History and Changelogs


2013-06-07 - Jarvis-1.0.0-Alpha-2013060301 have been approved! Don't have an account yet? Use this secret invitation registration link! ;)

2013-06-03 - Jarvis-1.0.0-Alpha-2013060301 have been submitted for review. It shades some of the packages removed in the previous update back. The package is still much smaller than InDev-2013052501. It should be available depending on approval times (3.25 days based on historical average).

2013-05-28 - Jarvis-1.0.0-InDev-2013052501 is now available for download! I've also worked with mbaxter to trim things down. A much smaller package, Jarvis-1.0.0-InDev-2013052901 is available now!

2013-05-25 - Celebrating new upload (Jarvis-1.0.0-InDev-2013052501), I am opening the flood gates a little bit more, can you find this secret invitation registration link? ;)

2013-05-20 - Jarvis-1.0.0-InDev-2013051101 is now available for download!

2013-05-14 - Jarvis-1.0.0-InDev-2013051101 is now appearing as Under Review :)

2013-05-12 - Graduated from experimental status, and waiting for approval on the file submitted yesterday! :)

2013-05-11 - Jarvis-1.0.0-InDev-2013051101 submitted for approval. I will send out invitation links to those who have expressed interests in comment section after approval.

2013-05-09 - Had visitors from out of country for the last week and half, so I haven't been doing much work. I'll be looking into publishing an early alpha build this weekend. Once I figure out how to do this effectively without opening the flood gates completely and overload my systems, I will get in touch base with those that have expressed interest :) Sorry for the delay, and thanks for your patience!

Note: Deferring Networking things to the next Minor release after initial release. There are some back-end issues cropping up on my end, so I'll need to push this off until later. Sorry! :/

2013-04-23 - Working on improving the website section's work flow... After some testing, it seems like the work flow is only immediately clear to the developer, oops.

2013-04-21 - Performance test success! Tested an early in-dev build with two popular servers over period of 1 hour and 2 hours. Both busy servers (concurrent/slots: 99/100 and 272/350) seen very minimal resource needs. For comparison, on one server, Essentials seen 11s, WorldBorder seen 8s, and Jarvis used less than 0.12s; on the other server, Factions seen 13s, MultiverseCore seen 0.788s, and Jarvis used less than 0.25s.

2013-04-12 - Project created, hello world!