in chat.
I figured that you can set color in Prefix for the messages.
Prefix: '&f[&aAutoMessage&f]'
&f is the color for message follow by this prefix.
Yes but for now just change mysql_connect to mysqli_connect and then u need to change the mysql's to mysqli's
Can fix this on web end?
Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in C:\wamp\www\lm\index.php on line 6
for pex use the command
/pex <group|user> <name> add -LegendaryMessages.AutoMessages.Hide
to allow a group/user to see the messages that has the * permission
hi IceRelic, is the "LegendaryMessages.AutoMessages.Hide"-permission fixed now? So you can use in PEX "- -LegendaryMessages.AutoMessages.Hide" to see the message anyway(if you have permission '*' ? Or just deletet that permssion, because if you don´t wan´t to read the messages, you can delete the permission: "LegendaryMessages.AutoMessages.global"?
im not understanding what your saying
great idea will be added in next version (Releasing tomorrow, IDK when bukkit will accept it)
Sorry I don´t understand. Where can i find a dev-build?
I think a excluded line in the config would be better then a wiki, because it can be read direclty, if you need it.
ot: is play-axiom-network.com down?
Maybe dev builds and a wiki?
very nice to hear, IcyRelic! I am looking forward to that :-)
by the way - nice work - very useful and easy to manage plugin.
Because you changed intverval from minutes to ticks, it´s more correctly - but perhaps add a info-line like: 1200 Ticks = 1 minute.. it´s more user-friendly i think.
Julia :)
Ok I'll update it and see if it changes anything
hey thank you, IcyRelic. We are using PEX. And have negatet the hide-permission:
What´s the use for the "LegendaryMessages.AutoMessages.Hide"-Permission? If you don´t want to get the automessages, just delete the "LegendaryMessages.AutoMessages.global". So there´s no need for the "LegendaryMessages.AutoMessages.Hide"-Permission. And without this permission a lot of people have less problems or can use your plugin at all. Because they aren´t deterred because it´s not working by the first test(because a lot of are testing in "admin-mode").
Even tho your admins have the * permission You still have to negate the hide permission I'm unsure if your permissions plugin but with permissions ex it's - in front of the permission
o.k., thank you, IcyRelic. In "LegendaryMessages v4.3.1" that runs perfectly. All users & admins could see the automessages - without any permission.
Now.. because of the "LegendaryMessages.AutoMessages.Hide"-permission. The admins(who have permission '*' set) can´t see the automessages. They only can see all other messages like, death-messages and welcome-message.
Let me look at the code and see what I did idk how I coded that
thank you for the information, IceRelic :)
and will you do an workaround for the '*'-permission-problem, so admin who have this permission, can see the automessages, too?
Julia :)