Commands and Permissions

Arena Commands:

Use '/hbg select <Arena Name>' to select an arena before using the Admin and Mod commands.
Prefix each of these commands with /hbg.
Key: Command; Permission Node

Player commands - HBG.player.*

  • Help - Arena Specific commands.
  • Join - Command to join an active lobby.
    - HBG.player.join
  • Leave - Command to leave an Arena or to stop Spectating.
    - HBG.player.leave
  • Arenas - Lists all arenas.
    - HBG.player.list
  • Spec <Arena> - Spectates the given Arena.
    - HBG.player.spec
  • Tributes <Arena> - Views the tributes still in a game.
    - HBG.player.tributes

Mod commands - HBG.mod.*

  • Start - Starts a Game on that Arena.
    - HBG.mod.start
  • Play <playlist> - Begins a playlist.
    - HBG.mod.start
  • Select <Arena Name> - Selects an Arena for editing.
  • Classes - Lists the available chest classes for use.
    - HBG.mod.classlist
  • Playlists - Lists playlists.
    - HBG.mod.listplaylists
  • Stop <Arena Name> - Cancels a game.
    - HBG.mod.stop

Admin commands - HBG.admin.*

  • Create <Arena Name> - Creates an Arena with the given name.
    - HBG.admin.create
  • Delete - Deletes an Arena.
    - HBG.admin.delete
  • SetBoundary <square/circle> <radius> - Sets the arena boundary.
    - HBG.admin.setboundary
  • SetSpawn - Sets Player Spawns Location.
    - HBG.admin.setspawn
  • SetSpec - Sets Spectator Spawn Location.
    - HBG.admin.setspec
  • SetLobby - Sets Lobby's Spawn Location.
    - HBG.admin.setlobby
  • SetMin <Minimum number players before start> - The Minimum players Allowed.
    - HBG.admin.setlimits
  • SetMax <Maximum number players before start> - The Maximum players Allowed.
    - HBG.admin.setlimits
  • Assign <Chest Class> - Assigns a single chest to a configured Chest Class
    - HBG.admin.chestassign
  • AutoAssign <Chest Class> - Assigns all chests in an Arena to a configured Chest Class
    - HBG.admin.chestassign
  • Unassign - Unassigns a chest from all classes.
    - HBG.admin.chestassign

    Other Permissions:

    Key: Description; Permission Node

  • Allow player to edit the arena and bypass arena protection
    - HBG.mod.edit