
Permissions - Bans a player from <world> upon death

hcw.ban.server - Removes server lives from a player from the server upon death

hcw.ban.ignore - Does not ban a player upon death this ignores the hardcore status of a world for that person

hcw.ban.ignore.worldname - Does not ban a player from world with name worldname upon death

hcw.commands - Allows player to use ban related commands

-hcw.ban.rmvforignore - This permission (including hyphen,) when placed somewhere above the asterisk permission will allow for admins to be affected by the permission, hcw.ban.ignore - This permission (including hyphen,) when placed somewhere above the asterisk permission will allow for admins to be affected by the permission,

-hcw.ban.rmvforserver -This permission (including hyphen,) when placed somewhere above the asterisk permission will allow for admins to be affected by the permission, " hcw.ban.server"

-hcw.ban.rmvforworld.worldname - This permission (including hyphen,) when placed somewhere above the asterisk permission will allow for admins to be affected by the permission, "" example: "- -hcw.ban.removeforworldbanworld"


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