Original Plugin By Mushroom Hostage. Maintained And Continued By DSH105
EnchantMore adds dozens of new item enchantment effects; on flint & steel, hoes, shears, fishing rods, and other items…Ranging from entertainingly destructive to legitimately useful.
Download EnchantMore 2.0 - released 2013/04/19 for 1.5.1-R0.
- Over 80 unique enchantment/item combinations
- Items in inventory appear as expected (glowing + descriptive tooltip)
- No client mods required
- Only adds functionality, does not change any - all your existing enchanted tools work as expected
- Any effects can be disabled in the Configuration File
- Supports enchantments on modded items
Effect List
An enchanting command is in the making, but at the moment, other enchanting plugins or inventory editors must be used
- EasyEnchant - see the Exception section in the config to enable/disable
- Tim The Enchanter - /enchant command for ops
- Auto Enchanter - set "unsafe" to true in config
- General - supported in v4.3+, enable in config
If you know of any other compatible plugins, let me know and I'll add them here. (If you're writing an enchanting plugin, use addUnsafeEnchantment() and ignore canEnchantItem(), then it should be compatible with EnchantMore.)
- Not all enchantments reasonably combine with one another
- No permission support
- Some effects are overpowered or unstable; be careful!
For all known issues or to file a new bug see Tickets.
All permissions are in this form: enchantmore.<category or item>.<enchantment>.
Item names are identical to those in the default configuration file, for example enchantmore.flintandsteel.aquaaffinity.
The method that forms the permissions can be found here on the GitHub source.
Slot Data protocol reference
Other relevant plugins of interest pertaining to enchantments:
- Sublimation - silk touch ice, no longer overpowered
- SilkSpawners - pickup and move mob spawners with silk touch
Got a cool idea for a new effect? I can't promise I'll implement everything, but all suggestions are welcome! Feel free to discuss your ideas below, or open a ticket for more specific requests. Including the specific item + enchantment name is appreciated, preferably from the available wanted effects list.
Also interested in new potions? Try PotionsPlus.
Testers For EnchantMore 2.0
A huge thank you to the following people for helping me get EnchantMore 2.0 tested and finished!
when will it be available for 1.6.4
How do i get the potion particles and Rocket boots wont work with me idk why ? and how do i remove the message that come when i right click a person the the infinity sword and i want to make it that it becomes invisible to everyone not only the person that you click if you can do it please send me a link to a download jar or help me out
i fixed it got to config file and set the use permission: false
i Fixed IT go to the config file and set usepermission : false
You need to have a enchanter plugin such as TimTheEnchanter
Create please when people are enchanting item in enchant table...
I didnt get it how to enchant item...
anyone knows the problem , i gave all my groups permissions and when we are using ex. shovel with silktouch it says [enchantmore] Effect DIAMOND_SPADE (277) + enchantment[33,silk_touch] =325058560 requires enchantmore.shovel.silktouch ? i gave them the permission....
Hello, I have 1 question. Is it possible to some how enable sound effect for the enchantments? Some of you will know a server LOLPVP that the enchantments have sounds using this plugin. Any help will be helpful. Thank you
okey, do u have any permissions wiki ? so u just can copy the permissions over to the folder :)?
@blomman2 Not sure. I'll have a look.
i have put in permissions in my group but still get the [enchantmore] Effect DIAMOND_PICKAXE (278) + Enchantment [33, silk_touch]=32601736 requires enchantmore.pickaxe.silk touch ?? why
I'm having trouble for the permissions. When i try to do Enchantmore.axe.aquaaffinity on GroupManager, The permission doesn't seem to work. Please tell me what to do to fix this?
You are the best damn plugin creator here! Keep going!
Yes thatnks mate thats what I needed to know
@Ubique1964 Use a Permissions plugin to give them the permissions for certain items. Structuring of permissions is mentioned above.
Wonderful and quirky ideas. Thank you so much for all of your work and time.
Am I able to use this with a web based donation/purchase plugin like Buycraft?
@Aya1379 I uploaded a new file yesterday fixing that. Hopefully it will be approved soon.
↓same as me