- Required Dependencies
- None
- Optional Dependencies
LegendaryMessages is a plugin that will display all kinds of messages and is 100% customizable!!! It can handle things from login messages to Messages of the day to Auto Messages and you dont need to use all the features as it is customizable.
- Login Message
- New Player Messages
- Player Counter Message
- Message of The Day
- Logout Message
- AutoMessages
- Ability to disable automessages on console (aka messages wont be seen on console)
- White-List Message
- Death Messages
- Ability to have random rotating death messages
- New Version Notification
Option to change the kick message when you type /stop- /say command formatting
Commands to edit the config in gameMySQL Player Logging Information/playerinfo command to display player informationWeb Interface- Shorten the plugin prefix
- VanishNoPacket Support for join, leave messages
- Download the plugin
- Install it to the /plugins folder
- Then do a quick server restart
- When the server has started everything is already enabled so you will see [AutoMessage] Message 1 it will be set to 1 minute interval
- To disable and customize somethings goto /plugins/LegendaryMessages/config.yml and it will look something like this
Default Config
Plugin Metrics
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
- Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Video Tutorial
(new tutorial coming soon)
Commands & Permissions
The Command /lm does the same thing as /legendarymessages
Command | Description | Permission |
/lm reload | Reload The Config | LegendaryMessages.Reload |
Hide Automessages | LegendaryMessages.AutoMessages.Hide |
- Change automessages bar api to action bar
- Title MOTD (Middle of screen text)
Webpage to display player information (if MySQL is used)More information about players joined (Date time)New Version NotificationDeath Messages- More Messages
Commands- Request Ideas Below
ill explain it to you
first the following
Enabled is if automessages is enabled ornot
barapi is if you wish to use the barapi as the automessages
ignore this interval i forgot to remove it
prefix is the prefix that shows up before the message
new line prefix is if you have multiple lines it will be on everyline if enabled
The next part is where it gets compliated
global is just a group of sample messages
the interval is for this set of messages
The use permission is for if you want this group of messages to only be displayed to people with the permission under the permission: spot if the use permission is false then the group of messages will be displayed to everyone
the list is simply the list of messages you can add or delete messages
the vip group is just another example if you dont want it delete the entire group you can also add groups just copy one of the groups and edit it to what you need the label can be what ever you need ti to be there is no limit on naming it just what is in side it has to be the right format
If you have any more questions feel free to comment hope i helped
Hi !
I just updated LM to version 5.4 and regenerated the config because AutoMessages were not working in version 5.2
But.. I don't understand how configure AutoMessages anymore :/
Here is what I currently have in my config.yml :
Could you please help me with those issues ? I'm a bit lost with these changes..
Xibalba. (sorry for my approximative english)
So if I wanted the interval to be 30 minutes, would it be 36,000 ticks?
One question. What is the interval counting by (ticks, minutes, etc.)? And also, what is the difference between the global interval and the interval 3 lines below AutoMessages?
Cool. the plugin was trying to access something under AutoMessages that didnt exist in your config
Your config seens to be out of date with automessages please backup your config delete the config.yml and restart your server so it will generate an updated config
I can do this Bukkit plugin Traditional technology??
May i see a your config.yml
I'm getting the same error...
Hello, player login messages seems to work now. However, I'm still getting this error message:
Also, AutoMessages don't seem to work
How do i edit the player count message?
New version uploaded fixes these errors
5.4 - Fixed Error on playerjoin with StorageType: file, Fixed UUID conversion it will now convert to UUID from old db records just a warning if all the players don't join before Mojang allows name changes then someone can appear as someone else forever unless the UUIDs are manually swapped the username column will be the original username
@DavidSBB Thanks I'll fix that ASAP