Configuration Tutorial



Prefix - Set a prefix.
RestrictChat - Restrict chat completely when in a game
ChatRadius - Set a radius for the chat restriction when in game
ExplodeOnPlayerMove - Make player explode if they move during the countdown
Countdown - Countdown time
Delay - Time that the plugin will have players wait in the lobby before the countdown commences
DefaultMin - The default Minimum players in an arena before allowing it to start
DefaultMax - The default Maximum player in an arena
HandlePvP - Will attempt to block all pvp not in an HBG game
PlayerPerms - If false, PlayerPerms will give all players permission to use the "HBG.player" commands. (Used for the OP system or people who hate configuring permissions)
RestrictBlocks - If true, blocks will not be allowed to be broken or placed, unless they are listed in ExemptBlocks. If false, all blocks will be allowed to be broken or placed, unless they are listed in ExemptBlocks.
ExemptBlocks - A list of block IDs that are exempt from what is defined in RestrictBlocks.


Drop-in file, complete with explanation:

This file is used to create chest classes for automatic chest refilling.

- <ItemID#DataValue>;<Chance out of 100%>;<Max amount>
- <ItemID>;<Chance out of 100%>;<Max amount>

Without the < >

Example Configuration:

- 17#2;60;10
- 268;10;4
- 42;50;2
- 373#8194;100;1

In this example, a chest assigned to ChestClass1 will likely have about 6 Birch Logs with a maximum of 10 and a 2/5 chance of having a wooden sword with a maximum of 4. A chest assigned to ChestClass2 will likely have 1 iron block with a maximum of 2 and will always have 1 potion of swiftness (3 minute).


- Arena1
- Arena2
- Arena4
- MyOtherArena
- Arena3

Playlist1 and Playlist2 are the names of your playlists, make them whatever you want. The following arenas (Arena1, Arena2, etc) are the names of the arenas you use and have created.
If I had a playlist called Main and 3 arenas named VechsFirst, VechsSecond, and Custom, I could have a playlist like this:

- VechsFirst
- VechsSecond
- Custom

Playlists also loop, so when the game in Custom is finished, a game will start on VechsFirst.