Configuring "Ban.yml"

Configuring "Ban.yml"

If you want to ban someone for ever, set the "ban began" time to a time after the "ban end" time. An ubannable world is required for this world to function properly. This is a world where the player will return to after he is banned from the world he is currently in when he dies.

In this configuration example, player Cayviel is banned from CrazyWorld forever; banned from CrazyOtherWorld for 10 hours; and banned from the server, but when he logs in, it will see that his time is up and he can join the server again and will erase that section from the config. Cayviel is not banned from the world 'goaway' though

Lives Remaining is self explanatory. This is the number of lives the player has remaining in the specified world.

Example configuration

Unbannable World: world
      Use Lives:true  #if this configuration option is present, it will override the value specified in config.yml, for this player only.
      Lives: 4 # this is the number of lives this player has left on the server.
        Banned: true
        Ban Began: 131
        Ban Ends: 130
        Lives Remaining: 8
        Banned: true
        Ban Began: 131
        Ban Ends: 141
        Lives Remaining: 1
        Banned: false
      Ban: true
      Ban Began: 131
      Ban Ends: 131


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