
Setup Guide

  1. Download the latest stable build from Bukkit Dev.
  2. Drop the plugin Jarvis.jar into your /plugins/ folder.
  3. Go to Jarvis's website and register for an account.
  4. Add your server in the dashboard, this enables remote ping monitoring, so Jarvis can notify you when your server is down.
  5. Add your notification channels in the dashboard, this tells Jarvis where he can notify you at.
  6. Validate your notification channel, this ensures Jarvis doesn't spam random people with notifications.
  7. Go to Server Preferences to activate your server. There will be a yellow box with a command you must run as op or in the server console; this will register your server's UUID and obtain server specific encryption keys to establish secure connection between your server and Jarvis.
  8. Go to Server Preferences to choose where your notifications should be delivered. You can, for example, tell Jarvis to give you urgent notifications via push notification on your phone, while give no immediate notifications for low severity notifications. You will always be able to review them in the review notifications page and your RSS feed.
  9. Tweak your notification threshold, and severity as you see fit in config.yml, and use /jarvis reload to reload the config.