
This file stored information for regions define in-game with /shopregion

Generally, I don't recommend changing values within it, as it's hard to visualize the 3D cuboid using the numbered coordinates, but feel free if necessary!

Here's an example region:


Corner1 & Corner2 give the coordinates of the two corner blocks of the cuboid.

xMax, yMax, and zMax are the maximum respective values from both regions. So, out of the two corners, x = -156 and x = -149. -149 > -156, so -145 is assigned to xMax, and -156 is assigned to xMin. Such is done for all coordinates (X, Y, Z)

Region flags are new to DE as of v .8.7. Here are the region flags, what they do, and how to change them:

This is the purchasetax for the region. If you have regions and region flags enabled in config.yml, then when a user purchases items in this region, this tax will be applied to the purchase.
You can manually edit it to a value between 0 and 1 where 0 is 0% and 1 is 100%.
Additionally, you can call /settax regionName purchase amount where regionName is the region whose tax you wish to set, 'purchase' is which type of tax you wish to set, and amount is the amount between 0 and 1 to set it to.
This is the salestax for the region. If you have regions and region flags enabled in config.yml, then when a user sells items in this region, this tax will be applied to the sale.
You can manually edit it to a value between 0 and 1 where 0 is 0% and 1 is 100%.
Additionally, you can call /settax regionName sale amount where regionName is the region whose tax you wish to set, 'sale' is which type of tax you wish to set, and amount is the amount between 0 and 1 to set it to.
This is a list of items banned from sale in this region. If you have regions and region flags enabled, then when a user sells items in this region, they will not be able to sell the items listed here.
You can manually edit this to be a list of items (Note: you can use alias names)
Additionally, you can call /banregionitem regionName sale item where regionName is the region in which you wish to ban the item, 'sale' is what you're banning the item from, and "item" is the name of the item. (Note: you can use alias names when passing the item name)
Also, the command /unbanregionitem [regionName] [Sale] [Item] can be used in-game to unban the item.
This is a list of items banned from purchase in this region. If you have regions and region flags enabled, then when a user sells items in this region, they will not be able to buy the items listed here.
You can manually edit this to be a list of items (Note: you can use alias names)
Additionally, you can call /banregionitem regionName purchase item where regionName is the region in which you wish to ban the item, 'purchase' is what you're banning the item from, and "item" is the name of the item. (Note: you can use alias names when passing the item name)
Also, the command /unbanregionitem [regionName] [Purchase] [Item] can be used in-game to unban the item.
This is a list of the only item groups allowed to be purchased in this region. If you have regions, region flags, AND group control enabled in config.yml, then users will only be able to buy items that are included in the Item Groups listed here.
You can manually edit this by adding a new line with the right amount of spaces, a hyphen ( - ) and then the ALL CAPS name of the Item group.
Additionally, you can call /addregiongroup [Region] [Purchase] [ItemGroupName] where regionName is the region to which you wish to add the allowed purchase group, 'purchase' is the allowed-list you're adding to, and ItemGroupName is the name of the item group you're adding, as found in groups.yml.
You can similarly remove a group by calling /removeregiongroup [Region] [Purchase] [ItemGroupName] in-game.
This is a list of the only item groups allowed to be sold in this region. If you have regions, region flags, AND group control enabled in config.yml, then users will only be able to sell items that are included in the Item Groups listed here.
You can manually edit this by adding a new line with the right amount of spaces, a hyphen ( - ) and then the ALL CAPS name of the Item group.
Additionally, you can call /addregiongroup [Region] [Sale] [ItemGroupName] where regionName is the region to which you wish to add the allowed purchase group, 'sale' is the allowed-list you're adding to, and ItemGroupName is the name of the item group you're adding, as found in groups.yml.
You can similarly remove a group by calling /removeregiongroup [Region] [Sale] [ItemGroupName] in-game.

NOTE: Notice that in both allowed item group lists, the group ' * ' is enabled by default. This is a special group that means "ALL" groups.


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