
Frequently Asked Questions

More questions and answers will be added in the future.

Q: How do I reset the map?
A: The map is reset after the game has ended, back to how it was when it began.

Q: I don't understand chest classes, how do I make them?
A: Check out this page, if it doesn't have a satisfactory explanation look here.

Q: What are playlists, what do they do, how do I use them?
A: Playlists are simply a list of your arenas that will repeat in an ordered cycle. You can define them in your playlists.yml file. The setup is similar to chest classes, using arenas instead of items. The Configuration Tutorial again has a good explanation.

Q: Can I give winners items after a game? How?
A: Yes you can! There is a section within your config.yml file called WinCommands. Delete the brackets, make a new line underneath, and start adding them. These are also just like your playlists and chest classes in formatting, like this:

- examplecommand
- give <player> 264
- broadcast Congratulations <player>!

Q: When will Dedicated Server Mode be ready?
A: We can't give an exact date of its completion, it will be finished after the developer learns some new things.

Q: My arena database is reset after restarts, how can I fix it?
A: The current database system is a bit inefficient, the next update will likely make big improvements on it. For now, use this temporary fix. Initially the database,yml should be empty. Set up your arena completely then reload the server so that the database is saved, it should be full after the reload. Now copy the database.yml and name the copy as something else (like database2.yml). Now if the original database gets reset, you can copy the info from your backup into the real database.