

/dynamiceconomy or /dynecon
Shows help screen with all commands and usages.
Reloads all of the DynamicEconomy configuration files into memory for use in-game.
Yes, that means if you manually edit Items.yml, config.yml or any other config manually while the server is running, you can load those new values into the running version of DE straight from the game via this command.
/price [Item] [Type] (Amount)
Shows the price, stock (if on), and description of a given item. Calculates the amount you will earn from [type] and [amount]. If type is "sell", it will tell you how much you will earn from selling [amount], and similarly with price, but it will tell you cost.
/price stone
/price stone sell
/price stone buy 500
/price stone sell all
/setceiling [Item] [PriceCeiling]
Sets the maximum price of an item.
The dynamically generated price will not surpass this ceiling.
/setceiling stone 100
/setfloor [Item] [PriceFloor]
Sets the minimum price of an item.
The dynamically generated price will not surpass this floor.
/setfloor stone .01
/getceiling [Item]
Finds the current ceiling of the item based on items.yml
/getceiling stone
/getfloor [Item]
Finds the current floor of the item based on items.yml
/getfloor Stone
/getspan [Item]
Finds the current price span of the item.
/getspan stone
/setspan [Item] [Span]
Sets the span of the given item.
Span is a special field used by EnderEngine for price calculations
/setspan stone 50
/buy [Item] (Amount)
Buys a certain amount of the item
If amount is left out, the amount purchased is the default amount specified in config.yml
/buy stone or /buy stone 5
/buy stone all
/sell [Item] (Amount)
Sells a certain amount of the item.
If amount is left out, the amount sold is the default amount specified in config.yml
/sell stone or /sell stone 5
/sell stone all
/addstock [Item] [amount]
Adds a certain amount of stock to an item
/addstock stone 500
/removestock [Item] [amount]
Removes a certain amount of stock from an item
/removestock stone 300
/getdurability (armor/helmet/chestplate/leggings/boots)
Finds the durability of either a) the item in your hand, or b) the item you chose in the optional argument
/getdurability will tell you the durability of the item in your hand as a % of total, as well as uses remaining out of total uses.
/getdurability armor will tell you the durability of all armor equipped (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots).
/getdurability helmet will tell you the durability of your helmet (equipped). If not equipped, it'll tell you that you do not have a helmet equipped.
Tells you if there is an update available for DynamicEconomy
Downloads the latest version of DynamicEconomy
Shows user current sales and purchase taxes
/settax [region|"global"] [sale|purchase] [amount]
This lets you set the sale or purchase tax for either a specific region or globally.
/settax global sale .5 would set the global salestax to 50%
/settax elephantstore purchase .25 would set the purchasetax in the region "elephantstore" to 25%
/shopregion [name]
Lets user define an economy region (must have selected both corners to use)
/removeshopregion [name]
Lets you remove a given shop region
Tells you your currently selected region corners
Tells you information about the region you are currently in (if any)
Information includes the X, Y, and Z range of the region, as well as all the flags of the region (taxes, allows groups, banned items)
Gives you a wooden spade, to use as a wand for region selection
/expandreg [up|down|south|north|west|east|vert] (amount)
Expands the region in the direction passed, by the given amount
"vert" expands the region from bedrock to sky limit
/contractreg [up|down|south|north|west|east] (amount)
Contracts the region in the direction passed, by the given amount.
/loan [amount]
Takes a loan for the given amount
/curloans (loan #)
If no loan #, lists all current loans.
If given a loan #, gives you info on that specific loan
Tells you current interest rate
Tells you the world you are currently in.
/banitem [Item] [Sale|Purchase]
Bans an item from either sale or purchase
/banitem diamond sale would ban a diamond from being sold, whereas
/banitem diamond purchase would ban a diamond from being bought.
/unbanitem [Item] [Sale|Purchase]
Unbans an item from either sale or purchase
/unbanitem diamond sale would unban diamond (if banned) from sale, therefore letting it be sold again, whereas
/unbanitem diamond purchase would unban a diamond (if banned) from being bought, therefore letting it be bought again.
Toggles quiet mode. If in quiet mode, you will not get global price notifications. If not in quiet mode, you will.
Turns off/on the shopregion wand (wooden spade), so left or right clicking with it will not select a region.
/addalias [Alias] [Item]
Adds an alias for an item.
/addalias elephant diamond would create the alias "elephant" for the item "diamond". So, if you ever called anything with elephant (aka, /buy elephant, /sell elephant, /price elephant) then DE would recognize that elephant means diamond.
