Configuring "config.yml"

Configuring "config.yml"

world names may have spaces, but are case sensitive!

node meanings:

Op Commands:true/false This overrides permissions and allows for all ops to use all banning console commands if true.

Server.Ban Duration: Integer If a player becomes server banned via death, this is how long they will stay banned. Server.Use Lives: true/false if true, and the player is in the appropriate permission group, the player will lose server lives on death Server.Lives: Integer Indicates how many server lives, by default each player has.

Worlds.<worldname>.Hardcore: true/false this indicates whether this world is governed by Hard Core Worlds
Worlds.<worldname>.Next World: World Name [optional] the world sent to when banned in current world

Worlds.<worldname>.Mob Difficulty: Name of Difficulty such as Hard, Very Hard, or "Easy Peasy" if you created a difficulty with such a name in the it in the "Mob Difficulty.yml" file. This only matters if Hardcore == true

Worlds.<worldname>.Ban Duration: double This is the number of hours the player is auto banned for, when dying in this world, if Hardcore == true. A negative value indicates a permanent ban.

Worlds.<worldname>.Lives: Integer This is the default number of lives everyone starts with in this world if it is hardcore.

Worlds.<worldname>.MinHP: Integer This is the minimum number of half hearts virtual hunger will bring you down to for this world, if not set reverts to default of 0

Example Configuration

Op Commands: true

  Ban Duration: 24
  Use Lives: false
  Lives: 5

    Hardcore: false
    Mob Difficulty: Hard
    Ban Duration: -1
    Lives: 1
  Hardcore World 1:
    Hardcore: true
    Ban Duration: -1
    Mob Difficulty: Hard
    Lives: 5
    MinHP: 2
    Next World: Hardcore World 2
 Hardcore World 2:
    Hardcore: true
    Mob Difficulty: Easy Peasy
    Ban Duration: 0.25
     Lives: 1
    Hardcore: true
    Mob Difficulty: Very Hard
    Ban Duration: 2
    Lives: 0


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