/removealias [Alias]
Removes an alias, if it exists.
/canibuy [Item]
When called, it will tell you if you can or can't buy an item.
The primary purpose of this command was to let users find out if they can or can't buy an item based on the Item Groups you assign to them. However, this command will also tell a user they cannot buy an item if it is banned.
/canisell [Item]
When called, it will tell you if you can or can't buy an item.
The primary purpose of this command was to let users find out if they can or can't sell an item based on the Item Groups you assign to them. However, this command will also tell a user they cannot sell an item if it is banned.
/creategroup [ItemGroupName]
This creates an empty Item Group in groups.yml with the name you specify.
/creategroup ores would make a new item group called "ores"
You can then use the /addtogroup command to add items to this group.
/removegroup [ItemGroupName]
This removes the specified item group, if it exists.
/removegroup ores would remove the item group ores, assuming it actually exists.
/addtogroup [ItemGroupName] [Item]
This command adds an item to an item group.
/addtogroup ores goldore would add the item "goldore" to the group "ores".
/removefromgroup [ItemGroupName] [Item]
This command will remove the specified item from the specified item group, if it is actually in that group.
/removefromgroup ores goldore would remove the item "goldore" from the item group "ores", if it's actually in it.
/addgrouptouser [User] [ItemGroupName] [Purchase|Sale]
This will give a user the ability to buy or sell items in the specified group.
/addgrouptouser ksafin ores purchase would let user "ksafin" buy items in group "ores". If you want a user to be able to both sell and buy items from a group, you need to call the command twice, once for "purchase" and once for "sale". This is because DE lets you limit users to only selling or only buying from groups, so you can declare them separately.
/removegroupfromuser [User] [ItemGroupName] [Purchase|Sale]
This will take away the ability of a user to buy or sell items in the specified group.
/removegroupfromuser ksafin ores purchase would remove the user "ksafin"'s ability to buy stuff from group "ores", assuming he actually had that ability.
/viewgroup [ItemGroupName] (Page)
This command lets you view the items that belong to a specific group.
/viewgroup ores would show you the first five items belonging to the group "ores". If you leave out the page argument, like in this example, DE will by default show page 1 (since each page shows five, this means that this first page will show the first five)
/viewgroup ores 2 would show the second five items belonging the group "ores", or, items 5-10.
/addregiongroup [Region] [Sale|Purchase] [ItemGroupName]
This lets you add a group to the list of groups allowed to be bought/sold within a specified region.
/addregiongroup elephantstore purchase ores would add the group "ores" to the allowed purchase groups of the region "elephantstore". This means that users in this region would be able to buy items from the group "ores".
/removeregiongroup [Region] [Sale|Purchase] [ItemGroupName]
This removes a group from the list of groups allowed to be bought/sold within a specified region.
/removeregiongroup elephantstore sale ores would remove the group "ores" from the allowed sale groups of the region "elephantstore". This means that users in this region will no longer be able to sell items in the "ores" group while in this region.
/banregionitem [Region] [Sale|Purchase] [Item]
This command bans a specific item from purchase or sale in a specific region
/banregionitem elephantstore sale diamond would ban diamond from being sold in the region "elephantstore"
/unbanregionitem [Region] [Sale|Purchase] [Item]
This command unbans a specific item from purchase or sale in a specific region
/unbanregionitem elephantstore sale diamond would unban diamond from being sold in the region "elephantstore", therefore allowing people to once again sell diamond in this region.
/buyenchantment [Enchantment] [Level]
This command buys the enchantment specified, at the specified level, and applies it to the item being held.
You must be holding the item to be enchanted, or this command will refuse to go through. The enchantment must also be applicable to the item.
For level, you may use either roman numerals I-V or numbers 1-5
The price of an enchantment will be its market price times the level. So a level 1 enchantment is the market price, but a level 5 enchantment is five times that.
/sellenchantment [Enchantment]
This command sells the enchantment specified from the given item, if it has this enchantment applied.
You must be holding the item to sell the enchantment from, and it must have the enchantment.
The price you will receive will be equal to the market price times the level of the enchantment, as mentioned above.
/priceenchantment [Enchantment] [Level] (Buy|Sell)
This command shows information about the enchantment specified.
An optional field of "buy" or "sell" will indicate the total cost/sale of buying/selling the enchantment specified.
This command re-calculates the prices of all items in your Items.yml based on their stock (using the EnderEngine calculation)
Use this if there seems to be an inconsistency or a price didn't update.


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